
One girl Krishna

It's about a girl named Krishna who is always accessed of doing many things is it every time true? She is famous.Many boys drool over her even her bandmates and closest friends even though she acts like a boy most of the time.There are a few people who know her really good.To be honest she is really sick she has may medical issues who are really rare or aren't even found.She lost many people that were really important to her.One of her sister-in-law has a clan in which she is involved and plays a big role there.Some of her sisters love her so much.Most of them are her step sisters.She and some of her siblings are from past they came here with a Time machine there is a big secret behind the time machine that even they don't know about.They barely go back with the time machine.Because they're family members there don't know about them or rarely can come to meet them like there mother.There is a family witch come and than Krishnas life start to become worse than it was.And with time they started to destroy many people.

Pyaar_Pagal · ファンタジー
2 Chs

My Aunts words

When she closed her eyes again she saw flashbacks of her 6year old self.

She was at her bestiea now sister-in-laws clans home or better said it was like a whole Kingdom.There where many houses and some trops where training martial art and many other techniques.And the lil Krishna was in her princess dress she had a crown instead of her band with peacock feather.She was sitting on the ground and protecting a lil snake she knows if the snake went to the people there and someone saw it they will kill the lil snake.Even though the snake did bite her several times and she was about to lose her conscious but still she didn't let the snake go there.

"KRISHNAAAAAAAAA" yelled a woman seeing her like this.

When Krishna looked up she saw her aunt and she started smiling as if she was fine.

"Hi aunt look this lil snake maybe lost her mom and was about to go over there,but the poor thing don't know he will die if he went there."Krishna stated somehow feeling bad for the lil snake cause no one could relate to the snake more than her.Every time she went to her biological mom whom she calls Masa she would whether not be able to meet her or she would be punished by her Masa.

"I know Krishna but the snake bite you several times-"

"but aunt I'm fine as long as this lil thing is safe and you told me to protect the ones that are weak or need my help right?"

"yes Krishna but not but risking you life if you want to help someone make sure it don't bite instead of being grateful ok"

Her aunt looked dawn and saw she was unconscious she rushed her to the doctor.

"Why why why didn't I hear your words properly and did what you wanted me to do?"Krishna thought coming out of her flashback.

"I'm so-so-sorry Krishna"A boy said stuttering and and crying hard.

Author:Who is he and why is he crying did he did something wrong?🤔

find it out in next chapter I can't write so much bye till then😇