
Chapter 13: Guide

With a bang, a tall and slender figure emerged from the third floor corridor, accompanied by a muffled thud as it landed. Li Yi's steady posture allowed him to land safely on the ground. He took a deep breath and then exhaled forcefully.

The air that had been compressed by his sturdy organs gushed out, forming a snake-like shape about twenty centimeters long, which left people in awe.

"The explosive power, coordination, reaction, and even various senses of my body have undergone an astonishing transformation compared to before I practiced. Even my brain's memory has improved. At this moment, with my eyes closed, I can feel the changes in my body, which is so wonderful that it feels like I have become a different person."

"It's only been half a month since I started practicing, including the day Lin Yue guided me. Unfortunately, the time is still a bit short. My eyes still have sensation. If I continue to practice like this, it won't be long before I enter the first realm of cultivation."

"The speed of cultivation with the help of a spiritual object is hard to imagine. Unfortunately, the spiritual object I have is incomplete, and there is a resentful spirit inside. From my exploration in the past few days, I cannot practice too frequently. If I do, the resentful spirit will become aware and retaliate."

"The safest way to deal with this is to control the time of each practice to no more than ten hours. Practicing for too long will increase the probability of being noticed by the resentful spirit."

"However, for me at present, ten hours of practice a day is entirely sufficient. The remaining time, I can also do other things and achieve a balance between work and rest."

After finishing his thoughts, Li Yi slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were bright and shining, even in the dim outdoor light, as if they were glowing.

After moving around, Li Yi did not continue to practice. This was because he had run out of money. The second nutrient solution was gone, the food was eaten up, and there was less than 300 yuan left in his phone balance.

If he didn't go out to work and make money, he would face the risk of running out of food.

Fortunately, his parents' nutrient solution had been bought for a month's use, and it was not urgent at present.

"With my current state, I should try that guiding job. It's just a simple matter of guiding the cosmic energy into other people's bodies. Although there are many dangers hidden in this city, I cannot shrink back at home and not go out."

Li Yi's eyes flickered, and he took out his phone from his pocket and found a phone number.

Without hesitation, he dialed the number.

Soon, the phone was answered. The voice on the other end was that of a middle-aged man: "Hello, who is it?"

"My name is Li Yi. I was introduced by Lin Yue to apply for the guiding job. Do you still need a guide?" Li Yi asked.

"Guide applicant? We always need guides. When does Mr. Li have time?" the middle-aged man politely asked.

Li Yi said, "I'm free at any time."

"Good, I'll go now. See you then." Li Yi immediately responded.

After hanging up the phone, he immediately took a taxi and set off.

"Anping District, No. 89, the employer's home is indeed very wealthy. How did Lin Yue get to know him? Oh, I almost forgot. Lin Yue is a cultivator. The people she knows are naturally also cultivators. Without a sufficient family background, it is impossible to support a cultivator."

On the way, Li Yi pondered in his heart.

Soon, the taxi entered the Anping District.

After the sky-tilting event, many areas of the city suffered disastrous blows. Those areas were still being sealed off because of the many unknown dangers that still existed there. Therefore, the name "Anping District" came into being.

Considering that the sky-tilting event might occur again in the future, Anping District abandoned the high-rise building construction plan and began to build villas and small bungalows instead.

However, after the houses were built, there were few people who could afford to buy them. Only some wealthy tycoons and the middle class could afford them.

Thus, Anping District became a wealthy area.

However, later, the cultivation wave surged, and the number of cultivators gradually increased. Anping District became a place where cultivators lived.

Because cultivators gathered together, there were fewer dangers in Anping District, and the public security was better.

After all, if an ordinary criminal bullies a cultivator, they might end up dead.

Soon, the taxi stopped in front of a twelve-story building.

After paying the fare, Li Yi had only 23 yuan left. He didn't even have enough money to take a taxi back.

Is it so expensive to come to Anping District?

Did I get ripped off?

Li Yi sighed helplessly.

"Friend, are you also here to apply for the guiding job?" Suddenly, a stranger walked over.

Li Yi looked at him and said, "Yes, are you?"

