
On our way to love

Presented with a deal that can help her current situation, Hephzibah was really fazed but remembering all she has been through , she wondered if there was any situation that could be worse and so she decided at that moment to marry paralyzed Alex at least to safe her mom. Alex who was the most sorted after bachelor before he became paralyzed, had to resort to a contract marriage in order to punish Hephzibah for her father's crime. Their live begins to blossom but Alex still refuses to acknowledge it until Hephzibah is kidnap and he feels like his whole world had come crashing down

chiamaka_lucia · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter 1

"Lock her up!" Alex ordered his men as soon as they brought to him Hephzibah as they were instructed.

  At his command, they dragged her to the dungeon to lock her up there. They pushed her into a very big cage enough to fit in ten people and locked her up but before they could leave, she reached out and held the end of one of the men's trousers and begged him with fear buried deep in her eyes

  "Please can I know what I did wrong?? I promise to pay for it accordingly" she pleaded as she cried.

The man shook his leg to release himself from her grip and walked away.

She kept on crying and screaming for help in between with the hope that someone would take pity on her and save her.

"Sir, what should we do with her?" Alex's personal assistant asked him.

"Get more information on her and let her remain locked up for now and keep your eyes on her. She is old enough to pay for her father's sins" Alex instructed.

"Yes Sir. The DPO called, he said the dashcam was gone before they could arrive" Blade informed Alex.

" Send the boys to search everywhere and to not return until it is found and make sure that the man is really dead'' Alex instructed Blade.

"Yes Sir" Blade answered and left.

Alex was a very tall and well-built man. His handsome face was one of the reasons many ladies including the conglomerates threw themselves on him.

He has a body that was built just for the sore purpose of attraction.

But that was all in the past now because he was now tied to a wheelchair by an accident that his rival had planned.

He looked down at his thighs and pinched them, a habit he cultivated since he was declared crippled but could not feel any sensation from them. 

Anger brewed from within him each time he realized that he was no longer a normal human being.

Out of anger he took the vase that sat beside him and smashed against the wall resulting in the rush in of his men who are always on stand by incase he needs help.

"Take me to my room" He said to them and one of them immediately ran towards him to push his wheelchair.

Immediately he got into his room, he got more frustrated. 

He remembered how he called in different ladies to relieve himself of stress whenever he felt frustrated, but he could not do that anymore.

All the ladies who used to drool over him now find him useless, his fiance hasn't even visited him since he left the hospital.

"Send for the head maid immediately!" He ordered when he remembered that there was still a way he could relieve himself of stress.

"It's high time she came useful to me since her father put me in this wheelchair, she will suffer for it too" he said to himself as he thought of the pleasure of seeing her suffer on behalf of her father.

The head maid arrived, "Sir you sent for me" she said to announce her arrival.

"Make sure she is clean and neat, she should be scrubbed very well and the most expensive scents and oils are to be used" He ordered her.

The head maid bowed down to signify obedience and left immediately to carry out her duty.

At the command of the head maid, the men released Hephzibah from the cage and carried her to an empty room.

Hephzibah was scared, "this looks like the room where they execute people in movies", she thought to herself.

The head maid walked into the room the men had brought Hephzibah in. " Let her free," she said to the men.

The men loosened the chains that were used to bound her hands together to her legs in a sitting position.

"Look at me, young lady," the head maid said to Hephzibah as she used her index finger to lift her face up.

  "You better do your very best to put the young master back to his much better previous self, else be considered dead" she said to Hephzibah with a strong face.

"Now, lie flat and stay still" she ordered Hephzibah. She laid on the bed immediately with her eyes closed but with so much fear of what they could do to her resulted in her shivering physically.

"I said stay still!!!" The head maid shouted in a manner that even shook the able-bodied bodied men from their standing positions.

Hephzibah was still struggling to lay still when she felt someone come close to her right ear,

  "Just pretend you have a snake crawling on your body and would bite if you move" a voice that belonged to a young lady whispered in her ears.

At the mention of the snake, Hephzibah immediately laid still, no movement whatsoever. Before she could process what was going on, her dress was ripped from the neck line down to the hem.

The rush of cold air that hit her skin made Hephzibah realize that she was naked except for her panties which were ripped almost immediately.

