
Omori : Coma - Konsui

"Welcome to White Space" "You've been here as long as you can remember" "Perhaps too long? Who knows" "This is our reality after all" So forth, Omori does his usual routine in headspace until something surprising he did was striking himself early in white space. with a new emergence of Sunny whose full name is Susumu Miyamoto. As thereof, there's a comatose and sleeping-like figure in this shared bedroom. It was none other than Mari, Mariko Miyamoto. What would happen next?

Mystic_Magnificous · ゲーム
38 Chs

File J: "Journey's Joy" (1/2)

It begins with Sunny following the rest to the dinner able and he beams. A little only based on his eyes as Hero gestured "Sunny, hopefully, you can enjoy these sort of cuisines for your diet so take it slow."

As the aroma of freshly cooked pandesal sandwiches and delicious seafood wafted through the air, Sunny couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Sitting at the breakfast table with Hero, Kel, Aubrey, and Basil, he felt a sense of warmth and comfort. Hero's thoughtful gesture of preparing a meal that suited Sunny's diet showed a level of care and consideration that touched Sunny deeply.

Sipping on his tea, Sunny took a moment to appreciate the effort Hero had put into the breakfast. The sandwiches were filled with flavorful meats and cheeses, and the seafood dishes were cooked to perfection. Despite the heaviness in his heart knowing Mari was still in a coma, being surrounded by friends who cared for him brought a sense of solace.

As they ate, the conversation flowed naturally, filled with laughter and reminiscing about past adventures. Sunny couldn't help but smile at the banter between Kel and Aubrey, and Basil's gentle presence added to the warmth of the morning.

After breakfast, they decided to spend the day together, perhaps exploring the town or visiting a nearby park. Sunny felt grateful for moments like these, where he could forget about his worries and simply enjoy the journey with his friends.

Then, Basil sip his tea "Woah Kel It's nice you ask for my plants for self-made tea drinks….When did you learn this?" 

Kel grins with pure innocent pride and a hearty laugh of a thumbs up saying "Yep!! Probably around whenever I wanna make my drink for Mom and Dad to be honest...WHO KNOWS when anyway!!!"

Basil smiled as he replied to Kel's newfound skill, "Kel, it's great that you're exploring new things like making tea drinks from plants. It adds a nice touch to our breakfast."

Sunny's surprise was evident in his tone as he asked about Kel's contribution, "Kel, you made the drinks for us? That's impressive! And Hero took care of the cooking too?"

Aubrey said with a smug smile "Guess the Corazon Brothers never misses to be the best brotherly duo of the house!!!"

Hero, with a grin, nodded in agreement with Aubrey's remark. "We do make a pretty good team," he said as he enjoyed his breakfast. Kel, on the other hand, was animatedly talking about the different flavors of the tea he had made, clearly excited about his newfound skill and eager to share it with everyone.

Kel added that making Basil flustered "Of course the herbal ingredients are made with the permission of Basil our best plant enthusiast as always allowing me to use them for today!!!"

Kel's enthusiastic comment about Basil's herbal ingredients made Basil blush slightly, but he smiled proudly at Kel. "I'm glad you're enjoying them, Kel. It's great to see you putting them to good use," Basil replied, appreciating Kel's effort and acknowledgment.

Sunny happily just quietly nods as they are in awe Aubrey softly smiles and blinks when Basil uses his camera since forever to take a picture of everyone at the table. As Aubrey chuckles "Basil!!! When did you have your old camera with you?"

Basil chuckled and replied, "I always have it with me. You never know when a perfect moment for a photo will arise!" He snapped the picture, capturing the cheerful breakfast scene with his friends.

Sunny for a moment frowns with the flash sound, then smiles busy eating and drinking as the rest chuckle. Kel says "WELL that means both you and Sunny still feel the same no matter what happens!" they cheered their drinks and happily ate as Basil joined in setting aside his camera for later. Sunny turns to Kel and asks "Wait guys how exactly did you guys manage following my parents' instructions? and Aubrey, what did you type with my parents when 'burrowing' my cellphone while I was asleep earlier?"

