
One Night Stand: Alpha trapped me

Eranthe and Colin's story began with a ludicrous act of revenge. The next time she saw Colin was at her boyfriend's birthday party. She knew him only as a wealthy man with high status, and he was captivated by her beauty. They engaged in a game of mutual manipulation, beginning an adult game. Eranthe: I took the initiative to call Colin and had a one-night stand with him, deliberately allowing my boyfriend to catch us. Seeing his angry and frustrated reaction was so satisfying and joyful. I had finally taken revenge on that cheating scoundrel. But why did things start slipping out of my control? The one-night stand with Colin was just an adult game, so why take it seriously? I found that I couldn't get rid of you. Alright, let the game continue. If you can't submit to me, there will be no survivors in this game. Colin: Eranthe thought I was just a tool she used to get back at her ex-boyfriend for betraying her. No, she was wrong! In reality, I don't belong to the human world. I blend among humans in the hope of finding my Luna. At first, I used a little trick to make her approach me and fall into my love trap. She didn't know that I had loved her for many, many years. She's the only one in my heart, the apple in my eyes. I've always longed to be with her, to win her heart. My lifelong wish is to have her as my Luna, be with her forever, and be the mother of my Alpha child.

SilviaYEsther · 都市
7 Chs

Chapter 6: I helped you again. What will you offer me in return?

Dylan was completely stunned and, when he finally reacted, attempted to counterattack.

The screams in the private room immediately erupted.

In the midst of the chaos, the door was kicked open directly.

Frank was about to speak when he heard Eranthe's bold statement. He rushed in first.

His gaze, filled with ambiguity, landed on the guy behind him, and he whistled.

"Dylan, quite a lively scene you've got here. Why didn't you call us out to play?" he said.

As he spoke, the person behind him restrained the bouncers in the room, patting him on the shoulder to make him step aside.

The onlookers, who were initially considering joining the commotion, suddenly fell silent.

They watched as Colin, entering with Frank, calmly took a seat.

The air in the room instantly grew tense, and a vacant spot was willingly created at the center.

Colin nonchalantly sat down, his distinctive features blending into the vibrant lights of the room, casting a mysterious allure.

Judging by his attire, he had likely just finished some business engagements. He looked a bit uncomfortable, adjusting his tie.

In the next moment, he spoke, "Come here."

The tone left everyone in the room exchanging puzzled glances, unsure of who he was addressing.

Dylan stared intently at Eranthe. In these past few days, he had been itching to obliterate this woman. No wonder she dared to come alone; she had secretly summoned Colin!

All eyes were practically fixed on Eranthe, astonished at when she got involved with Colin.

The tone suggested a relationship beyond the ordinary.

Eranthe was also confused. Before confronting Dylan, she only intended to vent her frustration. She had already anticipated the consequences—

She and Dylan would clash, and no one would come out unscathed.

However, she didn't expect Colin to show up, and she wasn't sure if he heard her blunt and reckless utterances just now.

Colin's gaze had already met hers, and Eranthe found herself a bit awkward, not knowing where to place her eyes.

"Do I have to personally come and catch you?"

If the dynamics between these three weren't apparent, everyone in the private room might as well have been wasting their time.

No wonder this woman dared to challenge Dylan on his turf, having Colin by her side. The question remained whether it was a one-time affair or a more regular occurrence.

Today might not end well.

Frank smirked, "Come over and sit, we're here for you."

He was clearly stating his position.

Taking a deep breath, Eranthe didn't look at Dylan anymore. She walked directly towards Colin and took a seat next to him.

Fortunes change quickly. Just a moment ago, the woman who was being ridiculed and laughed at by everyone is now sitting in the main seat, watching them.

Some people may want to get closer, but considering the current situation, it's not the time for conversation.

As soon as she sat down, the refreshing hibiscus fragrance emanating from Colin's body reached her, causing her to stiffen her back instantly.

Frank glanced at the group of people standing on the side, found a place to sit, and said, "What are you all staring at? Weren't we having a good time just now? Sit down."

Dylan was still standing there, stunned.

He was scratched several times by Eranthe just now, and his whole body was drenched in alcohol. He had lost face in front of everyone. How could he swallow this anger?

If it weren't for Colin suddenly appearing, he would have already stripped Eranthe and humiliated her in front of everyone.

In the current situation, no one cares about Dylan anymore. Everyone is just watching Colin's expression, as if Dylan doesn't exist.

The music was turned on again by the waiter, and the party must go on. They couldn't let the atmosphere cool down; otherwise, no one would have a good night.

Frank's teasing gaze landed on Eranthe. He had said that this woman was not simple, able to make Mr. Rodriguez, the number one figure, rush over.

But obviously, Mr. Rodriguez wasn't appreciative.

Perhaps because people around them started talking, Eranthe let out a slight breath.

"You've got guts, coming alone to a place like this." The man's breath suddenly sprayed on her ear, making Eranthe shiver. When did he get so close to her?

Colin's declaration of sovereignty was equivalent to an external proclamation: Eranthe, this woman, now belongs to him, at least for tonight.

Dylan's eyes turned red. "Mr. Rodriguez, for a woman, you're willing to give up even your brothers?"


Does Dylan dare to think himself Colin's brotherhood?

It sounds extremely ridiculous!

The private room fell silent again, resembling a battlefield.

In the past, they used to hang out together, but everyone was clear that, except for Frank present in the room and a few other big potatoes in Assyria city, no one had the qualification to be considered brothers with Colin.

Someone signaled to Dylan, but he knew that at this critical moment, if he backed down and let Eranthe go, he wouldn't be able to hold his head up in the future.

Colin didn't even look at Dylan. Dylan's friend stood up, saying, "That's enough. Do you want to offend Colin? Let's go."

Dylan pushed the person away and approached to drag Eranthe out with strong force.

Some female attendants had already screamed.

Eranthe tensed up, but in the next moment, she was pulled into a strong embrace.

Colin's glasses glinted under the lights, and his well-trained bodyguards promptly moved in to drag Dylan aside and set him under control.

"Colin!!" Dylan roared, still struggling to get closer, but he could only flap around in place in vain. He couldn't approach.

Colin ignored Dylan's stare, only fixing his gaze on Eranthe's face. He drew closer to her, his expression becoming increasingly suggestive.

"I helped you again. What will you offer in return this time?" The man's low, hoarse voice brushed past Eranthe's ear, and she met his gaze as he leaned in for a kiss without allowing her to say another one word.