
One girl Krishna

It's about a girl named Krishna who is always accessed of doing many things is it every time true? She is famous.Many boys drool over her even her bandmates and closest friends even though she acts like a boy most of the time.There are a few people who know her really good.To be honest she is really sick she has may medical issues who are really rare or aren't even found.She lost many people that were really important to her.One of her sister-in-law has a clan in which she is involved and plays a big role there.Some of her sisters love her so much.Most of them are her step sisters.She and some of her siblings are from past they came here with a Time machine there is a big secret behind the time machine that even they don't know about.They barely go back with the time machine.Because they're family members there don't know about them or rarely can come to meet them like there mother.There is a family witch come and than Krishnas life start to become worse than it was.And with time they started to destroy many people.

Pyaar_Pagal · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Is this the end or the begin?

A car was driving in full speed.In the car there were to beautiful girls but they both were crying heavily and one of them was trying to stop the girl who is driving she had a band with a Peacock feather on her head her eyes where Light brown and there where tears streaming from them,down to her cheeks which had a tint of red.She was wearing clothes just like boys but it didn't matter cause her beauty didn't let her look like a boy.

"stop it,Tanya" She said while sobbing.

But The driver aka Tanya didn't budge even a little instead she increased the speed while sobbing more heavily than before.She was wearing a really beautiful dress her eyes where dark blue.She was biting her lips really hard this caused her lips to bleed and she was holding the steering wheel with so much force.

"Tanya pls stop it's not gonna get anything better for you nor me"The girl next to her start again to talk in hopes to stop Tanya but it didn't work.

"No,Krishna I had enough pls get out of the car I can't take this suffering any more" Tanya stated what was true,but not just her Krishna suffered to,even more than Tanya but the difference is that Krishna has a hope but Tanya doesn't they destroyed it.

Krishna tried to stop her by taking the steering wheels but it didn't work instead they had an accident.

"Is this the end?"Krishna asked herself.

She got a flashback of her childhood with her family.Her dad taking her hands to help her take her first steps.Her mom when she made her hair.Her brothers teasing her and not giving her gifts....etc.

She closed her eyes and opened it several times.Before closing it she heard the the ambulance the people talking.She heard some people saying "is she again in coma it's her second time will she wake up this time"

"I know poor girl she's even famous"said the other person maybe nurses.

"Don't fell sorry for her you know what I heard she almost destroyed her sisters marriage life one of them even got divorced cause of her,and isn't even allowed to see her children cause of her " "omo such a crulel girl if I was her sister I'd never wanna see her again.I hope she dies here and now cause she deserves it for doing so."Then they left from there.

And a drop of tear made it's way down from Krisnas face.

Is this true? find out when next chapter is out 😘😘