Kel grinned mischievously and replied, "Oh, you know, we just did what we do best—heroic stuff!" He winked playfully.

Aubrey chuckled and explained, "We just wanted to make sure everything was okay with Mari, so we messaged your parents to get some guidance. They were understanding and gave us some instructions on how to care for Mari properly while they're away." She paused, then added with a smirk, "And don't worry, we didn't snoop around your phone too much, Sunny."

Sunny blushed as he looked away from Aubrey. "you didn't peek at my virtual diary?" As Aubrey blushed red and spoke with a frown "I said we didn't snoop silly!!! Even personal stuff!!!!" As Hero and Basil chuckles. Kel sighs "Although, Sunny I am curious if you have done self-care coop up here for the past 4 years…..How do you take a bath if you have a neck brace on?"

Sunny chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. "Oh, um, I have this special waterproof cover for my neck brace, so I can still take baths without any issues. It's a bit of a hassle, but it works." He glanced at Hero and Basil for confirmation, who nodded in agreement.

Kel nodded understandingly. "That's smart, Sunny! Glad to know you're taking care of yourself properly."

Aubrey chimed in, "Yeah, self-care is important, especially during tough times like these."

The group continued their meal, chatting and enjoying each other's company, grateful for the moments of joy and connection amidst their challenges.

Aubrey then notice him gazing at her with a blush.

As she asks while they eat and drink she asks "What? Is there something you staring at from me Sunny?"

Basil whispers "Do you still want that crush on her a secret since we're kids?"

As Sunny hushed him "Don't say it aloud okay? Ba-Basil I think I sorta do….even more now…her black hair partially dyed pink it reminds me of the moment that I vaguely recall we support her love for pink right?"

Then, Aubrey chuckles "Woah Sunny!!!! Already looking forward to going out often?" Then she heard a beep on the phone to stand up after eating "Wait a sec guys…" as she picked up her phone to answer Kim from her phone (one of her new friends and hooligans that called to check in on her)

While Basil whispers to Sunny that he has his face blushing pink "You sure you don't want to tell Aubrey about your feelings? Do you still have them since then?" As Sunny covers his face muttering "No Basil I can't, not right now in our plate…..Plus, It's unfair and selfish of me…I don't deserve it, especially with Mari right now…" The brother notices the two whispering again. Kel nudges Basil "Psss Basil any reason why Sunny seems always embarrassed whatever you tell him and he stared at Aubrey earlier?"

Basil, catching onto Kel's observation, responded with a knowing smile. "Kel, you know how Sunny is. He's always been a bit shy, especially when it comes to certain topics or people." He glanced over at Sunny, who was engrossed in his meal but occasionally stole glances at Aubrey.

"He's probably just feeling a bit awkward today," Basil continued in a hushed tone. "You know, with everything going on and Mari's situation, it's understandable that he might be a bit more reserved."

Kel nodded thoughtfully, understanding the weight of their current circumstances. "Yeah, you're right. I guess we all have our moments of unease, especially when it comes to things close to our hearts."

Basil nodded in agreement. "Exactly. Let's just give Sunny some space and time to process everything. He'll open up when he's ready."

With a shared understanding, Kel and Basil returned their focus to the conversation at the table, maintaining a supportive atmosphere for Sunny and the rest of their friends.

Meanwhile, Sunny distracts himself with relief for Basil does not share another personal secret he has. As he stood up "I am done Hero…umm…Do you want to erm check out the Piano of Mari today? Like maybe I can umm t-try to g-get my violin I safe keep somewhere…"

Sunny's suggestion caught Hero's attention, and he nodded enthusiastically. "That sounds like a great idea, Sunny! We can go check out the piano in Mari's room, and you can keep your violin safe while we're there."

Aubrey, who had just finished her call with Kim, joined in the conversation. "Count me in too. It'll be nice to spend some time in Mari's room. I miss her."

