
Athan and Scarlett Pt.1

"As much as I love seeing Scarlett fight someone and eat their own words, I don't think this is suitable right now. Ash is still healing up and Scarlett, you got wounds of your own to heal." Jacklyn exclaimed. 

"I have to agree, I think it's best not to fight right now. Scarlett, you're still fragile." Matias said.

Scarlett aggressively shook her head.

"That's so sweet. Everyone is so concerned for you Scarlett. It's like your unable to protect yourself. Are you really that feeble?" Athan laughed.

"I will have you know, I can look after myself. You haven't been around here lately, so you don't know what has happened. So yes, they have every right to be concerned. I appreciate them as people and I love and cherish them all, but sometimes you have to take risks to protect the ones you love. Since your here right now threatening my family and me, I simply have no choice but to beat you at your own game." Scarlett snapped.