
On the Gameboard

Pizza rolls.

Ghost_Doggo · ゲーム
12 Chs


"A 6...at least I'm still lucky."

I was a bit surprised when an actual real life D6 shot out of the phone and landed on a 6, but it didn't hit me at least...I definitely did not piss my pants.

Either way, rather large squares lit up around me, indicating "spaces", seems like I could move 6 spaces in any direction, I wondered if I could stop early, but a "stop movement" button on my phone answered that question for me, I'd love to measure exactly how much space each "space" took up, but it would take time and energy that I could spend finding a teammate, and they really were far larger then I expected, so I moved 6 spaces to the left without hesitation, it was a rather long walk, these "spaces" really were large, and a notification on my phone informed me I was out of the safe zone, it indicated a 1 minute cool down before I could "move" again, and encouraged me to "search for treasures", is that how you gain points? Regardless, it's a bit confusing, if I could wander around this huge space, why were my footsteps immediately stopped earlier? Could I only move in the cool down time? If that's the case, I should stop internally monologuing, only 40 seconds remain, so I dashed around searching, I considered also calling out for others, but if an "enemy" heard before a teammate did, it could be trouble. Regardless, I found a strange glowing spot on a tree, and touched it, checking my phone, my personal point counter had risen to 1, and the team point counter had risen to 2, another beep bumped the team point counter up to 3, and I realized that, not knowing the scale of this forest or my location in it made searching for teammates a fruitless endeavor, I couldn't even be certain if just this forest was the game board, or there was more outside of it, also considered part of the "game board", my lack of knowledge about the game's scope meant really, I should just focus on collecting points,I collected another "treasure", bumping my personal point count to 2 and the team count to 4. a beep informed me the cool down was over, and surely enough, I could no longer move without pressing "movement",if that was the case, should I explore the space I'm about to land on before officially stopping my movement? That would allow me to more effectively grab "treasure".

Though I did wonder why personal point counts were tracked, but asking more and more questions while the game progresses would be pointless, with another roll of a six-sided die, and a four this time, I progressed further to my left, while walking, I began to take in the situation again, I suppose my reaction to being thrown into some crazy world by a "god" was muted...but I really didn't even have much I lost, really all I did at home was play games, mostly online board games, I suppose it was trying to fill the void of loneliness by creating a feeling of playing a board game around the table with friends, but of course, a feeling like that was probably different. I did genuinely enjoy board games though, the idea of turning games that may initially appear as just luck based into games based on skill and devising reliable strategies always fascinated me, and what was initially a sad attempt to fill a void became a hobby that i genuinely enjoyed and was good at.

I was about to have an online match of Mahjong, too, Mahjong was a game I was just now diving into, but was proving to be a natural at, I guess it could be considered a board game, though it's also a card game if you replace "card" with "tile", well I was branching out from board games to strategy games in general anyway...

Arriving on the fourth space, I sighed, searching around the space prematurely, I located two treasures and, not wanting to search much longer, hit "stop movement", only for a far louder beep to sound, as a digitized voice played a message.

"An enemy player entered this space as you were about to stop your movement, we apologize for the inconvenience, please engage the player in battle before stopping your movement, to determine who can search the space for treasure."

Woo-hoo, teeny tiny backstory tidbit, that's all you get for now.

This is legit right before I go to sleep so expect mistakes.

Ghost_Doggocreators' thoughts