
One For Her [Midoriya Izuku X OC]

Hinode Tora had been Midoriya Izuku's next door neighbor and best friend since early childhood. Both shared a passion for all things heroic. They were like two peas in a pod and did almost everything together, including getting bullied by Bakugo Katsuki and the other neighborhood kids that already had their quirks. Tora was a late bloomer, her quirk manifesting during her third year of middle school triggered by Katsuki picking on Izuku again which made her snap, activating her quirk: Animalistic Shift. Izuku, on the other hand, didn't develop a quirk on his own. He acquired his quirk One For All from All Might just in time for the entrance exam for U.A. High, Tora's and Izuku's dream high school. The two of them get long extremely well and have shared so many memories together, it's no surprise they've developed feelings for each other. Where will life take them next as they both work towards their shared goal of becoming pro heroes?

XJustForFanFicsx · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Time After School Together

The quirk assessment test was over and Mr. Aizawa displayed the results for everyone to see. Tora was in first place and Izuku was in last place. Izuku's heart dropped. Then Mr. Aizawa added that no one was going to be expelled and it was just a deception method to make sure everyone gave it their all in the tests. Tora sighed with relief as Izuku and all their classmates except for Yaoyorozu Momo just stood there in shock. She had a feeling that Izuku was gonna end up in last place. Despite what Mr. Aizawa said, Tora didn't believe that Izuku was going to be expelled. When she saw Mr. Aizawa's facial expression after Izuku's second ball throw, she was certain he wasn't going to send him home. After class, Tora accompanied Izuku to the school infirmary to have Recovery Girl deal with his broken finger. Then the two of them headed home together. As they were leaving, Iida and Uraraka ended up joining them on the way to the train station. Uraraka mistook Izuku's name for Deku because of Bakugo. Izuku politely corrected her, saying that Bakugo called him Deku to make fun of him. Uraraka apologized to Izuku then explained how she thought Deku sounded kinda cute and it would make a great hero name. And just like that, Izuku accepted the name Deku. Then she turned to Tora.

"I noticed how Deku calls you Tora instead of Hinode. Are you two close?" Uraraka asked Tora who nodded her head yes.

"Yeah, Izuku and I are very close. We've known each other since we were toddlers when me and my parents moved in next door to him and his mother. We're still neighbors to this day. And we're the best of friends." Tora said with a bright smile on her face.

"Oh so you're childhood best friends. That's really cute." Uraraka said cheerfully, almost seeming like she was a bit relieved. It was as if she had a crush on Izuku or something. Well, Tora didn't exactly say she and him were dating. She decided she'd clarify that later if Uraraka asked. After all, she didn't want to possibly ruin Uraraka's and Izuku's budding friendship. On the way to the train station, the four of them happily chatted away. They talked about the school day and the quirk apprehension test Mr. Aizawa had them take on their first day today.

"I just want to say your performance in all the tests was outstanding, Hinode. You even beat me at the 50-meter dash where I'm in my element. I must say your quirk is quite amazing. And to be able to know which animal and form would best suit each test was really remarkable. You must have studied hard all these years to know this much about animals in order to best utilize the skills that come with your quirk." Iida complimented Tora who smiled at him.

"Thanks Iida. I've always been quite a bit of a zoology nerd. But when it comes to my quirk, I literally just got it about eleven months ago. I was a bit of a late bloomer in terms of getting my quirk." Tora revealed as both Iida and Uraraka stared at her in shock.

"That's quite unusual. People typically manifest their quirks when they're kids, around four years of age. But I must say, you're quite good at using your quirk considering the short amount of time you've had it. I guess it should be no surprise given you were one of the students who got in through a recommendation. Even so, that's incredible." Iida said, cupping his chin in his hand.

"Yeah Hinode, you're amazing! And your quirk is really cool too!" Uraraka praised Tora enthusiastically.