Out of reflex, Hephzibah immediately tried to cover her private parts with her hands but the head maid slapped them off immediately.

" Get her into the bathtub and let her soak for about 30 mins." The head maid ordered and left the room with the men following behind her.

"You can open your eyes now, she is gone" the voice from earlier said to her.

Hephzibah slowly opened her eyes but became very shy because of the two maids who she saw there.

" You can walk right?" The other maid asked. "You better hurry up and get into the tub because I'm not about to reheat the water for you" she said and walked to the end of the room to be on her phone.

"Get into the tub first, you have a lot to process," the first maid told her.

Hephzibah got into the bathtub and for the first time since she got to whatever that place was, she felt good.

"My name is Lily," the first maid introduced herself. " She is Kate and don't worry she isn't that bad, she just has a little attitude problem" Lily explained to Hephzibah concerning Kate.

"I'm Hephzibah but you can call me Hephzi. Can I get drinking water please?", Hephzibah asked Lily in a very low and raspy voice.

Lily excused herself and left the room. She came back with a glass of water, " you should at least have water so that you can talk properly" she said, handing the water to Hephzibah.

Hephzibah gulped the water down immediately because she was very thirsty. "Thank you very much for all your kindness," she said to Lily.

" It's nothing much, I promise," Lily said to her.

" It's 28 mins already, Ma will soon be here," Kate said to them as she approached them.

"You will be fine, just be obedient" Lily said to Hephzibah as she stood up to readjust her dress and stand in position beside Kate before the head maid arrived.

" Scrub off every dirt and dry her up. Bring her to the first guest room when you are done" The head maid instructed as soon as she stepped back into the room.

Hephzibah was cleaned up and taken to the room as soon as possible. She was sneered with sweet oils and given a robe to put on. 

A doctor came in and examined her and after he was satisfied with the result, he signaled the maid to go on.

She was served dinner but she didn't eat much for fear of what may be in the food.

Hephzibah was dressed in a very beautiful yet exposing night dress and was led to the young master's room by the head maid.

The dress was short for her and she kept struggling to pull it down but at the same time pulling it up to cover her boobs.

Before she could process what was going on, she was pushed into a room by the head maid and the door was shut.

She looked around the big room. If she thought the first guest room was very big, then this one was probably a bungalow in a mansion.

The room was giving off a dark vibe maybe because of the way it was painted. The walls were painted in very dark colors and the furniture were not any different.

As she was still looking around the dark monochrome room, she heard someone clear his throat and that made her stiffen.

"Turn to your right," she heard the voice say. 

Turning to her right, she was standing a bit too far from Alex.

He sat in his comfy chair and was giving off a very intimidating vibe . He literally scanned her from head to toe from where he sat.

Hephzibah moved back a bit out of fear of what this man might do.

But as she was still debating on what to say or do after standing in front of this man for about five minutes, she heard a very shocking order.

"Take off your clothes" Alex said to her.

"Excuse me?" Hephzibah's fierce side was let out, she couldn't stand perverts.

"What do you not understand? Should I do it myself?Well, I can't do that since your father tied me to a chair" Alex shouted as he dropped the book on the chair.

Hephzibah was very confused on how to react right now. First she was suddenly dragged into a car on her way home from choir practice and now this?

"My father?Who the hell is my father??" she asked Alex.

"Maybe you can ask your mother if you get to see her again?" Alex replied to her.

" First of all Sir, I do not have a father so I think you have the wrong person" Hephzibah said with a bit of anger stirring within her. She would not stand this anymore.

From what she could remember, her mother had always told her that her father left them since she was little.

Alex angrily threw the glass cup beside him in her direction but she luckily dodged it. 

"That man birthed you so you are his daughter, at least you are the only thing I saw him protect!!!" Alex shouted at her as his men rushed in after hearing the glass clash. He was literally trembling with anger.

Get her out of this room and keep her in the dungeon for 5 days!!!" Alex ordered his men in anger.

"But wait ... .I don't have a father!!, I really mean it" Hephzibah began to cry as one of the men lifted her and carried her over his shoulder like a heavy sac.

She kept struggling and beating the back of the man who was carrying her like a sac as her voice echoed through the hallway.