
On My Terms

After a brutal betrayal by his family and fiancée, Hendrix Frost is left for dead. But fate intervenes, and he's given a second chance at life. A childless widow, who works as a maid at the luxurious Dunwoody Villa, takes him in and nurses him back to health. However, Hendrix's memories are lost in the process, and he's reborn as Drix Anderson. As Drix, he takes on a new identity and becomes Camilla Dunwoody's personal bodyguard to support his new family. But as he gets closer to the rebellious heiress, their relationship evolves into something more. Camilla Dunwoody is a force to be reckoned with. Despite building her own successful company, she's determined to inherit her grandfather's empire. But there's a catch - her grandfather insists she marry before taking the reins. Desperate and enraged, Camilla proposes a 5-month contract marriage to Drix, her bodyguard. Little does she know, her 'husband' holds secrets that could change everything and fuel her thirst for power.

Ebbie_Namani · 都市
17 Chs


D R I X ᯓᡣ𐭩

I'M STILL reeling from the series of events that just unfolded before my eyes.

I'm unsure how to process my emotions, but I decide to focus on the positive - I got the job!

My mom was wrong about Ms. Dunwoody; she's not delightful, but rather complicated, rude, and overbearing.

Maybe she just had a bad day. I'm back in the living room, waiting for Stephan to follow Ms. Dunwoody's instructions. Twenty minutes later, he enters, dressed in a white Polo shirt and black Chinos trousers, his dark hair still damp from a shower.

"Stephan Williams," he introduces, offering a handshake which I accept.

"Drix Anderson," I smile, pulling my hand from his and he slips his hands into his pockets.

"I'm glad you were able to make it today, Drix. Let's start with the tour, shall we?" he offers, leading the way and I follow behind.

The tour is quiet and I only nod my head whenever we arrive at a new location. An eternity later, and I'm privileged to see the league of guestrooms and the master's bedroom, gym, kitchen, study, office, indoor jacuzzi amongst many others that possibly skipped my mind. Stephan led me into an elevator that would lead to the garage, this time I grab to ask the question in my head.

"Are you her husband?"

He chuckles and replies, "No, I'm her secretary."

I query further, "Why did she hire me?"

He responds, "For protection, why else would anyone need a bodyguard?"

I press on, "Protection from what or whom?"

He enigmatically replies, "You'll find out soon."

The elevator door sleekly opens, shutting down my next question as my gaze lands on the impressive collection of vehicles each organized by their respective colours; black, white, red , pink and green. They appear pristine, as if they've never been driven before.

I will note the fact that she's obsessed with organising things as seen in previous rooms but is also really private since places like her study and office were off limits.

"The driver is away on a week break but he will be back by Monday. Camilla drives according to her mood, outfit or event. Each key would be allocated to you by her if she pleases. Impressive, isn't it?" he smirks.

"Yes,it is. When do I resume?" 

"Next week or whenever she deems to phone you, you do know she needs you 24/7, right?"

"Yes, I'll be available whenever she needs me. But you haven't answered my question,"

Stephan sighs, "Let's have a drink, shall we?"

"Yes,I don't mind,"

I know I'm being too persistent but I should know what to be prepared for at least, I should know what I'm fighting against . Three months ago, I had undergone severe training for this job at an academy and I wouldn't waste it by just being a personal escort.

I follow Stephan to the house and all the way to an outdoor mini bar close to the lake, I sight few swans in it swimming gracefully and peacefully in the clear water.

My attention is called by Stephan with two glass bottles in his hands, "Vodka or—"

"Sorry, I don't take alcohol," I announce.

"No problem, red wine, then?"

"That would be fine," I concur.

Taking a sit at the small glass table, I place my hands on the table and observe how he cleans two glasses and fills then up with wine before passing it to me. He doesn't sit but turns to stare at the lake.

"A week ago, Camilla was almost shot by an unknown sniper at the roof of her building—"

I was totally not expecting that, "Oh my word,"

"Luckily, the amateur missed. In the world of business,there are rivals and enemies and Camilla is lucky to have numerous. The police are still investigating but keep her alive, will you?"

I am shell struck and utterly flabbergasted, she wasn't such a nice butterfly but why would anyone hate her to the point of murdering her? Why did she trust me enough to hire me in a split second?

