
On the Gameboard

Pizza rolls.

Ghost_Doggo · ゲーム
12 Chs

Main Character

"Pukuku...Entertain me."

"I will use a D6."

Seven picked his node absentmindedly again, that was still gross.

"Not even going for the extra bonus?"

"No, I will get an extra bonus of two points, which is all I need, because I will roll a 6, with 100% certainty."

And as the D6 shot out of my phone, I grabbed it, turned it so a 6 was facing up, and set it down onto the ground.

"...What? There's no way that work-"

"Look at that, I can move 6 spaces."


I smirked, seeing that smug grin wiped off his face was extremely satisfying.

"I noticed, the phone registers the correct movement number the moment the die hits the ground, so I took a gamble, that it doesn't monitor the die status until it hits the ground."

"Puku...Pukuku! Marvelous! You truly are...chaotically stupid! Even with a +2 bonus, how do you plan to make up for the clear point gap thanks to my six treasures and unknown starting value?"

"That's where your thinking is flawed, you've been tricking me into thinking about your point value, but you don't know how many personal points I have either, do you?"


"Think about it, why have I been acting so casually, even when you got six treasures in one fell swoop? It's because my starting point total is too large for that to matter."

Seven seemed distraught, I'll admit a sadistic side of me took pleasure in seeing that smug expression turn to terror, maybe I was a beast, or kindred spirit to him, like he suggested, but there is a side like that to everybody, I suppose.

"Hmph...you're just bluffing, aren't you? You must have started later then the others,if you didn't even know the rules of the game, so you had less time to gather treasure then me!"

C'mon, such a desperate excuse? It sounded more like he was trying to convince himself then anything.

"Oh please, isn't your judgement that I lacked knowledge of the rules entirely because of how I acted? Who's to say I didn't full you? It could have easily been a facade...but of course, if you're that confident, bet all your personal points, because I'll bet all of mine too, a wild man like you should be unswayed by the whims of others, right?!"

Seven growled, yes, he growled and pointed at me.

"Shut the fuck up! I'll bet all my personal points, and take all of yours! Challenge me if you can pussy!"

That crazed expression, the way his messy hair whipped around in a suddenly appearing wind, his golden eyes staring into my soul...I couldn't help but chuckle at the ridiculous nature of this all, like it really was some anime, manga, or light novel...but losing myself and becoming immersed in this madness, is ironically the best method to keep my sanity, I don't think about the ridiculosity of the situation, about whether or not I'll be able to come back home safe and sound, about what the fuck is going on with my whole world being turned upside down on somebody else's whim, maybe I can only think like that because I have nothing else to return to, and maybe this "Seven" can only think like that because he's already been through this, but in a situation like this, I'm presented with the opportunity to live in a crazy, anime-like world and engage in my favorite past time...all I can do, is play the part of a "main character", even if it will make me cringe in the future, even if I'm delusional, I will become the main character of this story!

"Alright then! Let's bet!"

And the beep played, sounding my victory.

Fuck you I'm making you wait another chapter to learn how he won because none of ya'll will guess it, I need at least a sufficiently funny number of bad guesses, or maybe even the right guess lmao.

Ghost_Doggocreators' thoughts