
On the Gameboard

Pizza rolls.

Ghost_Doggo · ゲーム
12 Chs

I Like Touching Long Wood

"Well, they felt exactly like these trees, so I realized it after I touched the trees."

"The...phones...are...made of...the trees."

"Yes, Fuwa, that's what I just said."

Her brain was probably fried, even though this was hardly the least believable thing to happen on this crazy gameboard.

Well, her adaptability seemed sorely lacking...

Yuki spoke up.

"Hey, Eight, would you like to touch my long wood?"



Ouch, Fuwa's yell hurt my ears, I meant his phone, obviously, her dirty mind spoke more about herself then anybody else here.

Yuki handed me his phone, strange.

"Of course this isn't the phone I used for betting, it's the one I entered the false number of points on, but it's actually a duplicate phone made out of the wood from these trees, you see, I found, in an earlier location, some...tools, and I used them to make this."

Great, he isn't going to reveal any specifics about his strategy, or how he made the phone, of course, he also won't reveal why he could enter a number of points to bet on this phone if it wasn't the phone he used to accept the battle.

The only plausible explanation would be if the phone was already engaged in batte, somehow, but how? He clearly had more knowledge of the settings of these strange wood phones, once again, I'm forced to draw conclusions with pretty much no basis...I'm getting pretty tired of this, pretty much everything I say is a blind guess at best.

"You realized it, didn't you? I'm not going to reveal my strategy until I already won, obviously, do your best to find it out."

Fuwa entered zero points on her phone, and it was revealed Yuki also entered that amount, so nobody could search.

"Well, as much as I'd love to get to know Mr. Eight better~"

What the fuck?

"I'll be going, bye!~"

And he rolled...a D20? That's reckless, he purposefully made it land on 20, using the simple cheating strategy, then just ran off, he has to have a strategy for using a D20 so recklessly, right?

"What...is he...I..."

Oh, Fuwa is still confused.

If this was a light novel, and this was a chapter that took way too long to come out, I'd probably be pretty mad if the chapter ended here, that was just a random thought, but it hit me.

Writers block, so have a chapter that tells you NOTHING.

I'm building up for something but it'll be a while trust, trust.

Ghost_Doggocreators' thoughts