
On the Edge Of the Knife

Farhaan_Gull · 現実
31 Chs

Chapter #11: Kathy Bell

Kathy followed her all the way back. She was crying all the way back while holding ceggretes and packet of powder. Kristin never noticed where she was going. She ended up at the swimming pool where athletes practiced for the competitions.

Kristin stopped there gasping while face towards the water. She could see her reflection in the water.

"Are you all right" Kathy inquired.

"No.... I am not" she answered while crying.

" Its all right it's you can share it with me" Kathy told her trying to sooth her.

Kristin turned around and Kathy could see blistering tears pouring out of her Hazel eyes shining in the sunlight.

Kristin hugged her tightly while still crying. Kathy rubbed her palm on her waist all the way up as she could understand her pain.

"Why does it hurts so bad" Kristin asked innocently while crying.

"Its because of Love. You love her soo much that you can't let anything happen to him" she answered Kristin.

"Why is he doing this" Kristin asked.

"Sometimes people make mistakes which they dont notice but soon realises" Kathy answered her.

"Look. Look me in the eyes" she ordered Kristin as she pull her and now they were face to face.

Kristin didnt say a word. She just looked her in the eyes as her conversation was making her feeling good and hopeful.

"These are feelings of him pouring from your eyes. They are precious as gem. Dont loose them" she said while looking her in the eyes.

Kristin just shakes her head as she was not in position of talking. Kathy gave her a broad smile and said

"Let's go. Let's have some smoothie"

Kristin started walking with her. She was never threw that packet or cigarette she carried them with her.


The clouds were surrounding the sky. Wind was blowing very fast. Rain was expected soon. Sky was getting darker as more and more clouds were surrounding them.

Farhan was far from college. He walked all the way thinking what his life was doing with him. He was sitting on a bench in a jogging track.

It was empty and he couldn't see any one as far as his sight supports him. It was a beautiful track where most of the people get attracted. Flowers were planted all along the track with huge trees which were making it look like heaven.

Leaves were rustling. He felt like that silent relaxing sound was doubling his pain.

"What are you doing here" inquired Jimmy from behind.

Farhan did replied him trying to hide his tears. Jimmy sat next to him on the bench.

"Are you crying" he asked.

Farhan looked at him with tears in his eyes and his face expressing that in how much pain he was.

" But why" asked Jimmy anxiously.

"You won't understand Jimmy go away" Farhan tried to order him but his voice had lost that boldness as he was crying.

"If you want I will but my mom used to tell me that sharing lessen the burden we are carrying deep inside us" he answered.

Farhan never expected those words from Jimmy. He always thought of him a broken and scared guy who was afraid to make friends but then he realized that Jimmy was much stronger than him.

He hesitated a bit but he had no other option as he couldnt bare the pain. He stared him and answered

"I let someone down" with deep pain in his voice.

"What do you mean" he asked him calmly.

"I let..... I let Kristin down. I broke her heart" he answered while tears pouring from his eyes.

"Love!!! Love is indeed merciless. It is a killer" he advised him.

"What do you mean I can't understand you" he asked innocently as he didnt knew what he meant.

"My dear friend Love is the killer of emotions. It crucify 's your soul" he answered.

"I can understand your pain but believe me my pain was much greater than your. I will never ask you to stop crying" he answered him while Farhan listened to him carefully.

"When I lost my mom I cried for many days. Won't go out, won't eat but trust me it fades away with time" he advised him.

"What were you doing here" Farhan asked as he recovered a bit due to his conversation..


"You know I have to make money by that fucking shit. I had a costumer here. You know eahhh" he answered as he stood up.

"Wait there's more" Farhan asked.

"Yea what" he answered firmly..

"I know you put that piece of paper in my pocket the match day. WHAT HAPPENED THAT NIGHT" Farhan asked anxiously.

"Because I wanted to save you from Ryan. He had a whole army waiting for you at the college gate" he answered giving himself the credit and started to walk away not bothering to give him the answer.

"BUT WHAT HAPPENED" Farhan asked as his voice get louder and louder as Jimmy was walking away from him. He couldn't spoke much to him due to the guilt he had.

"Trust me I saved your life. He was gonna kill you!!! And go home it's gonna rain soon" he answered while Farhan could only see his back as he was walking away from him.


Ryan, Duke and his boys were drinking soda at the canteen. Ryan stress never lessened. Duke was completely calm as he knew he can handle all of it.

"Bro why are we not doing anything" Ryan asked anxiously.

"Chill bro!! Why are you so desperate" Duke inquired


"Because I have seen no fear in his eyes" Ryan said in a terror.

Duke realized that Ryan was a little afraid from


" I heard he resisted all alone against you and your boys" he inquired.

"He is a fucking psychopath" Ryan answered.

"What a shame" Duke answered while laughing. Ryan's boys looked down in a shame.