Basil smiled warmly. "I'll come along as well. Mari's piano always brings back good memories."

Kel chimed in with excitement. "I want to see Mari's room too! I heard she has a cool collection of books."

With everyone on board, they finished up their breakfast and made plans to visit Mari's room. Sunny felt a sense of anticipation and nostalgia, knowing that they would be surrounded by memories of their dear friend. It was a bittersweet feeling, but he was grateful for the support and companionship of his friends during these moments.

However, that nightmare he had about black space or any events in Headspace. Even a glimpse of SOMETHING. Ignore, when Basil gestures to Sunny "Woah!!! Mewo (an old/adult black cat in the real world), don't lie down there!!!!" While Aubrey gasp "No WAY!!! Sunny was able to maintain this entire room? It always seems brand new despite only he Is coop up with his parents from time to time?"

During their plans to visit Mari's room, Sunny's mind was briefly clouded by memories of his recent nightmare. He couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling of encountering SOMETHING in Dreamworld and the flashes of black space that haunted him during his restless sleep.

As they made their way to Mari's room, Aubrey's surprised gasp about the impeccable condition of the room brought Sunny back to the present. He smiled faintly, trying to push aside the lingering unease from his dream as he replied, "Yeah, I try to keep it tidy and organized. Helps me stay focused."

Inside, Mari's room was a blend of nostalgia and melancholy. The familiar sight of her piano, adorned with dried flowers and mementos, tugged at Sunny's heartstrings. He glanced at Hero, Kel, Aubrey, and Basil, noticing their somber expressions mingled with fond memories.

Hero broke the silence, his voice gentle yet filled with emotion. "It feels strange being in here without Mari. She always brought so much life to this room."

Kel nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I miss her energy and enthusiasm. Remember when she used to play the piano and sing for us?"

Aubrey added softly, "Mari's room was like her sanctuary. It still feels like her presence lingers here."

Basil, who had been quietly observing, spoke up with a hint of nostalgia. "I remember the times we spent here, laughing, playing music, and sharing stories. Mari's room was always filled with warmth and creativity."

Sunny's gaze drifted to Mari's piano, and he felt a mix of emotions—sadness for her absence and gratitude for the memories they shared in this room. He decided to break the somber atmosphere with a suggestion, "Hey, why don't we each share a favorite memory we have of Mari in this room? It might bring some comfort."

The suggestion sparked a light in their eyes and one by one, they shared cherished memories of Mari—moments of laughter, music, and friendship that defined their bond with her. Despite the sadness that lingered, being together in Mari's room brought a sense of healing and connection.

As they reminisced, Sunny felt a sense of closure and peace wash over him, knowing that their memories of Mari would always be cherished and kept alive in their hearts.

Hero headpat Sunny "Still it's amazing how you work so hard maintaining a lot of things in the house like this room you little guy!!!" As he carried Sunny. Sunny did not react but his eye dilated. As Kel adds "Yo!!! The best part no dust!!! And I am sure once Mari wakes up from her coma (she is in her shared bedroom with Sunny upstairs of this house) the Miyamoto Siblings will be complete!!!"

Hero's gentle head pat on Sunny's head brought a small smile to Sunny's lips, grateful for the acknowledgment of his efforts. He leaned into Hero's touch, feeling a sense of comfort and reassurance.

Kel's comment about the lack of dust in Mari's room elicited chuckles from the group, lightening the mood slightly. Sunny's eyes widened at Kel's mention of the Miyamoto siblings being complete once Mari woke up from her coma. The thought of Mari reuniting with them filled Sunny with hope and longing, a bittersweet anticipation for the day when their family would be whole again.

With Hero carrying him, Sunny looked around Mari's room once more, taking in the familiar sights and the lingering warmth of their memories. He whispered to Hero, "Thank you for being here, Hero. For everything."

Hero smiled warmly, understanding the unspoken gratitude in Sunny's words. "Always, Sunny. We're in this together," he replied, his voice filled with unwavering support and camaraderie.

