
On the Gameboard

Pizza rolls.

Ghost_Doggo · ゲーム
12 Chs


Fuwa sighed, playing with her black hair again, it was pretty short, so her choosing to play with it as her fake tell was a bit odd, but she mastered the art of looking like she didn't even notice she was doing it.

"Such a confident person...trying to psych me out? You're troublesome."

Yuki chuckled, his face was still an unreadable mask, and so was Fuwa's, well, mine was as well, but I doubted they were paying attention to me. At this rate, Fuwa might just have to guess what Yuki's strategy is. Well, I have a few ideas, but they're ourlandish...something like faking the point total, could that be done? I wonder...

"What will you do then, miss Fuwa? If you can't deduce my strategy despite your experience, maybe you should just get back in the kitchen?"

It was a statement out of nowhere, and an attempt at provocation that probably didn't even reflect his real views, but Fuwa brushed it off like nothing.

"So you do have a strategy?"

"Do I?"

Damnit, him playing the fool, while also not playing the fool, this guy was intentionally making his actions as unpredictable as possible. Fuwa also narrowed her eyes in frustration. The pink orbs staring right at Yuki...but Yuki's eyes...we're those of a snake, I noticed it a whole ago, but weren't his pupils like a cat or snake? Maybe it was because he viewed himself as a predator, this guy's psychology...he clearly had an ego, but so did everyone I've encountered so far, including myself. I wondered if those who didn't develop an ego in this world would die, was this natural selection, was it ego, pride, or confidence?

"Miss kitchen cleaner, please make your decision quickly, before I wither up from waiting, don't you realize? Your partner here is also confined to this space, since he earns the right to perform a dual search with you if you win, waiting too long to choose will inevitably lead to other teams gaining a lead in points...are you okay with that?"

Fuwa sighed, again, and smirked.

"Sorry, but you're going to lose here, I'm going to defeat you."

She entered all 5 of her personal points, spent 2 D20's, and a D8.

"If I use 16 points, I win no matter what, right?"

Ah, I saw where she was going with this, so I explained on her behalf, mostly because I felt like at this point, if not for Yuki's comment Fuwa would just forget I'm here entirely...how annoying and useful it was simultaneously to have an unnoticeable presence...

"If he really did bet 13 points, he obviously loses, but, what you deduced was the second most likely possibility, was that he would bet 15, that way, if you bet 14 to beat his 13, he would win, he couldn't use 14, because a tie would just waste both of your points. So then, you thought even if he used zero points, with the power of a dual search, to potentially uncover every treasure on a space, it was worth it, right?"


I sighed, annoyed.

"Just how stupid are you? You're walking right into his trap, give me your phone."

"H- Huh?"

Maybe because she was shocked by my words too much to disobey, but she handed over her phone.

"I wanted to see if you were capable of winning on your own, but I have to step in to save you, you're indebted to me now, got it?"


"We have a massive point lead right now, so shut up and listen. Betting any more then zero points...is a waste."


"Didn't I tell you to be quiet? You bragged about how you wouldn't fall for his attempts to goad you, but he didn't even need to try, due to your own personality, you never even considered the safest option of betting zero points!"

She finally shut up.

"The most likely three options are actually this...one, he actually bet 13 points, and was just bluffing about some strategy. Two, he somehow found a way to fake the points, and spent zero, hoping to bait us into wasting points and die, or three, he bet 17 points, that way, whether you spent zero, 14, or 16 points, you would lose."

I sighed.

"He doesn't seem like a total idiot, so he wouldn't waste his time endlessly raising the point total in anticipation of you anticipating his anticipation, or something like that, since if you did choose zero, all his points and dice would vanish for one search."

I sighed.

"But even if he did do that, it's just more reason to choose zero! Besides, searching in a pair could lead to use waiting time, searching for more treasure that isn't on the space, since we have to end the search manually, it won't tell us when we collected all the treasure!"



"And, on top of that, I know he faked the points he bet, because I know exactly how he did it!"

"I- Is that relevant? You're acting like some crazy comic book detective, are you just trying to love out a whodunit fantas-"

"These phones are made of wood!"


Yuki just sighed.

"Oh, your monologue is done, yeah, they are."


...Wow, who knew Fuwa could scream that loud.

Eeeeeugh I dunno how I feel about this chapter. Anyway get cliffhanged again.

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