"Thanks guys. That really means a lot to me." Tora said with a small smile as she shyly turned away from her classmates/new friends with a faint blush on her cheeks. Izuku found her bashful side to be adorable. He loved it whenever she blushed, especially if it was because of him. The more he thought of it, the more his mind wandered into the gutter. He wanted to see Tora's face become flushed due to his touch. Izuku was so lost in the depths of his own mind, he didn't even notice Uraraka and Iida say goodbye. He was snapped out of his trance by Tora's voice.

"Hey Izuku, ready to go? Iida and Uraraka already left to get on their trains. We should board ours too before it leaves." Tora said to Izuku who nodded in agreement.

"R-right." Izuku said as he mentally slapped himself for letting his thoughts wander like that. But he couldn't help it. After all, he and Tora were going to get intimate to celebrate him receiving his quirk and both them getting into U.A. High. After the train ride, Tora and Izuku walked home together from the station. Izuku was unusually silent most the way home, imagining how their first time was gonna go over and over again. He just couldn't get it out of his head. Tora had an idea of why Izuku was being so quiet, especially since he was blushing the entire time. Suddenly Tora heard something from around the corner of the first building of their apartment complex behind them. She had a feeling that they were being followed ever since they left the train station at their stop. But she didn't really think too much of it, hoping it was just a coincidence. But considering they were almost home, it clearly wasn't just some fluke. Right as they passed the second apartment building, the one before theirs, Tora pulled Izuku around the corner with him trapped between her and the wall of the building with her chest pressed up against his.

"Shh! I think someone has been following us home." Tora whispered to Izuku as she peered around the corner to see who it was that was following them. She saw a guy with spiky blonde hair and red eyes with his hands stuffed in his U.A. uniform pant pockets walking in their direction. Tora recognized those hair and eyes.

"Oh it's just Katsu. Phew! I thought it might have been a stalker or a robber." Tora said with a sigh as she relaxed, her body still pressed up against Izuku's. He was already a bit turned on from the thoughts going through his head earlier and this situation didn't help. But knowing that Bakugo was the one following them, a wave a possessiveness came over him. Especially since he knew Bakugo had feelings for Tora too. Izuku placed his hands on Tora's ass and lightly grasped it.

"I know you're excited for our plans tonight, but reign it in a bit. Geez Izuku, you perv!" Tora laughed as she wrapped her hands around Izuku's neck. Suddenly, the footsteps stopped right around the corner from where they were hiding. And something fell to the ground and made a squeak noise. The object that had fallen rolled next to where Tora and Izuku were hiding. It was the squeaky Kirby stress toy key chain that Izuku had bought for Tora as a small gift for her birthday, March 14. She knew it was hers because it had a little tag with her name on it. Tora stepped out from around the corner with Izuku right behind her and picked up the Kirby toy.

"It fell off your book bag after you got off the train. You're welcome." Bakugo said as he went on his way without another word.

"Thank you Katsu. That was really thoughtful of you." Tora thanked Bakugo as he kept walking.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Bakugo responded as Tora let out a small giggle and smiled in his direction. Then she turned to Izuku and held out her hand to him.

"Shall we get going?" Tora asked Izuku who nodded and took her hand as they walked hand-in-hand together. They were going to spend their time at Tora's apartment since her parents were going to go out on a date tonight. But they had to go to Izuku's apartment first so he could grab the "supplies" they needed for tonight's activity.

"How was the first day of school, you two?" Izuku's mother asked him and Tora when they walked through the living area on their way to get to Izuku's bedroom. Tora and Izuku stopped and took turns telling his mother about their school day. Then they headed to Izuku's room. He reached under his bed and grabbed a black plastic bag. Then he and Tora hurried over to her place. Izuku told his mother where he was going as they headed out the door. When they entered Tora's apartment, they went straight to her room to study. They finished their homework right around dinner time. Tora's mother called out to them from the door and the two of them ran over to see her parents off.

"Your father and I are leaving now. I just made dinner for you guys. It's on the dining table right now, so eat it before it gets cold. We'll be gone until about 9:00 tonight. Just call us if you need anything. We'll see you when we get back, okay Tora honey? Oh and Izu-chan dear, you're free to spend the night if you want." Tora's mother said, opening the door to leave.

