
Omori : Coma - Konsui

"Welcome to White Space" "You've been here as long as you can remember" "Perhaps too long? Who knows" "This is our reality after all" So forth, Omori does his usual routine in headspace until something surprising he did was striking himself early in white space. with a new emergence of Sunny whose full name is Susumu Miyamoto. As thereof, there's a comatose and sleeping-like figure in this shared bedroom. It was none other than Mari, Mariko Miyamoto. What would happen next?

Mystic_Magnificous · ゲーム
38 Chs

File M: "Mourning's Mass Maturity" (1/2)

In the soft glow of the bathroom lights, Basil and Sunny stood side by side, gently combing their hair. The rhythm of the comb gliding through their hair seemed to echo the thoughts swirling in Sunny's mind. He couldn't shake the feeling that his dreams were shifting, evolving in ways he couldn't quite grasp.

As they worked through the knots and tangles, Sunny couldn't help but voice his thoughts to Basil. "You ever feel like time is playing tricks on us, Basil? My dreams used to feel like a constant, but lately, it's like they're changing, morphing into something different."

Basil paused in his combing, thoughtful. "Yeah, I get what you mean. It's like we're caught between two worlds, the familiar and the unknown. Maybe it's a sign of growth, of moving forward despite the uncertainties."

Sunny nodded, feeling a sense of understanding wash over him. "Perhaps you're right. Change can be unsettling, but maybe it's also a chance for new experiences, new perspectives."

They continued combing in comfortable silence, the quiet night enveloping them with a sense of introspection and possibility.

Basil spoke "So is that why you gasp awake tonight Sunny? Did something went wrong in your precious 'dreamworld' you share stories about since 4 years before now?"

Sunny glanced at Basil, his reflection in the bathroom mirror mirroring his own uncertainty. "I'm not sure, Basil. It's like something shifted, a subtle change in the air. Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me."

Basil's gaze was steady, his concern evident. "If something's bothering you, you know you can talk to me about it, right? We've always been there for each other, especially when things get tough."

Sunny offered a small smile, appreciative of Basil's understanding. "Thanks, Basil. I think I just need some time to process everything. It's like mourning the loss of something familiar while embracing what's new and uncertain."

Basil nodded, a reassuring presence beside him. "We'll figure it out together, Sunny. No matter what changes come our way, we'll navigate them as a team."

With that, they finished combing their hair, a sense of camaraderie and support lingering in the air as they prepared to face whatever challenges awaited them, both in dreams and reality.

Then they sigh, as they chuckle grumbling stomach is from Sunny as Basil spoke "Oh I almost forgot to mention…Kel was able to carry you inside the house and me and him ate some early dinner before he left to go back home with Hero.."

Following Sunny scratch his neckbrace "Ohh? How about Aubrey? Surely she seems surprise that I suddenly na—" He got Basil's finger on his lips for hush as Basil said with a soft tone "Don't worry she doesn't mind, it surprises everyone a bit…yet knowing your Uhh 'Hikkimori' body…it's expected your easily tired..Besides, she even thinks it's adorable and sweet seeing you so relax even a bit…"

Basil's reassurance brought a smile to Sunny's lips. "Thanks for looking out for me, Basil. It means a lot." He glanced at the mirror again, noticing the tired but content expression on his face.

Basil chuckled. "No problem, Sunny. We all have those moments where we need a break, especially after everything you've been through."

Sunny nodded, feeling grateful for Basil's understanding. "I guess I do need to take it easy sometimes. It's just hard to shake off the feeling of pressure."

Basil patted his shoulder. "You're doing great, Sunny. Just remember to take care of yourself too. Now, how about we grab something to eat? I'm sure your stomach won't let us forget."

With a laugh, they headed to the kitchen, their bond stronger than ever as they faced the challenges of life together.

Then , Basil notice Sunny rewrapping new bandages and added "Although I will still debate what I can admit to my parents of how I..er cope…along I guess I forgot to tell Hero on time that I actually learn to cook…I think a little bit for myself.." calm face

Basil smiled warmly. "That's impressive, Sunny. Learning to cook is a valuable skill, especially for taking care of yourself. And about admitting things to your parents, take your time. It's okay to share when you're ready."

Sunny nodded, a hint of determination in his eyes. "Thanks, Basil. I'll figure it out eventually. It's just a matter of finding the right time and approach."

As he1 finished wrapping up the new bandages, they exchanged a look of understanding. Basil's support meant a lot to Sunny, and he felt more confident facing the challenges ahead, both in his personal life and in the dreamworld he often found solace in.