As they left Mari's room, the bond between the Miyamoto siblings and their friends grew stronger, fueled by hope, love, and the shared determination to see Mari awake once more.

As he put Sunny down, he turned to Aubrey "So Uhh…what did Kim say? Since well you sorta suddenly want to hang out with us than the hooligans lately for these past 2-3 days?"

Aubrey glanced at her phone, a faint blush dusting her cheeks as she replied, "Oh, um, Kim just wanted to check in and see if we could meet up later. Nothing too exciting, just catching up." She paused, then added with a sheepish smile, "And about hanging out with you guys more, well, you know, you're all more fun than causing mischief with the hooligans. Plus, it's nice to spend time together like this."

Kel grinned mischievously, teasingly nudging Aubrey. "Admit it, Aubrey, you can't resist our charm and amazing company."

Aubrey rolled her eyes playfully. "Sure, Kel, whatever you say," she retorted, a playful banter evident in her tone.

Sunny chuckled, feeling a sense of contentment and belonging as they continued their day together, cherishing the moments of joy and camaraderie amidst their shared challenges and hopes for the future.

Meanwhile, Basil whispers to Sunny "Hey you forgot to remind me to maintain the flowers in this room…You know out of all of us in your Hikkimori state for 4 years I am the only one that was able to call and text you…" fiddles fingers "Or maybe you're not comfortable I do that in Mari's spot…"

Sunny nodded understandingly at Basil's reminder, a gentle smile on his face. "I appreciate that you take care of the flowers, Basil. And don't worry about texting or calling me, even in Mari's spot. It's comforting to know that someone's looking out for things while I'm... well, you know." He glanced around the room, a mix of nostalgia and gratitude in his gaze. "Thank you for being there, Basil. It means a lot to me."

Basil smiled warmly, a reassuring look in his eyes. "Anytime, Sunny. We're all here for you, no matter what." The camaraderie and support among the friends were palpable, creating a sense of unity and strength as they faced their challenges together.

Then, everyone stops as Hero hesitantly try to recall the notes he wants to try to play in a while.1

Hero's expression softened as he closed his eyes, trying to recall the notes of the melody. His fingers hovered over the keys, a nostalgic air filling the room as memories of Sunny and Mari's duet recital flooded his mind. The gentle melody they had practiced together echoed in his memory, a symbol of their shared passion for music and friendship.

Sunny watched quietly, a wistful smile playing on his lips as he remembered those times with Mari. The music seemed to bridge the gap between past and present, reminding them of the bonds they shared despite the challenges they faced.

Kel leaned in, a curious expression on his face as he listened to Hero's tentative notes. "Hey, that sounds familiar. Is that the piece Sunny and Mari used to play together?"

Hero nodded, his eyes still closed as he continued to play, the melody growing clearer with each note. "Yes, it's the duet they practiced for so long. Mari's part was always so lively and vibrant, just like her."

Aubrey and Basil exchanged a knowing glance, their thoughts drifting to Mari and the memories they held dear to her. The music seemed to evoke a bittersweet nostalgia, a reminder of the bonds they cherished and the hope they held for Mari's recovery.

As Hero played on, the room filled with a sense of longing and hope, a silent tribute to the friendship and music that had shaped their lives. Sunny closed his eyes, letting the melody wash over him, feeling a sense of connection and warmth amidst the challenges they faced.

Onward, Hero continued to play, each wrong note seemed to echo in Sunny's mind, triggering a wave of memories and self-imposed pressure. The voices in his head, reminiscent of the past rehearsals with Mari, grew louder, urging him to perfection and reminding him of the high expectations they had set for their duet debut as siblings.2

Sunny's breathing became shallow as he tried to push aside the memories, focusing instead on the present moment. The weight of those old expectations felt heavier with each note that didn't match the melody they had practiced tirelessly.

Kel noticed Sunny's discomfort and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, offering silent support. Aubrey exchanged a concerned glance with Basil, understanding the emotional turmoil Sunny was experiencing.