"Okay, thanks Mom. Have fun on your date night with Dad." Tora thanked her mother for dinner and wished them a good time out on the town.

"O-oh, thank you very much Akira-san." Izuku said, grateful for her offer to stay overnight.

"I expect you and Izuku-kun to be responsible while we're gone, okay?" Tora's father said as he winked at the two teens. Tora and Izuku both blushed as her parents chuckled and walked out the door. After Tora shut the door behind them, she and Izuku ate the food her mom prepared for them. Then they went back to Tora's bedroom where they both sat on the bed and chatted more about the school day and the quirk apprehension assessment.

"You really were amazing today, Tora." Izuku complimented Tora who briefly blushed at his flattery.

"Well I couldn't have done as well as I did without your help. Thanks Izuku." Tora thanked Izuku for helping her out with her clothing issue during the quirk apprehension assessment.

"Y-yeah. It was no problem. Anything for you Tora." Izuku said as Tora inched closer to him, making him get a little flustered.

"And you know I'd do anything for you too, Izuku. Remember what I promised?" Tora said seductively as she slowly walked her fingers up his leg, turning into an anthropomorphic wolf as she did so. Pleasurable shivers traveled up from his leg throughout his body.

"W-we don't have to satisfy my furry fetish tonight." Izuku said nervously as his pants grew increasingly tight as Tora traced her finger up and down his v-line.

"Are you sure?" Tora asked Izuku as she pulled back slightly.

"Y-yes I'm sure. I want our first time to be special... without quirks." Izuku said, really only referring to Tora. She nodded and shifted back into her human form as he reached up and lovingly caressed her cheek with his thumb. Then he reached behind her head and undid her hair tie and freed her long orange to golden blonde hair which fell gracefully below her shoulders down to her mid back. Izuku leaned in slowly and met her lips with his in a sweet kiss that soon turned hot and passionate.

"Mmnh~ Izu...ku..." Tora moaned into the kiss as Izuku leaned in more, pushing her back on the bed so that he was on top. He began to grind his hips against hers, both of them moaning out loud from the pleasure. Izuku pulled away from the kiss to take off his uniform shirt. Tora eyed her boyfriend's chiseled abs that he built up from his ten months of training with All Might. Man, did he glow up! She remembered how scrawny he used to be not that long ago. As she stared at him, Izuku proceeded to unbutton Tora's shirt and slipped it off her shoulders, dropping it over the side of her bed where it joined his shirt. He pushed his hands up underneath her bra and pushed it up and over her head and added it to the pile of clothing. His hands wandered back to her chest and he began to massage her breasts. Occasionally he would suck on them, switching between each one to give them the same amount of attention. She let out soft mewls as he pleasured her. He loved seeing Tora react to his touch. Her hands roamed his body before landing on his waist. She tugged at hem of his uniform pants, signaling that she wanted them off. Izuku complied and pulled away from her chest, removing both his pants and boxers. Wanting to make things even, Tora sat up and took off her skirt and panties. Now both completely naked, the two of them just stared at each other's bodies.

'Damn... Izuku is a lot bigger than I expected. With that adorable face and timid personality, you wouldn't expect him to be that impressive down there. It's kinda misleading, but pretty hot.' Tora thought to herself as she continued to stare at Izuku's member which was twitching with desire.

'Wow Tora is more beautiful than I imagined. Her curvaceous figure is perfect and her skin is soft and radiant. I love how her long silky black streaked orange to blonde fading hair frames her face and rests on her chest and back. And her eyes, her deep crystal blue and golden eyes... they're just stunning. The way her cheeks are flushed and her lips are parted open... so tempting...' Izuku thought to himself as he stared.

"Tora... you're so beautiful." Izuku said with his eyes half-lidded as he leaned forward and kissed her, pushing her back down on the bed again. Their tongues danced together as the kiss grew more intense. Izuku started to move his hips again, rubbing his bare dick against her. Suddenly, Tora pulled away from the kiss.

"Is there something wrong Tora?" Izuku asked his girlfriend who shook her head no.