Then they grip their hands together when they reach the stairs , the moonlight via the main hall window beams at the side.

Along as they gently left the bathroom. They make sure the SOMETHINGs of their own like mental hallucinations (almost) haunt them.

When Basil stuttered "I-I-I also wonder how you handle your Uhh…something compare to me…"

Sunny gave Basil a reassuring smile. "We each have our own challenges, Basil. Yours may be different from mine, but we're both learning to cope and grow stronger every day. It's okay to have moments of doubt or struggle; what matters is how we face them together and support each other."

Basil nodded, feeling a bit lighter with Sunny's understanding. "Thanks, Sunny. I guess we'll figure it out as we go along, right?"

"Definitely," Sunny replied with a determined nod. "We've come this far, and we'll keep moving forward."

As he sighs "Although Basil how did you Hide yours? Since you don't use bandages and wear gardening gloves a lot.." As they walked carefully downstairs of the house to venture where the kitchen was pass the living room to continue saying "What I meant to ask , me and Kel were unable to ask further since it's during the time everyone else is there to not be overly insensitive about it…"

Basil hesitated for a moment, contemplating how to answer. "I guess I've learned to hide it well over time, mostly by wearing long sleeves and being mindful of how I move. And the gardening gloves are just a habit now, helps me keep my hands protected."

Sunny nodded, understanding the need for such precautions. "It's good to have ways to manage it. We all have our ways of coping with things, don't we?"

Basil nodded in agreement. "Exactly. We find what works for us and make the best of it."

They reached the kitchen, where Basil offered to make some tea for them both. Sunny smiled gratefully, glad for the chance to relax and chat with his friend.

So, Sunny makes some instant udon noodles with some chopped sausages to cook. Basil loves the smell as he says in awe burrowing the kitchen items to brew tea "It's nice for the recent past 3 days since leaving the house, despite your initial discomfort…you manage to reconnect with everyone…"

Next, Sunny replied with a somber tone "Yet I didn't reconnect with them for the past 4 years, I even almost forgot what faraway spots are like for so long and how much they change…."

Basil nodded in understanding as he poured hot water into the teapot. "It must have been a lot to take in, seeing everything after so long. But you're doing great, Sunny. Reconnecting is a big step, and it shows how much you care about them and yourself."

Sunny stirred the noodles, his expression thoughtful. "Yeah, it's been a journey. Sometimes it feels like I've missed out on so much, but other times, it's like I never left. It's all a mix of emotions, you know?"

Basil placed the teapot on the table and sat down across from Sunny. "It's okay to feel that way. You're navigating through it, and that's what matters."

Sunny nodded, taking a deep breath. "Thanks, Basil. It means a lot to have your support."

Basil smiled warmly. "Anytime, Sunny. We're in this together, through the ups and downs."

Sunny then sighs "Although why didn't you share much about yourself in our personal chat and text for the past 4 years…or did I forget after so long? Like since Mari…everyone..me I just..felt I am still leaving you out despite your the one and only person still able to connect to me despite my isolation…"

Basil's expression softened as he listened to Sunny's words, understanding the weight behind them. "I didn't want to burden you with my own struggles, Sunny. You had so much on your plate already, especially with Mari and everything else. I thought it was best to keep things light in our conversations, to give you a break from everything else."

Sunny nodded slowly, stirring his noodles absentmindedly. "I appreciate that, Basil. But I want you to know that you can always share with me, too. We're friends, and friends support each other through thick and thin."

Basil smiled, a touch of gratitude in his eyes. "I'll keep that in mind, Sunny. And if there's ever anything you want to talk about or know, I'm here for you, no matter what."

Sunny returned the smile, a sense of relief washing over him. "Thanks, Basil. It means a lot."

As they finally relax with tea as Basil sniff at the bowl of noodles and meaty sausages Sunny ate as he ask "when did you start practicing to cook for yourself? Since your Parents did got busy since for hehe past 4 years with Mari…" 

Sunny took a thoughtful sip of his tea before answering Basil's question2. "I started practicing cooking for myself about two years into Mari's coma. It was around the time I realized how much I relied on my parents for everything, and I needed to learn some basic life skills to take care of myself properly."

Basil nodded in understanding, his gaze shifting to the steam rising from Sunny's noodles. "It's impressive that you took that initiative, Sunny. Cooking can be quite therapeutic, don't you think?"

