
One Night Stand: Alpha trapped me

Eranthe and Colin's story began with a ludicrous act of revenge. The next time she saw Colin was at her boyfriend's birthday party. She knew him only as a wealthy man with high status, and he was captivated by her beauty. They engaged in a game of mutual manipulation, beginning an adult game. Eranthe: I took the initiative to call Colin and had a one-night stand with him, deliberately allowing my boyfriend to catch us. Seeing his angry and frustrated reaction was so satisfying and joyful. I had finally taken revenge on that cheating scoundrel. But why did things start slipping out of my control? The one-night stand with Colin was just an adult game, so why take it seriously? I found that I couldn't get rid of you. Alright, let the game continue. If you can't submit to me, there will be no survivors in this game. Colin: Eranthe thought I was just a tool she used to get back at her ex-boyfriend for betraying her. No, she was wrong! In reality, I don't belong to the human world. I blend among humans in the hope of finding my Luna. At first, I used a little trick to make her approach me and fall into my love trap. She didn't know that I had loved her for many, many years. She's the only one in my heart, the apple in my eyes. I've always longed to be with her, to win her heart. My lifelong wish is to have her as my Luna, be with her forever, and be the mother of my Alpha child.

SilviaYEsther · 都市
7 Chs

Chapter 2: Your good friend requests one night stand with your girlfriend again

He immediately closed the chat window.


[Did I hit the mark?]

Frank was itching to turn his head and directly inquire about the details from Colin. However, amidst the bombardment of messages, he found out that Colin had blocked him.


Frank changed tactics and directly shared this message in the online group of his friends.

[Congratulations to our Colin Rodriguez for experiencing a rare moment of infatuation and falling under the spell of a woman.]

This message indeed attracted a cascade of questions, and it seemed the group exploded like a bunch of submerged torpedoes that had been triggered.

with many asking who this celestial being was and whether Frank was talking nonsense while drunk.

Who's this Colin guy? Frank has never seen him satisfied with anyone since he was a kid.

Frank glanced at Eranthe through the rearview mirror.

Speaking of which, when Dylan Miller first brought her here, she was quite stunning, to say the least. It's not about her being exceptionally beautiful, but the aura she carries. Even when wearing the most formal clothes, it still exudes an alluring charm.

Women like her naturally trigger a man's conquest instinct. Besides, her gaze isn't deliberately seductive; it's like a cat, both aloof and unapproachable.

Frank thought that Dylan wouldn't be able to control a woman like this, but he never expected her to end up with Colin.

The messages on his phone continued to pop up, and Eranthe in the back seat started feeling uneasy because it seemed like Colin was watching her.

Colin did indeed have his eyes on Eranthe. Time passed second by second, and Eranthe felt a sensation akin to being stared at by a black panther in the jungle, waiting for the opportune moment to snatch its prey.

When Eranthe mustered the courage to turn and ask what he was looking at, she found that he had closed his eyes, leaning back in the seat to rest.

For some reason, she inexplicably sighed with relief, perhaps having overthought the situation.

Once they get off the car, they would each go their separate ways, and no more entanglements would be the best outcome. Besides, a man like Colin would definitely not lack for casual companionship.

Midway, Frank got off the car. Eranthe blatantly ignored his teasing glances, planning to have the driver stop at the next intersection. She could take the subway back home, and it would be the perfect solution—no more suffocating moments with Colin.

"Address?" His tone was cold, devoid of any emotional fluctuations.

"No need. I'll get off here, and..." Eranthe hesitated as Colin looked over, his eyebrows slightly raised. The words she was about to say suddenly got stuck in her throat.

"Sharon No. 3."

The partition slowly rose, and Eranthe stared at Colin in surprise. He tugged at his collar with a hint of impatience. "Are you afraid of me?"

"No." Eranthe was unsure of Colin's intentions.

Surely, he wouldn't expect her to write a report on last night's events for his approval.

Upon hearing her response, the man chuckled lightly. Coupled with his consistently indifferent face, everything seemed so surreal.

"Last night, weren't you bold enough?"

After a brief silence, Eranthe lifted her eyelids and said, "If I remember correctly, Mr. Rodriguez and I had a mutual agreement. You wouldn't be thinking of settling scores now, would you?"

She and Dylan had each cheated on the other with an unmistakable affair, but she chose to take advantage of Colin Rodriguez, who Dylan couldn't afford to provoke. The only miscalculation was that Colin, who should have stayed out of it, ended up at once in front of her.

Colin didn't immediately respond. The car continued to drive smoothly, and just when Eranthe thought he wouldn't say anything more, he uttered something that surprised her.

"Do you mind trying long-term sex partnership?"

Eranthe stared at him as if seeing a ghost. She hadn't expected Colin, as rumored, to propose such a request.

However, she had no intention of delving deeper into Dylan's entire social circle, so without much thought, she replied, "I refuse."