Hero, unaware of the impact his playing was having on Sunny, continued to try different keys, determined to get the melody right. His concentration was evident in his furrowed brow and focused expression.

As the music filled the room, Sunny closed his eyes, trying to drown out the voices of pressure and expectation. He took deep breaths, reminding himself that perfection wasn't the goal, but rather the joy of playing music with friends and honoring the memories they shared with Mari.

The atmosphere in the room shifted, the melody becoming a symbol of resilience and friendship amidst challenges. Sunny's tense shoulders gradually relaxed, finding solace in the collective effort of creating music together.

Then , Basil whispers to Sunny gripping his hands "I know Sunny….It's okay surely you didn't regret practicing your violin with her piano right? 

carried a deep understanding of the unspoken truths between him and Sunny. He gently gripped Sunny's hands, offering silent reassurance and acknowledging the complexities of their shared history with Mari.

Sunny's eyes met Basil's, filled with a mix of emotions—gratitude for Basil's understanding, guilt for the past events that led to Mari's coma, and a longing for the days when they practiced music together as siblings.

With a soft nod, Sunny replied in a hushed tone, "I don't regret it, Basil. Our music brought us joy, and Mari always believed in us. I just...wish things had turned out differently."

Basil's gaze softened, mirroring Sunny's sentiments. He squeezed Sunny's hands gently, conveying solidarity and support. Their bond, forged through music and shared experiences, held a depth that transcended words.

As the melody continued in the background, a bittersweet sense of nostalgia filled the room. Sunny and Basil, bound by their memories and the unspoken truths they carried, found comfort in each other's silent understanding.

Then, Kel broke the silence as he clapped at Hero finally playing the first half of the Melody not perfectly but in tune. As Aubrey joked "You know, it would be pretty legit if we use our Recital tickets once Mari wakes up to return that to a new schedule—" For BASIL AND SUNNY gasp. She turns awkwardly "What?"3

Basil cleared his throat, trying to compose himself. "It's just...the recital was supposed to be a special moment for all of us. With Mari...and everything that happened," he trailed off, unable to articulate the weight of their shared history.

Sunny nodded, his eyes reflecting a mixture of longing and sadness. "Yeah, it's a reminder of what we lost...and what we hope to regain one day," he added softly, his voice tinged with emotion.

Aubrey's playful tone shifted to one of understanding as she realized the sensitivity of the topic. "I'm sorry, guys. I didn't mean to bring up anything upsetting," she apologized sincerely, her gaze moving between Basil and Sunny.

Basil offered a small smile, appreciating Aubrey's empathy. "It's okay, Aubrey. We all miss Mari and the music. Maybe one day, we'll have that recital together," he said, a glimmer of optimism in his eyes.

The room fell into a contemplative silence, the melody lingering in the air as a reminder of their shared dreams and the bonds that held them together in both joy and sorrow.

She then notice Sunny blush when she smugly scoot close while the piano melody played by Hero is done "So Sunny….You didn't manage to practice your violin for 4 years or at all since then?"

Aubrey's teasing tone caught Sunny off guard, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. He shifted slightly, avoiding direct eye contact as he replied, "Um, well, I... I haven't played much since then. It's been a while." His voice carried a hint of self-consciousness, aware of his neglect of the violin during the past four years.

Basil glanced at Sunny, a gentle understanding in his eyes. "Sunny's been through a lot, Aubrey. Understandably, some things had to take a backseat," he interjected, offering a supportive reassurance to Sunny.

Sunny nodded gratefully at Basil's words, appreciating his friend's understanding. "Yeah, it's been a bit chaotic," he admitted with a small smile, trying to lighten the mood.

Aubrey leaned back, her expression softening as she realized the sensitivity of the topic. "I get it, Sunny. Life throws us curveballs sometimes. But hey, maybe we can all pick up where we left off once things settle down," she suggested optimistically, her eyes filled with encouragement.

Sunny's smile grew more genuine at Aubrey's words. "Yeah, that sounds nice," he agreed, feeling a sense of hope and determination stirring within him.