Sunny chuckled softly. "Yeah, it can be. It's one of the few things that helps me focus on the present and forget about everything else, even if just for a little while."

Basil smiled warmly. "Well, it looks like you've become quite the chef. These noodles smell amazing."

Sunny grinned, a hint of pride in his expression. "Thanks, Basil. Cooking has been a small comfort in the midst of everything."

As they enjoyed their tea and food, the quiet atmosphere of the kitchen provided a moment of peace and camaraderie, reminding them of the bond they shared despite the challenges they faced individually.

As he blush as he muttered "Also you think if I inform Hero by tomorrow or later days besides the treehouse project…he c-c-could comment if I can be Chef level like him? He is our best cook as kids…"

Basil smiled warmly, watching Sunny eat with a newfound sense of contentment. "I'm sure Hero would be impressed with your cooking skills, Sunny. You've come a long way, and it's great to see you taking on new challenges."

Sunny's blush deepened slightly at the encouragement. "Thanks, Basil. It means a lot coming from you."

"You know," Basil continued, "cooking is about passion and practice. If you keep honing your skills and exploring different recipes, there's no doubt you'll reach Chef Hero's level someday."

Sunny nodded, feeling a surge of determination. "I'll indeed keep on trying. It's nice to have something to focus on besides the usual worries."

Basil gave him an encouraging nod. "Exactly. We all need those little escapes to keep us going. And hey, if you ever need a taste-tester or someone to share recipes with, I'm here."

Sunny grinned, feeling grateful for Basil's support. "Thanks, Basil. I appreciate it."

As they finished their meal and tea, the conversation shifted to lighter topics, providing a much-needed break from the weight of their usual concerns.

Then as time passes as they wash dishes. Sunny pause as Basil ask "what is it? Something else o your mind before we go to bed?" As Sunny uttered "Basil hear me out….Would Mari…not mind if I practice Violin again despite her current state now? I know about cooking…my current passion is actually drawing which by the way I started since having these dreamlike adventures…it's just—"

Basil listened attentively, drying a plate before responding. "Sunny, I think Mari would want you to pursue your passions. She's always been supportive of us following our dreams, and I don't see why playing the violin would be any different."

Sunny nodded slowly, still feeling a bit uncertain. "I guess I'm worried it might seem insensitive or like I'm not focused on her."

Basil placed a comforting hand on Sunny's shoulder. "You're allowed to have your own interests and hobbies, Sunny. It doesn't mean you care any less about Mari. If anything, doing things that make you happy can also bring positivity to her situation."

Sunny smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Basil. I needed to hear that."

"Anytime," Basil replied with a smile. "We'll figure it out together, like always."

With that reassurance, they finished cleaning up and headed to bed, both feeling a sense of relief and determination for the days to come.

Onward, Sunny teased a little or tried with his straight and sarcastic voice that made Basil giggle as they walked back upstairs "Figures…guess Kel is at least right you still have the 'green thumb' skill you always have for us as kids right?"

Sunny's teasing brought a chuckle from Basil. "Well, I did manage to keep a few plants alive in my room, so maybe there's hope for my gardening skills yet."

Sunny smirked playfully. "At least we know you won't let our future treehouse project turn into a jungle."

Basil laughed, shaking his head. "Definitely not. We'll make sure it's a cozy retreat for us all."

With their banter lightening the mood, they reached the top of the stairs, ready to rest and tackle the next day's adventures together.

As Basil added blushing to speak softly "It's nice you when…when is as a group of old friends despite all that happened while Mari is at her state right now bonded..we made you the leader of this treehouse project and the first idea you did was incorporate my gardening skills…"

Basil's blush and soft tone caught Sunny's attention, and he smiled warmly. "Well, you've always had a knack for making spaces feel cozy and welcoming. It just made sense to have your touch in our special place."

Sunny paused, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "And being the leader... it's not about making big decisions alone. It's about listening to everyone's ideas and bringing them together. You're an essential part of that, Basil."

Basil's smile widened, and he nodded. "I'll make sure our treehouse is a place filled with warmth and good memories for all of us."

With that, they headed to their respective rooms, ready to rest and dream of the adventures to come in their shared space.

Then , Sunny blush when Basil snuggle in their shared bed (which is Sunny's bed) before he turn the night lamp off and whisper to a comatose Mari across the other side of the share bedroom "Goodnight for another day Mari…."

