
One Night in London: Dalton and Edward

No one's ever expected much from Dalton Irving, the reserved, sheltered, and bookish heir to the family fortune. So in order to secure their place in London's society, the Irvings have arranged for Dalton to marry the brother of a viscount. A man who comes from a family with a title and with quite the scandalous reputation. A man Dalton doesn't know. A man who's very publicly announced that he doesn't want to get married, least of all to Dalton, right in the middle of their engagement ball.<br><br>In an attempt to flee whispered words and sudden gossip and unexpected hurt from venomous words, Dalton finds comfort from the very last person he would have expected -- the wry, reclusive, and unsocial Edward Whitman, Duke of Wellingham.<br><br>Edward Whitman doesn't like most people on his best days. They're dull and predictable and care only about money and status. Tonight, however, is the engagement ball for his best friend's brother, so he'll make an appearance to assure the night's success even if the idea of anyone marrying young Dalton Irving puts a strange ache in the pit of his stomach.<br><br>But after Dalton's intended makes a mess of the ball, Edward suddenly finds himself alone with the young man, drawn to his wide-eyed curiosity and kindhearted generosity, his rambling and odd musings. Neither of them can imagine what this evening has in store for anyone, and all it takes is one night in London to change everything.

K.S. Murphy · LGBT+
36 Chs

Chapter 29

He liked the idea of evening strolls through the park and swimming in that lake with him. Of visiting museums to see priceless works of art and attending a theatre premiere with him. Of trips to the country and the ocean and to other cities and countries. Of rainy afternoons and snowy nights and sunny days. Of dancing together on their wedding night.

And of holding hands with him while they just sat together in the library and chatted the night away. 6

Much to Edward’s surprise, Dalton hadn’t asked the question people had wondered about for years. Oh, he’d asked him questions all right. Lots and lots of them. Dalton now knew how Edward enjoyed walking barefoot in the grass, that his favorite dessert was apricot ice, and that he once snuck out of his dormitory to watch the snow. Dalton’s eyes had glistened like the snow in the moonlight.