
Once Snake Now Wolf

The snake's queen people were quickly growing in number and power. The humans gathered their strongest armies and sent them to slaughter all the snakes. Yui, a cute but cruel snake, was the snake princess. While fighting the humans, she lost her life. When she woke up, her new life as a wolf awaited her.

Gabriela_lungu · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Back to the octopus

Yui snorted and stayed as far away from them as she could. Sometimes Ares would try to approach her but she'll give him a cold stare. Jun looked at them and would laugh at the poor Ares. That made the big wolf feel even sadder and Yui would give Jun a death glare. Now Jun found the trip more fun with another wolf. He wondered if it would stay with him even after he gives Yui to the snake kid or if it will follow her. He wished the beast would stay with him.

"Ah! Ares, maybe you know where the Malkada clan is? This useless dog doesn't know." Beasts don't go near human buildings so Ares wouldn't know. The wolf kept looking at him, unable to speak or transfer his thoughts like Yui. "Doggy, translate to him what I just said and then tell me his answer." 'No. Go where l showed you.'

Yui to be their translator. Jun better shut up and never talk again Plus, she has plans to kill the elf so it would be bad if they took the wrong direction. Jun sighed. He didn't have a choice. Without a guide he might walk in circles for weeks. Just like it took them weeks to get to the town they left. While Yui was passed out he even came back to where he found her which made him confused and try to go in the same direction again.

"Ok. Show the way." Happy that it's death will soon come, she made a big jump to pass them and walked quickly to where the octopus was. Jun, without knowing what was awaiting him, followed her and Ares did the same like a good puppy. He was hesitating to follow behind Yui or Jun, with his ears and tail still down. He likes Yui so he follows behind her, stealing glances at her then continuing looking at the ground.

Actually, when Yui first woke up in this body and heard something approaching her, it was Ares. He was always somewhere near her but at that time where the elf lady was, he was too far away. That light magic that hit her was faster than him so he couldn't take the hit in her place. When she came to possess the body, he was already running angrily away. Once he felt her presence and came back, he saw that she disappeared so he searched for the black wolf. No other beast could be felt so he had hopes that his companion was still alive. He was happy that she was still alive but now only sadness fills him.

After 3 days of being constantly rejected by Yui, Ares lost all hope and kept having a gloomy aura around him. "Heartless. Look what you did to him. He refuses to eat. He will become skinny and lose strength." Yui gave Jun a bored look and eated happily Ares' share. She isn't wasting energy to pay attention to them. Only when it was a question of food. Actually, before Ares came in this state he was eating as much as Jun. They were a perfect match. They both have great strength and a stomach that has infinite space. They were the heartless ones, giving her a small portion of meat and devouring the rest. There were days when she would be starved.

Five more days passed and they arrived near the suspicious river. Yui recalled how she almost was swallowed by a fish and looked at Jun and Ares doing the same thing as she did before. They were drinking water. She grinned and was wagging her tail nonstop. She really wanted to jump first in the water and take a good bath but she had to look at how they would die. Plus, she doesn't want to fall in her own trap.

Soon after Ares and Jun drank water, two big fish jumped out of the water and swallowed both of their heads. They disappeared under the water and Yui made an awkward laugh at the sight of it. She carefully came closer to take a look. If ever one comes out she'll drown them back.

Ares had more difficulty at escaping than Jun. It's only weapons were it's claws and fangs, unlike Jun. Jun took a knife for slicing meat and awkwardly stabbed the fish. It's scales made the knife slide on its body. Jun tried to aim at it's eye but with it's big mouth it was hard to find it. He missed a lot of times when finally he stabbed an eye and the fish let go. He also helped the weakened red wolf with the same method.

Ares looked as if he would sink if Jun didn't hold him. Jun could feel something wrapping up around his body but he quickly swam up for some fresh air. Before he could reach the surface, his head felt a pressure. He didn't even have time to take a breath that Yui jumped on his head. She waited so much for this moment. She couldn't wait for his death.

Before Yui could finally enjoy this moment, Jun threw Ares at her and sinked back underwater. Something was pulling him down and he was swallowing water once in a while. Yui looked displeased that not both died but for now she was fine with only Jun dying. Ares was less annoying than the elf. She'll have time to take care of Ares later.