"I'm Zhang Gao. I'm also here to apply for the guiding job." The man named Zhang Gao smiled and said, "I thought I was the only one. I didn't expect that after asking around, I found out that so many people came to apply today. The competition is fierce. I don't know if I can make it."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the other people not far away.

"You're wrong about this. The employer is recruiting so many guides, obviously not to select a good guide, but because the employer has reached a critical period of cultivation and needs to consume more cosmic energy. One guide alone cannot meet his needs."

At this moment, a petite woman with long hair over her shoulders walked over. Her eyes were also bright, and she was obviously a cultivator. She greeted them and said, "Hello, you two are also here to apply for the guiding job."

"Hello, I'm Li Yi."

"Zhang Gao."

"I'm not concerned about the employer's cultivation. What I care about is the price. You should know that a certified guide's salary is at least 10,000 yuan per hour. But I don't have a certificate. If it's less than 5,000 yuan per hour, I'll leave right away." Zhang Gao shrugged and said.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Xiaoxiao immediately smiled and said, "You two probably don't know this. I just chatted with the others. The employer did not directly release the recruitment information to the public, but instead, asked friends, relatives, and classmates to introduce guides. This shows that the employer does not trust the guides in the outside world, or that he does not want to expose his own information. Therefore, he hired us as intermediaries."

"5,000 yuan is definitely too low. I guess it's at least 8,000 yuan per hour. Those with certificates will probably get more."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Gao immediately became happy. "That's good."

Li Yi was secretly shocked in his heart.

One hour close to 10,000 yuan?

Is this a godly job?

If he works for a day, he can earn nearly 200,000 yuan?

What? Rest?

With this salary, can you afford to rest?

"I just hope that this job can last for a while so that I can earn more. Cultivation is too expensive. I'm now penniless. I don't even have enough money to take a taxi or to eat lunch." Li Yi sighed and said the two words "poor."

"Li Yi, you're too modest."

Zhao Xiaoxiao looked him up and down and then said, "You look younger than me, and the aura emitted by your body is stronger than ours. Your eyes are also spiritual and meditative. You have achieved such success at a young age, which shows that your cultivation value is very high and your future is limitless."

"You should have many relatives and friends who are willing to invest in you. It's impossible that you can't even afford to eat lunch."

Zhang Gao, on the other hand, said, "I can see that your family background is not bad. You can't understand the difficulties of us poor people in cultivation. For example, me. Although my cultivation is still smooth, the more I cultivate, the more money I burn. In order not to burden my family, I have been doing part-time jobs while cultivating. In addition, I have to think of ways to make money to support my family."

"This job is very important to me. I hope I can earn more and have some savings to stabilize my cultivation for a while."

"I didn't think that your situation would be so bad. I'm sorry for my mistake." Zhao Xiaoxiao immediately expressed her apology.

Li Yi said, "It's okay."

However, after learning about the situation of Li Yi and Zhang Gao, Zhao Xiaoxiao became distant and left after chatting with them for a while. She went to chat with another person.

"She's really a profit-seeker." Zhang Gao muttered in a low voice, "I knew it. She was just trying to flatter you. She saw that we two were poor and powerless, so she was rude to us."

Li Yi, however, did not care. He only said, "I'm only interested in the job and the money. The rest is irrelevant."

"Although we've just met, I have to advise you of one thing. Earning money is important, but cultivation is more important." Zhang Gao said, "That Zhao Xiaoxiao's eyes are vicious and poisonous. If you're not careful, you'll be schemed against. So, you must make good use of your talent and improve your cultivation as much as possible. Don't be too obsessed with earning money."

"Uh..." Li Yi hesitated for a moment and then said, "Without money, it's hard to continue cultivating. Nutrient solution, medical capsule, guide, etc., all require money."

"That's true." Zhang Gao awkwardly smiled.

Li Yi didn't dare to chat anymore.

"I am Xu Ming, the manager in charge of this recruitment. I have kept you all waiting for a long time. I am really sorry. Now, please follow me to the conference room on the building to discuss."

A middle-aged man named Xu Ming walked out and spoke.

Soon, everyone followed the manager named Xu Ming into the building.

Li Yi paid a little attention and found that, including himself, there were seven people who came to apply for the job.

Zhang Gao and Zhao Xiaoxiao had greeted each other before, and there were four people he didn't know.