
One Above All (BNHA fanfic)

This work is written using Grammarly, cause I suck at English. Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy founds himself having the greatest power ever but before that, he must learn for what he lives for and what he wants. Izuku Midoriya wants to be a hero, without losing his hope he continues to follow his dreams, during his journey he meets many people ready to teach him and help him to fulfill his dreams. Will Izuku ever know the truth of his existence Join me and the bois at https://discord.gg/f6pPAP *I don't own the cover, nor the BNHA universe*

Crazy_Beast · アニメ·コミックス
54 Chs

Chapter 9.3


We have hit 140 readers, till now. So, if you like this consider sending me your power stones and also read my other original novel, Prince of Heaven and Hell.

You can also join my discord, link at the synopsis.


All Might didn't know what to answer, he said, "Look boy the job of a hero is very dangerous, so you can't be a hero without a quirk." Izuku's face dropped, he already knew the answer but was hoping for a different answer. All Might bade him and took off. Izuku went out of the building and headed back to the place where he was attacked. He picked up the device and went back straight for his home. He heard explosions, he followed it, he saw a big crowd of people along with heroes Death Arms and Backdrift.

Someone is taken hostage by the slime villain, he is using his quirk to fire an explosion, we can't go near him.

Izuku on seeing realized that the villain was the same who attacked it, he thought, "The bottle in which All Might had captured him must have fallen down. It's all my fault."

Izuku on seeing the hostage was shocked, it was none other than Bakugo. "Why no one is saving Kacchan'', he clenched his fists. He was told by Aizawa to remain out of trouble but when he saw Bakugo's eyes he couldn't stop himself from moving. He took off the device and ran towards him. He tried pulling Bakugo out the slime.

"Why are you here Deku?"

'I am here to save you.'

"I don't need you to save me."

'But when I looked in your eyes, it seemed you wanted to be saved and you are still my childhood friend.'

Bakugo stopped talking, Izuku was caught by the slime too.

"The boy from before, you really gave me a tough time but now surrender", Izuku was caught by the villain too. He switched on his device and electricity started rushing through his slimy body.

"Curse you brat, stop messing with me", the villain groaning in pain.

Detroit Smaaaaaaasssssssshhhhh.

Suddenly Izuku felt a strong current of air and the slime on his body was gone.

It's All Might, he just made it rain with a single punch.

All Might was caught up by the media and while Bakugo was being praised for his bravery and powerful quirk, Izuku was scolded by the heroes for being so irrational. He left the scene and headed back home.

"Deku, you are quirkless how could you have saved me?"

"Kacchan there is something I need to show you. Would you please meet me at the old building near the warehouse."

"Fine, it's just because I don't want to owe you."

"Just come there after school tomorrow."

Bakugo went to his house, a skinny man appeared in front of Izuku.

"Geez, it's you All Might. You had scared me. So what brings you here."

"Young Midoriya, today I was able to react just because you showed what a hero truly is. So what happened."

"I don't know when I saw Kacchan's eyes, my legs started moving on their own."

"Do you know what every pro had in common? They all started moving without knowing when they saw someone was in danger. So from this, I mean that you may be able to be a hero without a quirk."

"What? You aren't going to scold me?"

"Why would I? I want you to be the next Symbol Of Peace and inherit my quirk."

"What inherit your quirk, how's that even possible?"

"Well, my quirk is One For All, it stockpiles power and passes it. It is a crystallization power to fight the greatest evil."

"So you mean your quirk can be given to anybody?"

"Yes and worry not, I was quirkless too just like you."

"All Might, I think you have got it wrong. I am not quirkless, my quirkless manifested three years ago. I just don't want to use my quirk to be a hero but if I need to use it to save people I will use it without a second thought."

All Might dropped his jaws. It took him a while to turn back normal.

"Young Midoriya, what you say is truly appreciable but are you going to accept my offer? One doesn't need to be a quirkless to inherit One For All."

"I know it's a great offer but I need to discuss it with my mentor."

"I know it is hard for you to keep a secret from your mentor but it's better if he doesn't know about this."

"Sorry to say but I won't accept your offer without telling my mentor, he was the one who helped me at first."

"Okay Young Midoriya, you may discuss this with your mentor if you trust him so much."

"Thank you All Might."

"Young Midoriya, so meet me tomorrow at Dagobah Municipal Beach at 4, and don't forget to bring your mentor too."

"Sorry All Might but I have something important, can you meet me the next day."

"If you say then fine. See you the day after tomorrow."

"Bye, All Might."

Izuku was in high mood, he finally received the answer he had wished for so long. He asked Aizawa to meet him tomorrow at the old building.