At the same time, Eranthe's phone vibrated, displaying an unfamiliar number. This time, the caller didn't leave room for Eranthe to reject; they opted for a text message.

[You're not answering the phone, huh? I'm waiting for you at your residential gate. If you dare, don't come back.]

[I have ways to deal with you. Don't think that just because you're with Colin, he'll take you seriously. Does he lack a woman like you?]

He's really a lunatic.

Eranthe took a deep breath. As Colin shifted his gaze away, her hand moved up to his thigh. "I think I should take back what I said earlier. Do you want to come to my place?"

Since sending that message, Eranthe felt like things were spiraling out of control.

Their reflections in the elevator mirror, separated only by a small suitcase, carried a thick sense of ambiguity.

The feeling of being watched by someone predatory came back.

However, compared to Dylan, who could emerge from the corner at any moment, Eranthe would rather bring Colin home upstairs.


The elevator stopped in the middle, and a group of people entered.

Eranthe stepped back, but her waist was firmly held by a pair of large hands.

She stiffened, feeling the familiar scent lingering around her, as if those hands were playing near the zipper on her side through the thin fabric.

Eranthe felt absurd and even suspected if she was hallucinating.

On the smooth mirror surface of the elevator, the man looked elegant and cold, dressed meticulously. No one could imagine what his hands were doing.

"Aren't you going to work today?" a neighbor living upstairs greeted, glancing at Colin.

"Your new boyfriend? Quite good, quite good."

Eranthe couldn't force a smile. Colin's hand was gradually moving upward.

"We are just friends," Colin responded in a low tone.

The neighbor gossiped, "Get it, understood. You young folks and your romance."

Eranthe: ...

Fortunately, the elevator had reached the floor.

Eranthe whispered, "We're here."

"Mm." Colin only gave a low acknowledgment, picked up her suitcase, and with his other hand, shielded her from the crowd, exiting the elevator.

Eranthe's residence had a layout of one staircase serving two households.

Colin glanced at the door number.

As soon as she opened the door, she was pressed against the entry area by the man.

The motion sensor lights instantly turned on, the door closed with a thud, and his heated breath sprayed on her ear.

"Just friends?" His hand successfully reached the zipper. "Can friends like me visit your place like this?"

The soft and thin fabric fell to her ankles as his hand slipped into the bend of her knee, lifting her up. Her long hair traced an arc in the air, meeting his gaze directly.

"Why the change of heart again?" Colin asked directly.

Eranthe couldn't articulate it. She couldn't replace one trouble with an even bigger one, Could she?

Her fingers instinctively traced a line on his shoulder. With her clear, bright eyes locked onto him and her enticing face, she was indeed a living aphrodisiac.

He wasn't sure if other men could resist this temptation, but he felt that his years of self-control had become a joke.

Her breath deeply stimulated him, and with his werewolf instincts, he knew she was his desired mate.

The temptation she exuded caused every muscle in his body to tense, and he almost revealed his wolf form.

It was ridiculous; his years of prowess were almost compromised in front of her. After all, he was the supreme and mighty Alpha among all the packs!

"Mr. Rodriguez, do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

Colin lightly chuckled, flipping her over and supporting her with a hand. His movements were slow and unrestrained, catching Eranthe off guard.

"Not that... thing..." she reminded him in a hushed tone, not expecting this man to remember to take safety measures now.

"Take care of it yourself."

Colin handed her a wallet, and Eranthe hastily opened it, indeed finding what she was looking for inside.

Ah,Men, no matter how morally upright they pretended to be, never seemed to forget these things.

Colin could tell from her expression what she was thinking, but he didn't need to explain himself.

He came prepared, and there was nothing wrong with admitting it.

He tore apart her dress, unhooked her bra with force, squeezing and pressing firmly. He fiercely sucked on her lips, his tongue probing deep into her mouth, stealing away all her breath until she was breathless.

His fingers slipped into her private territory, vibrating, stirring her senses uncontrollably.

The desire between them ignited, his hips grinding against hers, delivering intense impacts on her.

Lost in a haze of emotions, she was completely under his control. Heavy breaths and coquettish moans surged through the room in hot waves.

Just then, the phone placed on the cabinet near the door rang.

Neither of them had any intention of answering it, but the person on the other side seemed determined not to give up.

Eranthe frowned, already knowing who it was.

For some reason, Dylan failed to intercept her at the entrance of the residential area and began bombarding her with calls.

As Eranthe resisted him, Colin took a sharp breath, impatiently extending his arm to press the answer button.

The caller, probably not expecting Eranthe to answer, hesitated for a moment before launching into a furious tirade, abandoning the gentlemanly demeanor he used to possess.

He seemed to be going killing due to interrupted.

"Eranthe, you still know how to answer my phone!? Did you dare to bring Colin upstairs just now? What was he doing up there? What do you two want after staying for so long? Eranthe, let me tell you, without me, you can't take a step in the company. Do you still want to be promoted to the administrative supervisor this year? Show some sense, quickly send Colin away!"