The group's conversation shifted to lighter topics, filled with laughter and plans for the future. Despite the challenges they faced, the bonds of friendship and shared experiences continued to strengthen, paving the way for brighter moments ahead.

Then they scoot close as Hero sighs in internal tears (which is comically funny with Kel head patting him) as he spoke "Sunny….I didn't do good right? Guys? I think I can't really hit the same vibe as I thought…maybe still as bad as when If first tried playing it for Mari…"

Basil offered a comforting smile to Hero, his voice gentle yet reassuring. "It's okay, Hero. Music is about expression, not perfection. You're doing great, and we appreciate the effort you put into playing for us," Basil reassured him, emphasizing the value of the emotions behind the music rather than flawless execution.

Sunny nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting understanding and empathy. "Yeah, Hero. You're doing fine. It's not about hitting the same vibe; it's about sharing the moment with us," he added, offering his perspective on the significance of their musical journey together.

Aubrey chimed in with her trademark optimism, her smile brightening the atmosphere. "Exactly! We're all here to support each other, no matter how the melody sounds. The effort and sentiment behind it are what truly matter," she encouraged, her words uplifting and encouraging.4

Meanwhile , Mewo meows and purred on Hero they all got in awe. As Sunny blinks scratching his neckbrace and bandages wrap in his arms. Fixing the bow tie for his vest to ask "Wait Kel….Is HECTOR still around? It's your hmm Dog right?"

As Mewo charmed everyone with its affectionate meows and purring, Sunny, noticing Kel's fondness for pets, inquired about Hector, Kel's dog.

Kel's face lit up with excitement as he responded, "Oh yeah, Hector's still around! He's back home, probably causing chaos with his playful antics." Kel chuckled, his love for his dog is evident in his expression.

Sunny smiled warmly, enjoying the lively conversation about pets. "That's great to hear. Pets have a way of bringing joy and energy into our lives," Sunny remarked, reminiscing about his own experiences with pets before his current situation.

Aubrey chimed in, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "What breed is Hector again, Kel? I remember you telling us about him, but I can't recall," she asked, eager to learn more about Kel's beloved pet.

Kel beamed proudly as he described Hector. "He's a golden retriever, a bundle of energy and affection. Always brightens up my day, just like Mewo seems to do with Hero," Kel explained, sharing his love for his furry companion with his friends.

The conversation drifted to tales of their pets and the joy they brought into their lives, adding a touch of warmth and laughter to their gathering.

Hero then petted Mewo and spoke "Still amazing Sunny…Mewo is not a black kitten anymore compared to when we first saw her back then as kids…"

Hero's observation about Mewo's transformation from a black kitten to its current state brought a nostalgic smile to everyone's faces.

Sunny nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting the memories. "Yeah, Mewo has grown so much since then. It's incredible how time changes things," he remarked, marveling at the passage of time and the changes it brings.

Aubrey added, "It's like watching our own growth reflected in our pets. They grow, learn, and adapt, just like we do." Her words carried a sense of appreciation for the journey they had all been on together.

Kel, recalling fond memories with Hector, chimed in, "Pets are like companions on our journey through life. They witness our ups and downs and bring us comfort and joy along the way."

Basil nodded in agreement, his gaze soft as he glanced at Mewo and then at Sunny. "Even amid challenges, there's beauty in seeing how things evolve and grow," he said, acknowledging the changes they had all experienced over the years.

They sigh as they return to leave the Piano. As Sunny spoke back to monotone "Although what I am more curious…Basil and Aubrey…How would we fix that old treehouse we had at my house's backyard of how hard it must be to even maintain or repair it?"

Sunny's question about fixing the old treehouse in his backyard brought a thoughtful pause among the group. Basil and Aubrey exchanged glances, recognizing the significance of the treehouse in their shared memories.

Basil spoke first, his tone reflective. "It's definitely a challenge, considering how long it's been since we last used the treehouse. But I think with some teamwork and effort, we could restore it to its former glory."

