
Chapter 14: Second Contract

Second floor, in the conference room.

Li Yi, Zhang Gao, Zhao Xiaoxiao and seven other cultivators came to participate in the recruitment of a guide.

Manager Xu Ming said, "This time the recruitment of a guide is special, so everyone who comes to participate can get two contracts. Everyone can sign either contract according to the content and requirements of the contract.

No matter which contract you sign, you also need to sign an additional confidentiality agreement. This is because this matter involves the privacy of the employer, and we hope that everyone can understand."

After that, Xu Ming arranged for the assistant to distribute the two paper contracts.

Everyone took it and looked at it seriously.

Li Yi was also flipping through it, and his heart couldn't help but be moved when he saw it: "One hour and nine thousand yuan? This price is really high, but the working hours are a bit long, and it is necessary to maintain six hours of cultivation without causing the guidance to stop. If this happens, the wages for these six hours will be halved."

"This is the first contract, let's look at the second contract."

"The second contract is actually calculated by the amount of energy? One hundred yuan is obtained for each guided universe energy, with no upper limit and six hours of working time, with the option of taking a break in between."

"This is really hard to choose." Zhang Gao couldn't help but say.

Someone immediately nodded in agreement: "It is indeed a bit difficult to choose. The fixed salary of nine thousand yuan per hour is already very high, but the profit of one universe energy for one hundred yuan is greater. However, there is also the risk of bad luck and not being able to earn three thousand yuan in an hour. This is because the capture of wormhole leakage universe energy is too unstable."

"The fixed salary is not completely without risk. The six-hour entry time is a test of the cultivator's stability. If you withdraw from the entry in the middle, the salary will be halved, which is not as good as signing the second contract."

"There are advantages and disadvantages to both, let's see how everyone chooses."

The seven people discussed with each other.

However, very soon, someone signed the contract: "I'm not going to gamble, I'll sign the first contract."

"That's reasonable, a stable salary is very important to me, I'll also sign the first contract."

Seeing several people signing their names one after another, Zhang Gao asked, "Li Yi, which contract are you leaning towards?"

"The second one." Li Yi signed his name on the second contract without hesitation.

He has a magical object that can guide a large amount of universe energy, and he will not miss such an opportunity to make money.

Moreover, he is not worried about the secret of the magical object being exposed.

The energy field of the incomplete magical object is too small.

Lin Yue was so close to him and couldn't detect it.

Others will be the same. Moreover, he can also cultivate during the working period, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.

In addition, the contract also has a provision that provides food and accommodation during the working period.

Zhang Gao saw Li Yi's decisiveness and, after hesitating for a moment, chose to sign the first contract.

Of the seven people, only Li Yi chose the second contract, and everyone else chose the first contract.

After signing the contract, Xu Ming said, "Everyone's dormitory is on the third floor, and each person will be arranged an independent suite. The working hours are from twelve midnight to six in the morning. Please be prepared and the salary will be settled daily and paid in cash. Please understand."

After that, Xu Ming arranged for the assistant to let everyone go to the dormitory to rest and start work in the evening.

Soon, Li Yi was arranged to stay in room number four.

The room was spacious, bright, and clean, much better than his house in the old city area.

However, he cannot stay here for long.

He needs to go back every few days to change the nutrient solution for his parents who are lying in the medical capsule at home.

However, he is not worried about problems at home.

He has installed a camera at home and can monitor the situation at home in real-time through his mobile phone.

Moreover, the medical capsule also has a special monitoring software that can immediately alert him if there is a problem with the operation of the medical capsule.

"It's now two o'clock in the afternoon, and the working hours are from twelve midnight. In this period, I can cultivate for a while and also get a free meal." Li Yi thought carefully and was about to enter cultivation.

However, at this moment.

Knock, knock.

The room door was knocked.

"Is Li Yi in?"

The voice of Zhao Xiaoxiao came from the door.

"I'm here."

Li Yi opened the door and saw Zhao Xiaoxiao and several other unfamiliar cultivators standing at the door.

"Are you called Li Yi? Hello, I'm Wu Zhen. We've just met." The speaker was a young man about twenty-five or six years old. He had a inch-long hair and was wearing a white shirt that revealed his aggressive and fierce physique.

"Hello, is there something you need?" Li Yi nodded.

"It's like this. I just learned from Zhao Xiaoxiao that you signed the second contract in the conference room just now, right?" Wu Zhen said.

Li Yi said, "Yes, I think the second contract is more suitable for me. Is there a problem?"

Wu Zhen smiled and said, "Of course, there's no problem.

I just want to talk to you in advance. You should know that the guidance of the cultivators is unstable, and sometimes the universe energy is less. I've calculated it before.