"No, it's just... you haven't put on a condom yet." Tora pointed out as Izuku sat back on the bed. He then remembered her father's words about being responsible before winking at them. It's like her dad knew this was gonna happen but wasn't really opposed to it as long as his daughter didn't get pregnant.

"Oh... r-right. Sorry." Izuku said as he looked for the black plastic bag that he brought over from his place. When he found it, he pulled out a box of extra large condoms and got one out, carefully tearing open the package. Tora watched as he effortlessly slipped the condom onto his penis.

"Wow Izuku, you're quite skilled at this." Tora complimented Izuku who blushed profusely.

"Well, I wanted to make sure I could do it right when the moment came. So... I practiced." Izuku said as he got back on top of Tora. He used one hand to guide the tip of his penis to her entrance. She squirmed slightly at the feeling him nudging at her womanhood.

"Are you ready?" Izuku asked Tora who reached up and placed her hands on his shoulders and nodded her head.

"Yes, please take me Izuku. Make me yours." Tora said as Izuku complied and slowly began to enter her. She felt like her walls were being torn apart. It hurt and she whimpered as she autonomously dug her nails into Izuku's shoulders, causing him to wince and hiss in pain. She knew it was gonna hurt, but she wasn't expecting it to be this bad. Izuku stopped advancing, worried about Tora.

"Are you okay, Tora? Do you want me to stop. We don't have to keep going if it hurts too much." Izuku said out of concern for his girlfriend's well being.

"I'll be fine. Just... keep going. I can handle the pain. After all, we've already gotten this far." Tora told Izuku who nodded and continued to ease himself inside her. Once he was all the way in, he waited for her to get adjusted to him. But it was painstaking. The tight fit already felt amazing, he couldn't imagine how good it would feel once he started moving. After a little while longer, the pain subsided and Tora began to feel restless as her body began to crave physical stimulation.

"Izuku... please... start moving." Tora pleaded as Izuku nodded and began thrusting at a slow and steady pace, gradually increasing his speed until he reached a much faster pace. The movements of his hips drew out moans from both of them as they occasionally called out each other's names. As he thrust, he leaned down to her chest and placed his lips around one of her pert buds and sucked on it, swirling his tongue around it. After a minute or so, he switched breasts to give the other the same treatment. Tora let out cries of pure ecstasy as she arched her back, gripping the bed sheets. Izuku found the moans he elicited from her and the way she reacted in response to his touch to be very erotic. That and the snug feeling of her around his member all drove him crazy. Tora loved hearing Izuku's moans. She loved the way his muscles rippled as he made love to her. And the fact that he almost always hit her g-spot just right drove her closer and closer to the edge. Despite having been a virgin, Izuku was really good at sex and seemed to know exactly what he was doing. And it was all because of his "research" and exceptional observational skills. Izuku first hit Tora's g-spot fairly early on in the session. And ever since then, he had been aiming at that special spot inside her with a high success rate. The two of them dove deeper into the depths of pleasure together as they quickly neared their climaxes.

"Tora... feels so good~! I... I'm gonna cum!" Izuku announced as he began to twitch inside of Tora, his thrusts becoming more frantic.

"Me too Izuku, me too!" Tora announced shortly after as she came together with Izuku, both of them calling out each other's names out of pure ecstasy. They panted as they floated down from their orgasmic highs. Izuku pulled out and removed the condom, tying it and wrapping it in some tissue before throwing it away. Then he lay back down on the bed next to Tora and looked into her deep crystal blue and golden eyes with his emerald green ones. He gently stroked her orange to golden blonde hair as she slowly ran her fingers through his fluffy dark verdant locks.

"I love you Tora." Izuku said softly as he moved his hand to Tora's face and lovingly stroked her cheek with his thumb. She smiled warmly at him.

"I love you too, Izuku." Tora said as she cupped his face and lightly pressed her forehead against his, closing her eyes as she kissed him. Izuku gladly kissed back, the kiss slow and sweet. Suddenly, they heard the door open and close which could only mean one thing: Tora's parents were home. The two of them quickly sat up and scrambled to get their clothes back on.

