
One Laugh Man

What would happen if Saitama became Jokerized? When the Joker appears and wreaks havoc in the One Punch Man universe, Saitama springs into action and easily defeats the clown prince of Gotham, but not before the laughing villain manages to spray him with a peculiar gas. With his dying breath, the Joker uses the same device that he used to enter Saitama's world to teleport them back to Gotham city, where the caped baldy struggles to get his bearings on the alternate Earth, all while the strange concoction that he was hit with begins to transform him into something truly horrifying.

Sneekurp · アニメ·コミックス
52 Chs

World War Saitama: Part 1

Breathing sharply through his nose, Saitama closed his eyes as his face contorted into a wide smile while a pleasantly-cool tropical breeze rustled his magenta cape from his perch at the top of his mansion. On the horizon near the shore of Dominica, a massive fleet had anchored down and appeared ready to attack at a moment's notice.

"The world must really see you as a threat now, this turnout is even bigger than the last," Dabi stated from one of the manor's balconies.

"I'm just here to watch," Ryuk added as his bulging eyes scanned the gathered invasion force. "It's about to be a busy day."

Place your bets, everyone, will the Earth surrender after I pummel this army into a bloody pulp?" the bald villain asked his two accomplices. "Or, are they going to keep on fighting until the last poor person standing? Let's find out then, HAHA!"

A distant siren echoed from the deck of one of the massive aircraft carriers that floated at the front of the fleet, an apparent signal for an attack as a barrage of missiles was launched from several surface to air launchers on the flight deck. Watching the stream of weapons fall towards the mansion, a single punch from Saitama was all that it took to annihilate the hundreds of missiles, where a giant chain of explosions sent shockwaves over the treetops.

"Did they really think that would work?" Dabi snorted.

"No, that was a distraction. The real attack is already here," the caped baldy grinned as a blue blur suddenly appeared behind him.

His arm transforming into a giant cannon, Blue Beetle's living suit unleashed a large percentage of its stored energy and fired it at the villain. The scorching beam shredded through the roof of the mansion, but Saitama had long vanished from sight.

Gulping nervously, Jaime Reyes' suit produced its wings to create a rudimentary shield just in time to save its wearer as the bald clown appeared in midair behind him and punched. His body sent careening into the jungle below, Blue Beetle groaned in pain as took massive amounts of damage while he bulldozed into the ground, with his suit being the only thing saving him from certain death.

"Nice suit there, blue," Saitama grinned as he sensed another attack flying his way. Flipping through the air like an expert, albeit ungraceful gymnast, the bald villain avoided a barrage of golden energy blasts sent from the time-traveling hero, Booster Gold.

"I was too scared to try fighting you the last time we met!" the gold and blue-suited man exclaimed as he flew right at Saitama with his fist raised. "Not this time! I'm tired of hiding behind the stronger heroes. Today, I'll defeat-"

Booster Gold was unable to finish his sentence as the caped baldy's fist went through his mouth, and with a slight tug, the grey-clad villain pulled the superhero's internal organs out through his jaw.

The mess of gore dropping into the forest below for the zombies to enjoy, Saitama landed back on his mansion with his now-bloody arm.

"Behind you, boss," Dabi stated casually as he raised an arm to aim his flame powers at a would-be assailant. Sensing the danger, Vixen leapt out of the way to avoid a prominence burn, where she vanished in a blur before running back at Saitama with her claws.

Watching as the heroine darted beyond his vision, the villain chuckled with amusement as the woman swiped and clawed at him using her martial arts skills. Calling upon the power of a wolverine, the scantly-clad hero attempted to slice out Saitama's eyes, where she stared into his madness-filled pupils as he simply laughed at her feeble attempt at attacking him.

"You're pretty ferocious, so your power is to call upon the spirit of any animal or something?" the caped baldy asked as both his hands gripped Vixen's curvaceous body. "Well, I'm about to make you call upon the power of a human shield!"

Jerking the squirming woman's body to the side, Saitama used her to catch 3 rapid-fired arrows that had been aimed at him. Spitting out blood, Vixen growled with anger as her back was penetrated by the shots from Oliver Queen, who was hidden somewhere in the jungle below.

"Shit…" Green Arrow muttered after he'd accidently shot his team mate, where he reached into his quill to arm some explosive arrows to fire back.

Her body trembling in his hands, Saitama spun around to whip Vixen's body high into the air, where she flew towards Hawkman, who was attempting to dive on the bald clown from above to attack him with his mace.

"Vixen! Are you okay?!" Hawkman asked as he caught his injured ally, where his wings spread out to slow the both of them down. Looking up, his eyes widened in horror as he saw Saitama throwing a punch in their direction.

"Lex, come in, this is Strike Force Alpha!" Green Arrow yelled into the communicator in his ear as he watched two more of his teammates explode into a splash of blood. "We need reinforcements, dammit, where the hell are the other teams? We're getting wiped out over here!"

Launching himself out of the jungle, Blue Beetle resumed his attack on their objective and shot another energy blast at Saitama. Just to prove his utter superiority, the villain didn't even dodge, where he allowed the powerful beam to cascade around his body as he began to laugh maniacally.

"I've scanned this man for weaknesses," Khaji Da, the sentient scarab suit explained to his wearer. "I have found none."

"W-what?! Then what am I supposed to do?" Blue Beetle replied as he landed on the other side of the rooftop.

"Relax. I'll go into infiltrator mode," the suit answered as it began to enlarge its wearer's body while its power increased greatly. "With your permission, I'll go all out and tear-"

Saitama interrupted the suit by throwing a point-blank punch against its blue skin, shattering the living garment into a million pieces at its scream pierced the area. Groaning in pain since the suit was connected to him from the spine, the now-helpless Jaime Reyes watched in horror as the bald villain stepped aside to allow his sidekick to hit him with a massive blast of blue fire.

"Whoa, talk about live entertainment," Ryuk commented from above as Blue Beetle was cremated alive by Dabi, while Saitama shook the blood off his arm before looking out to sea in anticipation for more opponents.

"Keep 'em coming!" the mad baldy exclaimed with his arms raised at the distant fleet, while the flame villain deactivated his fire to reveal the burnt corpse of Jaime. "C'mon, give me another Superman or something!"

4 rapid-fired arrows sailed towards Dabi, but seconds before they pierced his neck, Saitama intercepted the projectiles faster than the eye could see, where just to flex his invulnerability, allowed the explosive-laden arrows to go off in his hands. Despite the large blasts, the caped baldy was naturally unharmed.

His keen eyes looking down towards the jungle, Saitama grinned as he spotted the Green Arrow.


"Lex, did you screw us over?! Where is our assistance?" Oliver Queen yelled over his communicator. "Geez, of course those warhead arrows didn't even scratch him, I…oh crap, he's spotted me! I-"

Lex Luthor watched Saitama's mansion from a pair of LexCorp military-grade binoculars, where he was able to get a clear view of the grey-suited villain promptly tearing Green Arrow to shreds before his very eyes. Despite the apparent setback, the brilliant scientist was unfazed by the total destruction of Strike Team Alpha. Indeed, Luthor had already calculated that the heroes had a 0% chance of taking down Saitama, where the team was more or less a suicide mission.

"Strike Team Beta, deploy now," the former supervillain commanded over the carrier's intercom. With the caped baldy expecting another wave of normal, conventional heroes, Lex was hoping that Saitama would be unprepared to deal with magical threats, and that the three heroes currently on their way to the island might be able to quickly overwhelm him with their unexpected powers.

Of course, that was a very big "might".