On average, a cultivator can guide about sixty universe energies in an hour of cultivation."

"So, we've reached an agreement. That is, we will control the number of universe energies we guide per hour to an average number. This way, the employer will not deduct our working hours, and we can also cultivate during this time. It's a win-win situation."

"What have you set this average number to?" Li Yi asked.

Zhao Xiaoxiao said, "Considering that this job is important, we've set this number to around seventy. It won't fluctuate up or down by more than ten. What do you think, Li Yi?"

"So, you mean that I can't guide more than eighty universe energies in an hour?" Li Yi finally understood what these people meant.

"That's right." Wu Zhen nodded and said, "Because your contract is different from ours, so I think it's necessary to talk to you."

"If I guide eighty universe energies in an hour, my hourly wage will only be eight thousand. You guys are getting nine thousand yuan per hour. If I calculate it, I'm losing a thousand yuan."

Zhao Xiaoxiao said, "Li Yi, you can't say it like that. You can also cultivate during the extra time. It's also a win-win situation."

Li Yi very decisively rejected their proposal.

"Is there no room for negotiation?" Wu Zhen's eyes narrowed, and a faint light flashed.

Li Yi said, "You guys want to slack off and get paid. I understand, but I want to progress.

Otherwise, why would I sign the second contract? Moreover, if I sign the second contract and the universe energy I guide in an hour is less than ten, I'll bear the loss myself."

"I'm just betting on my good luck, hoping to encounter a large leakage of wormhole energy, and make a lot of money in a short time.

If I agree to your proposal, I'll bear the loss when I'm unlucky, and I'll also have to watch the money slip away when the number of universe energies exceeds eighty. It's a loss either way, so... there's no room for negotiation."

He looked at Wu Zhen very seriously.

After being rejected twice in a row, Wu Zhen and Zhao Xiaoxiao, as well as the other cultivators, had ugly expressions on their faces.

"What if I hope you can agree and give us all face?"

Wu Zhen stretched out his sturdy arm and placed it on Li Yi's shoulder, staring at him dead seriously. The light flashing in his eyes was no longer a gleam, but a murderous gleam.

Threatening, without any concealment.

The other cultivators also all stared at Li Yi, not saying a word.

"I don't want to cause trouble."

Li Yi looked at the arm on his shoulder and could feel the palm of the hand gradually increasing its strength.

Wu Zhen smiled and said, "Everyone goes out to work for money. We don't want to make a big deal out of this."

Li Yi expressionlessly said, "Alright, I'll give you guys face and agree to your request. But, can you guys also give me face in the future?"

"Of course, there's no problem with that."

Wu Zhen suddenly laughed and then patted Li Yi's shoulder, "Thank you, my friend."

The other cultivators also sighed in relief when they saw that Li Yi had agreed.

"Li Yi, you rest well. We won't disturb you anymore. Thank you for your understanding." Zhao Xiaoxiao also smiled and said.

"Leave." These people saw that their purpose had been achieved and left one after another.

"Wu Zhen."

However, just as the few people had just turned around and hadn't walked a few steps, suddenly Li Yi's voice sounded.

"What?" Wu Zhen subconsciously turned his head.

But, the next moment, his face suddenly changed. He saw Li Yi's figure instantly appear in front of him, and then he felt a huge force in his waist.


Wu Zhen's whole body flew out, rolled on the ground for a few circles, and then stopped at the wall of the corridor.

"Dare to sneak attack me? You're looking for death." He reacted instantly, and then he was furious, and subconsciously wanted to stand up and fight.

"Wu Zhen, be careful." Someone suddenly shouted in alarm to remind him.

Suddenly, Li Yi's figure appeared in front of him again.


A muffled, loud noise, and Wu Zhen's nose instantly bleeding, his head hit the wall behind him, and his whole body was dizzy and disoriented.

But, before he could adapt, there was another knee attack.

"I'm going to kill you... Bang!"

The third knee attack, the fourth knee attack... Wu Zhen's consciousness was chaotic, and he only felt that someone was grabbing his hair and repeatedly hitting his head with his knee.

"Stop, stop hitting..."

The violent pain and the strong dizziness made him unable to even counterattack, and he could only instinctively raise his hand to try to stop it.

However, Li Yi was expressionless, and while grabbing his hair, he continued to attack.

The strong physical ability and the terrifying burst of power brought by the cultivator made his knee like an iron hammer, and it heavily hit Wu Zhen's body.

Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others were stunned and silent for a moment. They didn't dare to step forward to stop it.

Li Yi at this moment was simply not like a human, but like a wild beast fighting for food, which made people feel terrified.

Is this the true nature of this guy?

Or is it the anger of a righteous person?