The Next Day

"Aizawa-sensei sorry to call you but it's very important. I want to tell Kacchan about us and my quirk."

"Yes, it is almost time that the boy learns his lesson, fine tell him whatever you want."

Bakugo arrived, he saw Izuku with a stranger. He asked, "Deku, who is that man?"

Izuku replied, "This is Aizawa sensei, my mentor. Kacchan, I am neither weak nor quirkless."

"What?", Bakugo asked in surprise.

"I manifested my quirk three years ago, I never showed as laws prohibited it and sensei asked me not to.", Izuku explained the blonde hair.

"It doesn't matter if you have a quirk or not, you still are weak Deku."

"That's why I asked you to come here, to show you I am not weak, so now I can fight with me." Izuku took a stance.

"Don't cry if you lose Deku."

"I won't and plus sensei will stop us if anything goes wrong."

"Here I come." Izuku jumps.

Izuku couldn't have dodged it all those years but now after all that he has been through, he could easily dodge it. Bakugo was surprised too but he tried again. Izuku dodged his attacks again. The fight went on just like that for about five minutes. Izuku said, "I should finish this now."

Izuku finds an opening and throws him down to the ground and turns his hands towards his back.

Bakugo was defeated, Izuku pulled him and apologized for being so rough.

I guess you weren't weak at all Zuzu. I always knew you were the strongest amongst us. I am sorry for being so rough on you, I thought that if you didn't give up on your dream of becoming a hero with a quirk you would be in danger.

(Author's Note: He is a tsundere. Lemme explain it for you all, as it gives a ton of misunderstanding.

Bakugo was his best friend, but when he found out that Izuku was quirkless and had a dream of becoming hero he was worried. As a best friend, he would always fight him, and even after telling him not to follow it, Izuku never dropped the dream. Therefore Bakugo turned out to be like this, playing bad, and stopping Izuku from his stupid dream. As he would rather beat Izuku, than let him die.

So, after knowing Izuku can follow his dreams as he literally beat him he let go of his act, and started acting naturally. In the future episodes, their are parts were he likes to stick to him, as not because he likes Izuku (Literally), but because he doesn't want others to get too close, as he is scarred of losing Izuku as his only friend and also wants to spend more time with him, as a brother.

Also, this explanation was thought by me a year ago, so many won't agree and tell its BL, but it isn't)

"I never hated you, in fact, I admired you. Thank you for thinking about me but I don't need anyone to protect me. I will definitely be a hero. Kacchan you were my best friend and I just want that back. So can we be friends again?"

"We are already friends, so I guess you are going to UA with me."

"Yes, I won't lose to you."

"Neither will I see you Zuzu at school."

Aizawa couldn't help himself from smiling at the reunion of childhood friends. Izuku asked Bakugo to drop him home but Bakugo insisted on going alone. After having a little chat with his mentor, Izuku explained to him about All Might's offer and yesterday's incident. It was the first time Aizawa hadn't scolded the green-haired boy. He agreed on meeting him and Izuku left.

The Next Day At Dagobah Municipal Beach

All Might was standing in his skeletal form

"I thought you would never come."

"How could I not come when the No.1 Hero asked me to come. This is my mentor Aizawa-sensei."

"Eraser... Head is your mentor. Kid, you never fail to surprise me. So Eraser I guess that Young Midoriya has already told you about my offer."

"Call me by my name and yes, I know about One For All. I still don't want Izuku to accept it but I will respect his choice."

"Young Midoriya what is your decision?"

"I am very grateful for your offer, I will accept your quirk but I will continue to achieve my dream of showing everyone that one can become a hero even without a quirk. I will of course train with your quirk, improve my control over it, and will use it to save people when needed."

"That's a very good idea. So now eat this. If Aizawa is your mentor, I guess your body is capable of holding One For All without any consequences."

All Might gives his long golden hair to the green-haired boy, "You need to ingest my DNA, in order to inherit my quirk. Believe me, there are much harder ways to inherit my quirk."

Izuku swallows the hair, "It tastes like shampoo."

"Yes, I washed my hair properly for you", All Might almost show off his hair.

"So, how much time will it take for the quirk to show its effects.", questioned Aizawa.

"Just 2-3 hours till his body digests it", said All Might looking at Izuku.

"Can I go home, I have some work to do. I will meet you guys here tomorrow." he bade them and runs off to his house.

"He is always full of energy, I am sure he will surpass you All Might, even without using his quirk.", said Aizawa with a smile on his face.

"I truly wish that. By the way please call me Toshinori." All Might looks at his successor and leaves the beach along with Aizawa.