"Izu-chan, Tora honey, we're home!" Tora's mother called out to them, announcing their return. Since Izuku left his shoes by the door next to Tora's, her parents knew he was still there. Fully dressed, The two of them left her bedroom to greet them.

"Hi Mom, hi Dad. Did you guys have fun on your date night?" Tora asked her parents as they grabbed each other's hands and smiled.

"Yes, your mother and I had a great time. What about you? Did you and Izuku-kun have fun together?" Tora's father asked Tora and Izuku as they both blushed madly and nodded. Her parents merely chuckled at their reactions.

"So Izu-chan, are you staying overnight tonight? Remember, you're more than welcome to." Tora's mother asked and reminded Izuku.

"Um sure, since it's okay with you. I'd love to. Thanks Akira-san. I just need to grab a few things first." Izuku replied as he and Tora left her apartment to go over to Izuku's apartment to grab some overnight essentials and to tell his mother he was staying over at Tora's place for the night.

"Hey Mom, I'm spending the night at Tora's place tonight. Her parents said it's okay. In fact, they invited me to." Izuku said as he was heading towards the door. His mother was watching TV on the living room couch.

"Okay Izuku. Thanks for letting me know. I hope you and Tora-chan sleep well." She said as Izuku and Tora waved goodbye to her and left. When they got back to Tora's apartment, both her parents were in the living room reading books.

"Welcome back you two lovebirds. I'm glad you were responsible while we were out." Tora's father said with a playful smile as he pulled out the condom box and shook it, rattling the contents around. Tora and Izuku both froze.

"D-Dad! Don't go snooping around my room!" Tora said in a whiny tone. Her parents just chuckled.

"Didn't have to. You left your door wide open and this was just sitting out in the middle of your bed." Tora's father said as Tora's mother giggled and the two teens blushed out of embarrassment.

"S-sorry Kitora-san. I... We...." Izuku trailed off as he couldn't think of anything to say. Tora's parents just chuckled and smiled.

"It's okay Izu-chan dear. No need to worry. We practically see you as our son-in-law anyways! Isn't that right, dear?" Tora's mother said as her husband nodded.

"Yes, indeed. Besides, I know how you feel Izuku-kun. Back when I was your age, I couldn't hold back either." Tora's father laughed as Tora face palmed herself.

"Oh! You were quite the wild one too, dear." Tora's mother giggled as Tora sighed.

"TMI Mom, Dad. TMI." Tora said, shaking her head as Izuku sighed nervously as a sweat drop formed on the side of his head. But honestly, they were both glad her parents were so chill after finding out what they had been up to.

"But there is something I'm curious about. How long have you known we were dating, anyways?" Tora asked her parents.

"We had a feeling after Inko told us you guys wanted to have sleepover for the first time in years. We figured you and Izu-chan were going to do it then. We could also sense a change in chemistry between you two." Tora's mother revealed.

"And you were just okay with that?!" Tora asked her parents. Her father answered her question.

"Well we figured it wouldn't be right to stop young love from sprouting. And we trust Izuku-kun. Not to mention, your mother and I experienced the same emotions and urges when we were your age." Tora's father said.

"By the way, I was still a virgin until earlier toni-" Tora started to say then stopped herself, cupping her mouth with her hand. A brief silence followed, broken by Tora's parents chuckling. After that awkward conversation, Tora and Izuku went to her bedroom and got ready for bed. They both climbed into Tora's bed together and snuggled up against each other. Izuku wrapped his arms around Tora's torso, spooning her.

"You know, I'm a bit surprised my parents were cool with us having sex." Tora said as Izuku nodded in agreement with her.

"Yeah me too. I was kinda worried to be honest. But I'm glad they support our relationship because I love you. So much so, I don't know what I'd do without you." Izuku said as he planted a kiss on Tora's head.

"I love you too, Izuku. More than you could ever know." Tora said as she shifted contently in Izuku's arms. His warmth was starting to put her to sleep. Her comforting scent was also making Izuku sleepy. And before they knew it, they were both fast asleep.