"You are taking him light he is not that easy going guy" Ryan answered trying to explain Farhan's personality.

"I have talked to my friend. He has underworld connections dont worry" said Duke trying to satisfy him.

"You mean we are gonna kill him" Ryan asked while staring at him.

"No bro! Fear has great power. We are just gonna scare him. It's simple and easy" Duke answered.


The bell ranged at it was of time. Everyone lined up and started to exit from college. Everyone knew what happened between Kristin and Farhan at the gate. Kristin joined Molly outside the gate.

Everyone was staring at her trying to disgrace her. It's the way college is.

Molly was waiting for her near her Ford.

"What was that drama at the gate" Molly asked annoyingly as she move around the car and sath alongside her.

She ignited the car trying to avoid her question.

"Everyone is talking about you and that nerd" she acknowledge her.

"I dont give a fuck about these people" she answered angrily as she drove the car out of the parking.

"Kristin what has happened to you. Look at yourself you were never meant to be like this. You are destroying your life for a guy who never cares" she said trying to explain her opinion.

"I love him Molly. He cares for me even for you also while you were always harsh on him" she answered angrily trying to prove her wrong.

"He never cared for himself and you are talking her cares for us. He is just a psychopath" Molly answered irritatingly.

"Its not like that Molly"

"The what was that shit in his pocket" Molly cross talked her.

"I dont know maybe it wasn't his. I was too tensed and didnt allowed him to explain" Kristin hoped it that way


"Kristin!!!!! your mother was right. HE DIDN'T DESERVE YOU" she said.

She never meant to told her that but it's the game of tongue. It's always hard to keep a secret. Molly want lucky as she heard that words delivered from her mouth while Noman was lucky earlier that day at the breakfast table.

Kristin stared at him with an angry look.

"What did you mean"

"Nothing just leave it" Molly answered trying to avoid the conversation from further going on.

"Had you both visited him" she inquired nervously.

Molly knew she had given her a hint about that meeting which broke Farhan completly. She knew one way or another she is gonna find out.

"No!! We didnt" she answered as Kristin could see stress in her face.

Kristin knew her mom very well. She knew that her mom was way too possessive for her and she never let her take any decisions.

"You should have told me Molly. Why did you do that to me" she mummered as she pushed the acceleration pedal and the car sprinted.

"Slow down Kristin. You are taking me wrong" she answered trying to explain that she cares for her and it was for her own good.

"How could you do that. You have no right. I HATE YOU" Kristin yelled at her.

Molly was shocked. She had never seen that much anger in Kristin before. She was speechless as she knew she won't listen to her know. She regrets it but it was too late now.


Coach was leaving for home. He went out of the college and before he could unlock his car doors. He heard Justin behind him.

"Coach I am resigning"

"Why Justin" he asked annoyingly.

"I let you all down. I dont have what it takes to be a good batsman" he answered sadly.

"No you did well on the pitch" Coach tried to convince him.

"It doesn't matter Coach" he shook his head.

"Why are you saying that" coach asked him.

"We lost the match and I am the one responsible. Everyone was counting on and I could" he confessed.

"My boy you dont have to do this" coach explained him.

"But I was the captain and it wa my responsibility. I am not changing my decision no matter how hard you try" he delivered those words.

He handed over the captain's cap to the coach and left. Cricket was his life. He always wanted to be a good batsman but he couldn't face his mates angerness and harsh words. He was hiding as best he could as everyone was disappointed from him and he couldn't bare that. Only his boys supported him and he was very thankful for that.

........... .   ...

Farhan phone rang. It was an unknown number. He answered the call.

"Hii I am Kathy" she answered.

"Yes" Farhan answered her.

She felt awkwardness in his voice so she told him

"Remember me"

"Ofcourse I do" he answered instantly as he felt disgrace if he had hesitate a bit.

"Where are you" she asked.

"Why would you ask that" he asked as it doesn't made sense for him.

"For Kristin's sake. She was worried. She insisted me as you won't answer her call" she told him.

Kristin never asked her to call him for her. She called him all by herself.

"I am fine not to worry. How is she??" He inquired...

"Pretty broken I guess. You broke her" she acknowledged him.


"I know and I am dying every moment. Is she nearby"

"No she left for home. Will you go there" she asked. Her heart was pounding. Her voice was shaking. She was blushing and feeding on her addiction as she was talking to him.

"No!!! I won't" he answered sadly


"And why. Can I have the reason" she inquired.

"No it's all right If you dont want to tell me. I won't insist" she answered in a instant.

"I can't face her. I had let her down. She cried because of me" he answered in breaking voice.

"Dont punish yourself it's all right. Everything will be fine" she advised him.

Farhan was speechless. He couldn't say a word.

"Well then Oky Bye" she delivered those words and ended the call while biting her lips and smiling to herself.

Farhan couldnt understand what she actually called for. He placed his phone on the bench and was soon back into deep thoughts.

