
Omniverse Of System's.

A soul wandering the infinite void after getting caught in a blast of unusual energies is accidentally Reincarnated as a system....wait what this development is flipped shouldn't he get Reincarnated with a system?...no?..oh well. Join Our main character as he travels through the Omniverse finding host after host and growing stronger with each world. First World: Marvel. second world: ??? Hi there this is faceless anyway if you like the story and wish to support me I'ma leave my pat over here and hope that i get support, you're not obligated to but it would help out a lot....and I'm dirt broke and need to read some comics or anime or something.... Check out my pat! patre*on.com/GodOfDepravity

Faceless_Prick · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Chapter —7

Sending my consciousness back to Nathan's body I groaned before sitting back on my office chair and looked at the ceiling.

" this is fun…" I said to nobody at all before I called out my status

[-Name: Nathaniel Hawthorne

-Age: 18

-Race: Human Mutant

-Gender: Male.

Level: 41


Strength: 5

Dexterity: 1

Durability: 2

Intelligence: 57

Charisma: 10

Luck: 17

Free stat point's: 150

Perks: Mana Intuned{Low}


-Plunder: An ability that allows it's user to plunder anything that a person has at random from Abilities, knowledge and traits when they kill that said person

-Healing Factor(low): Able to heal wounds that would have taken months in a couple of weeks and shallow cuts and bruises almost instantly.


-Firearm Proficiency:{Lv-23}

-Cooking Proficiency:{Lv-37}

-Martial Arts Proficiency:{Lv-28}]

Smiling at that and how easy everything looked now especially with my increased Intelligence I thought before I began distribution of my free stat points and looking at them now I grinned.

[-Name: Nathaniel Hawthorne

-Age: 18

-Race: Human Mutant

-Gender: Male.

Level: 41


Strength: 30

Dexterity: 30

Durability: 53

Intelligence: 60

Charisma: 20

Luck: 50

Free stat point's: 23

Perks: Mana Intuned {Low}


-Plunder: An ability that allows it's user to plunder anything that a person has at random from Abilities, knowledge and traits when they kill that said person

-Healing Factor(low): Able to heal wounds that would have taken months in a couple of weeks and shallow cuts and bruises almost instantly.


-Firearm Proficiency:{Lv-23}

-Cooking Proficiency:{Lv-37}

-Martial Arts Proficiency:{Lv-28}]

Smiling at my new stats as I felt my body slightly spasm and my mind's efficiency increase along with everything making me smile before I grabbed a metal ball on my table and exerted strength over it making it bend before it began showing cracks and not long broke into a dozen pieces.

" hahaha…" I watched as the metal fell on the floor while I grinned looking at the window of my office.

Realising that I still had shit to do I quickly opened the Shop function of my system body and began scrolling through the long list of items for something I needed before sighing and pressing the search function and typed 'Healing' and immediately there were hundreds of healing items from enchanted items, potions and even some technological items so I kept swiping down and not long I found my item.

[ Rejuvenation Pod: A pod of which a person injured or suffering from sickness can enter and get cured or healed fully to his peak of his/age.

Tier: 3

Price: 1000 W-E]

Now 1000 W-E was a lot but this item was a tier 3 item so it could be excused I immediately bought the item but then frowned.

' won't the fragment get suspicious if I suddenly bring out an item out of nowhere….I wonder'

Looking at my system body inventory instead of bringing it out I thought [ Analysis] on the item and immediately everything about that item flower inside my head, it's defects, blueprint and materials used to create said item.

I grinned…good.

Immediately I walked out of my office and out of my apartment taking the elevator to the ground floors to the parking garage.

A couple of minutes later I'm in the parking garage and walking towards my car, entering said car I drove out towards my new company Hawthorne Industries.

Making it in less then 40 minutes I walked in and seeing as nobody tried to stop me and looking at my memories I found that I'd already been here a couple days back to sign over the company in my name so everyone knew of me making this way easier as I walked towards my science division area and went to the medical sciences division and as soon as I entered all eyes were on me.

" ah.. Mr Hawthorne how may we help you…sir?" a middle aged man came up to me as the others working the labs looked at me.

" I have something that will save our company and make us one of the greatest company in this entire world….now all I need from you is to build it exactly as I tell you to, got it?" I said looking at the man who gulped looking at me.

" Y-yes sir!, Wh-What may you have in m-mind sir?" he said looking at me.

Grinning I pulled out a blueprint of my prototype healing pod as I had to find cheap materials and plants to replace some of the material needed for said pod which will cut the efficiency and effectiveness of the pod by 15% but that's fine as long as it works.

Showing the blueprints of 'my' invention as the scientist took it and walked towards the other scientists as they began to murmur whilst looking at me with some doubt which was fair.

After an hour the room had gone from murmur to full-blown shouts as they exchanged words and I who had stood by the door watching them as they ran simulations and tests on how feasible the chances of this working were the middle aged scientist came back with a smile on his face.

" S-Sir!, This pod! It will revolutionise the medical industry if it works and looking at the results I-i think we can make this work! We-we could possibly cure any known disease unless of genetic nature and heal people of grievous wounds in a matter of days or hours even!" He said looking fanatic at me making me smirk inside before I nodded at him and said.

" good, I hope that you create a prototype by the end of two weeks and join with the other Science divisions especially the tech division to help out, I will not tolerate failure and this does not leave this building….if anyone even so decides to betray me…." I left that hanging as everyone in the room pretended they never heard me as they all had scared shitless faces.

" confidentiality contracts will be assigned by Derick and anyone who will work on this project will sign….got it?" I said menacingly.

" Yes sir!" ×18 said the scientists looking at me with fear.

" good…you may begin. " I said with a grin before walking out.

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—also give me your stones!! I crave em to increase my mana reserves!]