Aubrey nodded in agreement, her eyes bright with enthusiasm. "I remember all the fun times we had there, imagining adventures and creating our own little world. It would be amazing to see it brought back to life."

Kel, always ready for a project, chimed in, "We could gather materials and come up with a plan. With Sunny guiding us, I'm sure we can make it happen."

Hero, ever supportive, added, "It would be a wonderful project to work on together, a symbol of our friendship and shared memories."

Sunny, although still in a somewhat monotone voice, smiled faintly at the prospect. "Yeah, it would be nice to revisit those memories and create new ones together."

The idea of restoring the old treehouse sparked a sense of excitement and nostalgia among them, reinforcing the bond they shared and the importance of preserving cherished moments from the past.

Then he gasped when they all happily gazed at him "Wait wait wait a moment CHOTTO—" he paused and spoke English again "I Susumu Miyamoto am confused….Why me? Being the leader? Usually it's either Hero…or Mari….leading us…"

Sunny's surprise at being considered the leader prompted a reflective silence among the group. Hero spoke first, a warm smile on his face. "Sunny, you've always been the glue that holds us together. Your kindness, understanding, and ability to see things from different perspectives make you a natural leader, even if you don't realize it."

Basil nodded in agreement. "You may not seek out leadership roles, but you naturally guide us with your actions and words. We trust you and value your judgment."

Aubrey added, "Plus, you have a way of bringing out the best in each of us and making us feel appreciated and heard."

Kel, always straightforward, chimed in, "You're the heart of our group, Sunny. We look up to you and follow your lead because we know you'll always have our best interests at heart."

Sunny, touched by their words, smiled gratefully. "I never realized...thank you, everyone. I'll do my best to continue being someone you can rely on and trust."

Their conversation highlighted Sunny's unassuming leadership qualities, emphasizing the deep trust and respect his friends had for him.

Then he cries again that they all reacted differently then they laugh slowly and grin when Sunny for the first time express tears of joy "It's been forever since we're together like this despite what happened to all of us for the past 4 years when my sister got into a coma….I…I am so grateful we got together despite especially me distancing from everyone…."

Sunny's tears of joy touched each of his friends deeply, bringing a sense of unity and gratitude to the group. Hero wiped away a tear from his own eye, speaking softly, "We're here for you, Sunny, always. No matter what challenges we face, we'll face them together as a team."

Basil nodded in agreement. "We've been through a lot, but it's moments like these that remind us of the strength of our friendship and the bonds we share."

Aubrey smiled warmly at Sunny. "You're not alone, Sunny. We're all in this together, supporting each other every step of the way."

Kel, with a grin, added, "Yeah, and we're not going anywhere. We'll stick with you through thick and thin, just like family."

Their reassurances and genuine camaraderie filled Sunny's heart with warmth. He felt a renewed sense of hope and determination, knowing that he had such wonderful friends by his side.

Sunny wiped his tears, his smile growing wider. "Thank you, everyone. I'm truly lucky to have all of you in my life."

With a shared sense of closeness and understanding, they continued their day together, cherishing each moment and strengthening their bonds as they faced the challenges and joys of life together.

Kel also added "And we had 18 days left before you and Mari with your parents need to temporarily move to the city for her better treatment right?"

Kel's reminder about the upcoming move to the city for Mari's treatment brought a somber tone to their conversation. Sunny nodded, his expression turning serious for a moment. "Yes, we need to make sure everything is prepared for that transition."

Aubrey chimed in, "We'll help you with whatever you need, Sunny. Moving can be stressful, but we'll make sure it goes as smoothly as possible."

Hero nodded in agreement. "Sunny. We'll take care of everything so you can focus on Mari and your family."

Basil added, "And don't hesitate to ask if there's anything specific you need help with. We're here for you every step of the way."

Sunny smiled gratefully at his friends. "Thank you, everyone. Your support means the world to me."

With their plans for the upcoming move in mind, they spent the rest of the day together, enjoying each other's company and making the most of their time before the changes ahead.