
On the Gameboard

Pizza rolls.

Ghost_Doggo · ゲーム
12 Chs

The Con Artist

"Hello." A casual voice greeted me from behind, and I turned to see a boy, rather short, right there. I was getting tired of people approaching me from behind to be honest.

"My name is Yuki, and I'll be taking your points, sorry." He spoke in an overly formal voice that made it clear how sarcastic he was.

Judging by his facial features, he was actually around my age as well, was everyone here? It would make sense for equality if all competitors were in the age bracket after all, though, I didn't know the actual appearance of anybody here, just how they viewed themselves, thanks to the avatar rule. I sighed. "Really? I doubt that, somehow." Fuwa spoke up, sounding confident, with a smirk, she approached him. "I'll battle you, then, can you compete against a previous winner?"

Thinking about it logically, it should be me to battle, since I had far more points, but I wasn't about to stop her, because firstly, this was a perfect opportunity to judge her capabilities as my ally, secondly, it was a perfect opportunity to judge Yuki's capabilities as my enemy, and thirdly, Yuki technically didn't know which of us had more points, so I merely acted like this was the natural conclusion, if I did so, it should become "obvious" to Yuki that "That girl has more points, otherwise that guy would object...is what you want me to think, right?"

Fuwa's eyes widened, she turned to me, but sure enough I hadn't given away any tells through my expression or anything. I myself was a bit shocked at him seeing through the trick, and even saying my exact thoughts, but oh well, it at least proved his capabilites.

"I'm a con artist, you see, I know all about psychology, spent a long time studying it you see, and I also know how a con artist thinks, how a liar thinks." He smirked. "You both seemed to be pretty confident, so you aren't some chumps, plus, the girl here just offhandedly said she won a previous game, right? There's no way people like that, who got used to thinking in a cunning manner, would use a direct approach, right?"

Hmph..was he insinuating I also had some shady past myself? Oh well, he knew nothing about me.

"Well then, sure, Miss, I'll battle you."

"...My name is Fuwa, and I will beat you."

"Oh? I look forward to it, Miss Fuwa."

The maximum point total Fuwa could have is 5, assuming whatever other teammates we may or may not have got absolutely zero of the other treasures, and we had no idea about Yuki's point total, so the best method would be to play it safe, but it also depends on Yuki's excess movement bonus, regardless, I want to see how Fuwa handles this situation, to gauge her capabilites, she's playing with her hair, I noticed she does that whenever she's confident, she also did it when challenging Yuki initially, and when telling me she was a previous winner, as well as when she told Yuki that...such an obvious tell, considering the fact her acting skills were otherwise flawless, it was probably a fake tell, to lead the opponent to a wrong conclusion. Given what I know of her true self, she seems prideful, so I doubt she'll bet 0 points unless the excess movement bonus is absurdly big, how would she think? A person like her, she relies on her acting skills from what I've seen so far, though with an internal clock as good as hers, she must have other capabilities as well. Based on my knowledge, I can only deduce a limited amount of her thinking process, but...she might try to do something reckless, if her pride gets hurt.

"So, Miss Fuwa, Let's battle."

Fuwa's phone beeped, and she looked down to see Yuki had no excess movement bonus, the fact it's a battle of pure wits is better for me to understand the thinking process of both of them, and gauge their capabilities.

"Miss Fuwa...by the way..."

Yuki showed her his phone, revealing he had bet...a total of 13 points, with all his personal points and a single D20.

"This the number you have to beat, 13 okay? So don't lose!"

He then hit the submit bet button and put his phone in his pocket, a smug smile on his face.

What is he planning?

Setup chapters woohoo

Ghost_Doggocreators' thoughts