This woman had the capacity to employ sophisticated bodyguards across the globe, military personnels included, and I'm supposed to keep her alive and protect her from multiple enemies that I knew nothing about? 'Keep her alive' he says, like I had power over life and death or maybe her life was in my hands.

"I'll do my best," I answer.

"I hope your best is enough, Camilla isn't quite cheerful around everyone so please pardon her for this morning,"

"That isn't a problem, at all,"

"She'll provide you with any other information you need so I'll see you on Monday,then?"

"Yes, Monday. Thanks for the tour, and the wine,"

"My pleasure," he answers.

That evening, when mom returned I chose to hide the circumstances surrounding my interview, that is the fencing game, I only spoke about the interview going on peacefully and finally the tour Stephan gave me excluding a few details of our conversation. Not that I didn't trust her, but because I didn't want her to bother about it, she had spoken of a headache so I decided to let her rest instead of adding to it.


Finally, the day that I start my job begins and I prepare for it, praying that it would go smoothly.

I strap in a bullet proof vest before wearing my dress shirt and finally draping my black suit over my shoulders. Something about wearing this suit seems familiar, like I've done it multiple times in my lifetime but I think of it as a gradual acceptance of my brain getting used to the system.

Fully dressed,I grab my black bag filled with several instruments for my profession one of which includes a tiny tracker I would place on my client. Stephan had advised that it would be best to do it without her notice, which I totally agree. It may sound sh•tty but it's all of the best.

The last stage of my morning routine, is breakfast so I sauntered in the kitchen where I find my mom.

"Good morning, mom," I greet but get no response. She's holding the countertop with her eyes tightly shut and one hand on her chest.

"Mom, is anything wrong?" I inquired, walking up to her.

"No, I'm okay," she whispers, standing straight.

I push a few strands of her blonde hair from her eyes before noting that she was dressed for work.

"Shouldn't you stay in bed today? You don't look well,"

"I'm fine, dear. I took a few drugs," she smiles weakly.

I feel a pang of pain, maybe I should work harder than I already am that way my mother wouldn't break her back or bother this had to meet our needs.

"Do you need help with anything else?" I question, helping her to take a seat at the dinning table.

She shakes her head in negative, "I've packed your breakfast, go now you don't want to be late on your first day,"

"Are you sure, you're okay?"

"Yes, I'll be right behind you after I pack my pain killers,"

I'm a bit reluctant to leave her and go but my mom is thick-skinned, nothing that I would tell her would make her change her mind but I do hope she's okay as she had proclaimed and that this was just a minor body ache but the second I get to Dunwoody's residence, I'll make sure to take a leave on her behalf.

"Okay then, call me if you need anything and I'll come back," I say, heading out after sliping the packed breakfast in my briefcase.

"Good luck, dear," she grins faintly.

"Thank you, mom," I smile, taking my leave with half my attention at our residence and the rest on my destination.

My phone beeps and I turn it on to read the text message notification sent to me by an unknown number.

[Leaving in 40, hurry up]

Instead of a taxi today, I called an uber for a sense of convenience and in a handful of minutes, I'm at my desired location. I bolt into the building after exchanging pleasantries with the security guards and luckily, I still have fifteen minutes to spare. I walk past a group of gardeners, trimming the hedges when my attention is called by a scream, turning to look at where it came from I find a female gardener, groaning over a pierced finger.

"Can't you be careful, child. There's nothing you do and do well," an older gardener rebukes her.

I am prompted to help her,after seeing someone in need, leaving would be of no use.

"Can I help you with that?" I ask.

"Please do," she sniffles, cleaning her face with her muddy palms and some residue is left on her cheek.

I carefully examine the splinter and pull it out gently whilst she tightly bit her lower lip, holding her pain.

"Does it feel better now?" I query again, pulling out the handkerchief from my pocket.

"Yes, it does. Thank you, "

"Don't mention it," I grin as I attempt to help her clean her face but she moves a step back.

"Oh, you've got something there,"


I point at the spot on her cheek before placing the handkerchief in her hands to clean up herself.

"Be careful," I advice, turning on my heels to leave.

"I'm Penelope and you are?" she introduces and I stop in my tracks, turning to look at her.

"Drix, it's a pleasure meeting you Penelope but I must go now. See you around then, "

"See you around, Drix," she beams.