
One Hour

" I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't do much for you, Julia. " 8 years, 8 long years after our father and mother died, I have been providing for both me and my younger sister, Julia. And today, she seems... hesitant. I wonder, what can I do for her?

Mukito · 現実
3 Chs

One Hour

Saturday, 6 AM.

Here I am, eating a very ordinary breakfast with bacon and eggs, the usual stuff.

If it weren't for my little sister, Julia, burning a giant hole into me with her gaze from across the table-

Does she want something...? She normally doesn't do this, so I wonder what's gotten into her.

" Hey, is something wrong, Julia? " I asked.

Well, not like asking would matter.

She never answers.

I wonder if that day still bothers her till this day.

8 years ago, our parents died from a house fire. And it was all my fault.

I forgot to turn off our stove, and when I was about to pick up my sister from school, she wasn't there.

I found her kneeling, crying as our house burnt down, and no signs of our parents as well.

She was nine years old at this time, and I was seventeen. Without any close relatives to rely on, I had to take care of her myself.

Naturally, I dropped out of school. Luckily, I had my best friend who offered me a job in their company, so I owe them our lives.

However, my sister was never the same. My sister, who I was inseparable with, started getting further and further away from me, like she wanted nothing to do with me. From then on, I would only ever speak to her, but only receive cold nods. No words, whatsoever.

This strained relationship of ours has lasted until now, and she's now sixteen. I worry that when she graduates, she'll be embarrassed to have me be there with her.

And today, for her to have this kind of expression after all this time, I wonder what it is she wants, and what can I do for her?

" So- "

" Brother... I.. "

" I... "

" ... "

Hm..? Should I... Ask her about it? I-I'm afraid. I'm afraid she'll ignore me again if I act too pushy. But if it's not now, when will it be? As the only one she has left,

I want to talk to her.

" What is it, Julia? "

" Will you, promise to not get angry? "

" Of course...! How could I? Please, whatever it is, I'll listen! "




" I want to... b-become a.. Singer! Please, brother! "

" WHAT?! "

" Ah! I-is that, no good? I'm sorry... "

So that's what it was...

" A singer...? A singer!? That's what you wanted to say? "

" Please, forgive me...! I won't bring this up ever- "

" Of course you can! I have some great singer friends, let me go ask them if they can help you begin your dream! "

" W-what...? What do you mean, brother? "

" I mean what I said, I'll help you become a singer. Why, you seemed surprised? "

" Of course! Brother, I... I've been cold to you, and I've done nothing but make your life harder! "

" All this time, did you think I wouldn't notice? Brother, every night, I see you on the terrace with that expression of yours, like you want for everything to end. Your eyes! Your eyebags! They tell me everything I need to know about how you're doing! "

" I'm sorry! I didn't want to... make your life harder than it already is. For someone like me, you don't have to... work so hard anymore. "

This sister of mine, really... She was holding herself back for me all this time. Maybe, it was my fault all this time. I should have never given up talking to her.


" Julia, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't do much for you. "

" But this time, I'll be here for you, properly this time. "

" So, don't worry about me, you are all I have left, and your dream, is also mine now. "

Tears began to run down my sister's face, and understandably, I can't blame her.

For her to finally open up after these eight, very long years, even I...

Might be tearing up myself.

I stand up and bring her towards an embrace. And while it took a bit, she returned the embrace to me as well. With this, I hope our relationship can return back to the way it was.

" It's time for me to go to work, Julia. Tell you what, I'll bring you some mango fruit cake when I get back. "

" You still remember my favorite...? Geez, you don't have to, haha! Stay safe, Hueco! "

" Alright, see you later. "

And that might've been, the best one hour I have spent in my life.

" I can't wait to get home and help her become the best singer there is! " were my final words, as my life, flashed before my eyes.

It's been a while since I made something, but I'm somewhat proud of this work. For those who can relate to the story, I hope you can open up and talk to those around you!

Follow your dreams!

Mukitocreators' thoughts