Basil thought (Hero is right , Kel is right..Aubrey even…Sunny may not admit it but he seems a natural leader…he really change since then…) before hugging a yawning Sunny to whisper "Sweet dreams Sunny…Hope you don't mind me sharing your bed with me…I can return to my house tomorrow…"

Sunny, feeling the warmth of Basil's embrace and hearing his whispered words, smiled softly despite his drowsiness. "I don't mind at all, Basil," he murmured back, his voice tinged with gratitude. "You're always welcome here. And thank you for everything, really."

Basil squeezed him gently before settling down, ready to drift off to sleep with his friend nearby. The quiet of the room and the comforting presence of Basil lulled Sunny into a peaceful slumber, thoughts of dreams and friendships intertwining as he welcomed the night's embrace.

Despite the echoes of SOMETHINGS of their own. As they drift off to sleep.

The scene transitions to Omori waking up in a vague white space, initially confused by the silhouette resembling Mari. "Ughh…Mari, what are you doing here?" he muttered, only to realize upon fully opening his eyes that it's just Mewo, the black kitten, gently waking him up. The figure that resembled Mari vanishes, leaving Omori to shake off the remnants of his dreamlike confusion as he focuses on the familiar presence of his feline companion.

Omori's question to Mewo reflects his lingering insecurity3 about being left behind by his friends in their adventures. Despite the confusion of the dream and his usual disconnect from the waking world, he feels a sense of relief upon seeing Mewo and seeks reassurance about his friends' presence.

Mewo purrs softly, rubbing against Omori's hand as if to comfort him. The cat's presence serves as a grounding force, a reminder that Omori is not alone and that his friends are likely nearby.

He understands and nodded as he pet Mewo and place her down "Good kitty…" as he was surprise when it crawl over his shoulder.

Mewo nuzzles against Omori's cheek, but he gently sets her down again with a reassuring smile. "You're a good kitty, but you need to stay here and guard the white space for me," he explains in a calm yet concerned tone. "I'll be back soon, and we'll have our usual adventures together."

With that, he sets off into the headspace, carrying with him a sense of determination and care for both Mewo and his friends.

As he opens the white door this time He blinks and wakes up on Dreamworld Mari'a lap with a humming voice. Dreamworld Basil sighs in relief "thank goodness your okay Omori…you suddenly fainted when Mari called us to rejoin the group.." Omori cutely sneezes like shudders as he vaguely recalls they are in a rain town (still by the picnic basket under Aubrey's open umbrella that shelters everyone)

Dreamworld Mari, noticing Omori waking up, smiles gently and brushes his hair affectionately. "Welcome back, Omori. You had us worried for a moment there," she says, her voice soft and soothing.

Omori blinks, feeling a bit disoriented but comforted by Mari's presence. "Sorry about that," he mumbles, still adjusting to being conscious again.

Dreamworld Basil nods in agreement, relief evident in his expression. "Yeah, we thought you might have gotten overwhelmed by the rain or something."

Meanwhile, Dreamworld Aubrey and Kel are engaged in conversation with the inhabitants of rainy town, exchanging stories and laughter. Aubrey notices Omori's return and waves cheerfully. "Hey, sleepyhead! Feeling better now?"

Omori nods, a faint smile on his face. "Yeah, thanks. Just had a strange dream, I think."

Dreamworld Mari chuckles softly. "Well, you're back with us now. Let's enjoy our time in rainy town together."

The scene unfolds with the friends immersed in the dreamworld's rain town, enjoying each other's company and the warmth of their shared adventures.

Then, Dreamworld Basil whispers "However while you did faint me and Mari thought…do you recognize that creature me..her and even Kel encounter with you by the train earlier?" Bits of red eyes and unease while Omori had a calm face sighing "Let's forget about it…pretty sure it won't come back once it scurry off.."

Dreamworld Basil's whisper about the creature they encountered by the train earlier brings a moment of unease to the conversation. Omori, with a calm expression, exhales softly. "Let's forget about it," he suggests, his voice carrying a sense of reassurance. "I'm pretty sure it won't come back once it's scurried off."

Dreamworld Mari nods in agreement, her eyes scanning their surroundings briefly before focusing back on Omori. "You're right. We're all here together, and that's what matters."

Dreamworld Kel chimes in, his tone cheerful but cautious. "Yeah, let's not dwell on spooky stuff. We've got plenty of fun things to do here in rain town!"

With the unease acknowledged and set aside, the group continues to enjoy their time in the dreamworld, focusing on the present moment and the adventures awaiting them.