

Her life wasn't perfect, A few bumps here and there, But she was content. That was before she found out her whole existence was a lie. \\PREVIEW// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I walked down the empty hallway glad I won't run into anyone that'll piss me off when I saw this weird girl smiling at me, I shot her an icy glare so she'll stay away from me unfortunately her smile only widened. "Listen Blondie,if you're here to piss me off do yourself the favour and go away because I'm in no mood for bullshit now" I said staring her down, Her smile turned into laughter and I became very disturbed. Who was she?! Now that I think about it I've never seen her in my school before. Grinning from ear to ear she said "Scarlett Maya Winters your mother was right when she called you her little fire cracker". I froze on hearing those words and stared at her blankly, her smile now turned into an evil smirk as she stretched out her hands for a handshake "I'm Jessica, Jessica Hales nice to meet you" I stared at her hands for a second before I did the only sensible thing I could think off. Run. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Started Nov 2021 // Finished ______ Bookcover from - www.dreamstime.com I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE IMAGES USED IN THIS BOOK❌ Copyright Reserved

Precious_Writer · 若者
4 Chs


I opened my eyes to very bright lights and shut them back by reflex.

"why on earth is my room so bright"

I thought.

Everybody in this house knows that I'm not a morning person so why open the windows so wide.

How did they even get into my room without me noticing.


I facepalmed myself and groaned at the splitting headache

"must have been a really bad dream"

I said to myself and sat upright.

"Wait a minute"

I started looking around me frantically

"this isn't my room" I said realization now dawning on me

"Why on earth am I in hospital clothes and how did I even get here"

All these thoughts began to circulate in my head and the fact that I had no answers were overwhelming and aggravating so I let out a loud shriek and nurses started trooping into my room.

"Hello dear is everything alright" the head-nurse I assume said to me.

"No it's not." I stated glaring at her "Why am I here and who brought me?" I gasped suddenly

"Are you one of those who disect a person and sell their parts?" I furiosly started checking my body for cuts and marks "What did you take from me?"

The head nurse looked dumb struck but still chuckled slightly "Relax my dear" she said reaching out to me and I flinched automatically she frowned at that while I glared.

"Nobody wants to hurt you neither did we take anything from you, I need you to try and recall the events of yesterday dearie. See if you can"

I eyed her warily but still tried nonetheless even I wanted to remember, I took a deep breath and the events of yesterday started flooding into my head.

My day started off with some family drama, meeting the bullies and then meeting this weird girl before going home.

Last thing I remember was I went into the woods to vent and met that weird creepy girl again and-

A switch went off in my head for a second.


I can't believe that creep kidnapped me.

"So I was right then, you dissect people" If looks could kill right now I'm sure this nurse would be six feets under.

She looked amused but still spoke.

"No my dear we do not do that here, and as for who brought you here-"

She was cut off when some people walked in with the doctor.

"How much do they pay you for the parts" I stood up and spat venomously at him,

he stared me up and down before bursting into laughter. I seriously don't get this people do I look like a clown or something.

"This is a hospital ma'am not a cadaver lab. Besides even if we sell 'your parts' it won't fetch us enough money so consider yourself lucky to be here my dear" he said before continuing his laughter.

I walked up to him casually before slapping him hard across the face, I heard gasps from everyone in the room and the Doctor turned red with rage.

"How dare you !!" he yelled in my face

I flinched at his tune and hoped he didn't sense my fear.

"That's what you get for talking to me like that, Now I need someone to explain to me why I'm in this godforsaken place".

I took a closer look at everyone in the room with me and I spotted 'her'. The shedevil herself who put me in this mess, without much thought I threw myself at her.

I just wanted to claw her face or scratch her eyes out unfortunately someone caught me and pinned me down.

I started thrashing beneath the person and throwing kicks in different directions.

"Hey you" I pointed at her

she turned around along with everyone else like she didn't know I was referring to her.

The nerve she has!

"Hey Blondie - yes you - the one with the dry skin" I picked a stethoscope from the ground and launched it at her with the remaining strength I had left, she moved out of the way just in time and it made me furious.

"Get off me you lunatic" I said pushing the man away from me

"Look around you miss, you're the only one making a scene and that makes you the lunatic, not me."

He turned to the group of people he came in with "How does she even have so much energy, I thought the drug doesn't wear out this fast"

So dhe didn't only kidnap me she also drugged me.

I lost it completely and threw myself at her again and the same man stopped me.

"Darn you woman, you need to calm down" he said panting.

My breathing was very heavy now and I was also panting

"Calm down? Oh I'm sorry I just woke up and found myself amidst strange people and also found out i was drugged and kidnapped. Every normal person would be calm too" I said giving him a fake smile.

"And to you miss dry skin I will definitely file a case against you just when I get home"

She had the audacity to roll her eyes. "Bold of you to assume you're going home" she did air quotes around the last words.

I blinked rapidly for a few seconds before bolting in the direction of the exit. That same man tried to hold me down again but one kick in the angel zone and he let go immediately.

My internal joy was cut short when I tripped over something and someone hurriedly shut the door.

"I didn't think you understood me when I did airquotes around that statement. You can't go back, this is your new home whether you like it or you do not."

I began to whimper in disbelief.

"First you stalked me in school and then you followed me all the way home" I stood up and grabbed her shirt tightly while yelling "What is it you want from me, why have you brought me here you creep".

She freed herself from my hold and was about to respond to me when a much older man came in.

"That's enough Jessica!!"


You guysssss,

it's 9 more days to my birthday 🥰 and I'm super excited 💃🏼

Thank you sooooo much for giving my story a chance👉👈

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You guysssss,

it's 9 more days to my birthday and I'm super excited

Thank you sooooo much for giving my story a chance

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