
Omniverse Of System's.

A soul wandering the infinite void after getting caught in a blast of unusual energies is accidentally Reincarnated as a system....wait what this development is flipped shouldn't he get Reincarnated with a system?...no?..oh well. Join Our main character as he travels through the Omniverse finding host after host and growing stronger with each world. First World: Marvel. second world: ??? Hi there this is faceless anyway if you like the story and wish to support me I'ma leave my pat over here and hope that i get support, you're not obligated to but it would help out a lot....and I'm dirt broke and need to read some comics or anime or something.... Check out my pat! patre*on.com/GodOfDepravity

Faceless_Prick · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Chapter —6

[ So due to my broke-ness and living off load(data) or whatever you call it along with the countries constant power shutdown I'll be able to upload 5-10 chapters every week on Monday if I get the chance but I'll still keep on writing for when I gain load and the electricity comes back]

Looking at my status screen I grin.

' well this just made surviving this tutorial a hella lot easier ' I thought before looking at the body on my door.

" oh fuck what should I do with you….oh wait a minute" gaining an I idea.

Walking towards the body I crouch Infront of it and put my hand on its head before closing my eyes and then I willed my ability [plunder] to activate and just like that I felt my head almost split and new knowledge about knowledge started entering my head and something else I didn't recognise but would look into on my status later as of now I was on the floor hyperventilating while holding in my shouts at how fucking much it hurt on my brain before I couldn't take it anymore and was on the verge of fainting.

I immediately opened my status and saw the '+' on my attributes and then dumped 50 on Intelligence and not long after I felt my headache cease and the knowledge started entering my head smoothly as I comprehended everything easily.

[ Ding you've plundered:

Skill: Cooking{37},Knife proficiency {30}, Martial Arts proficiency {28}.

Perk: Mana intuned{Low}

Ability: Healing factor{Low}

Stats: +2 int, +3 strength, +1 cha]

" well that was a haul…." I said before looking at the empty door missing the body I had just killed .

' so plunder works just like my devour?, It takes everything from the body to the soul to increase my own ' I smiled at that revelation as now I wouldn't have to hide evidence except the footage of which I can just destroy myself as I own this fucking building, well it seems my huge spending as a teen did have some merits.

Closing the door I made my way to my office before logging in on the camera footage servers of the building and proceeded to delete the whole footage from today at 00:00 at the morning till an hour later from now, so an hour later the cameras would rebbot and start recording like it was all a simple glitch or error in the system.

Grinning at myself I start breathing but then froze and brought back my consciousness to my system body and opening my eyes I grin at the screens Infront of me.

[ Congratulations! Your host has killed a fragment holder +1000 W-E.]

[Congratulations! Your host has killed a minor villain of this stories world before they could grow stronger +10,000 W-E]

[ Congratulations! Your host has taken the minor villains villain role by plundering his body and making everything that was once the villains his +30,000 W-E, Good luck]

I grinned but looking at the last notification I was conflicted, on one hand I got lots out of it but on the other this means that the 'Main Character' of this world will likely try and fuck with me due to my new role as a minor villain.

' fuck me….' sighing at my double edged luck I bring out my status.

[ System Name: The Devouring System.

Name: None

Tier: 1

Level: 0 (0%/100%)(+!)

Core Ability: Devour, Search, Heal.

Innate Ability: <Parasitic>, <Learn>, <Analysis>, <Disguise>, <???>,<???>,<Sense>


Body: 24

Mind: 38

Soul: 53 ]

Smiling at myself I pressed the '+!' once and a notification appeared.

[Would you like to spend 10 W-E to level up?]


I pressed yes and immediately I felt something within me change and smiling at that I continued leveling up till level 10 as that was the limit of the tutorial making me pissed.

[You're currently level 10, due to the nature of the tutorial you are not allowed to level up until you leave the tutorial]

' fuck you!!' I cussed at the stupid rule but looking at my current W-E I grinned.

[W-E: 40,450 ]

It didn't take that much to level up to level 10 as each level took 10 W-E but after I keep leveling the points needed to level up will be in the millions well that's for tier 8 systems anyway.

Now from level 10 to 20 it will take 20 W-E and from 20 to 30 it will take 30 W-E and so on.

But aside from that it's time to see what I gained from leveling up.

[You've unlocked add-on feature: you're now able to add an add-on to your functions to better grow your host]

[+1 add-on slot]

[You're able to break a piece of your core Ability to create an add-on]

Now add-ons are just features that are sold by Systems on the shop like let's say a system that allows it's users to grow infinitely in mana will have the option to break a piece of themselves and refine it to create an add-on that will allow other systems to assimilate with and thus allow their host's to grow infinitely in mana too even of on a minor restricted scale.

So now If I wanted I could go buy an add-on right now and give the body I'm controlling infinite mana but I'm not gonna do that because then I'll get found by that system fragment so only passive Abilities will work and if I don't give my host more then he needs and he survives I gain more rewards when this tutorial is over and since I haven't given my host anything yet and have been using my system body to activate all my abilities I am pretty sure I'll gain a lot from this.

Sighing to myself I bring up my status again.

[ System Name: The Devouring System.

Name: None

Tier: 1

Level:10 (0%/100%)

Core Ability: Devour, Search, Heal.

Innate Ability: <Parasitic>, <Learn>, <Analysis>, <Disguise>, <???>,<???>,<Sense>


Body: 24

Mind: 38

Soul: 53

—Free stat point's: 100

Add-on: None]

Well now I have free status points of which I can use to grow my system body which will come in handy back in the system world if I meet a world god or another system thinking he can fuck with me….it's funny how human systems are…and even the gods from what I'm getting.

With a sigh I added 26 stat points into body, 12 into Mind and 7 into soul bringing my stat points into this.

[ System Name: The Devouring System.

Name: None

Tier: 1

Level:10 (0%/100%)

Core Ability: Devour, Search, Heal.

Innate Ability: <Parasitic>, <Learn>, <Analysis>, <Disguise>, <???>,<???>,<Sense>


Body: 50

Mind: 50

Soul: 60

—Free stat point's: 55

Add-on: None]

And already I could feel the changes happening, my soul strengthened a bunch and my mind felt lighter and everything slower and my soul body seems to have gotten blacker making me smile.

' well time to take care of everything outside and maybe hunt…'

—Check out my Pat-reon if you wish to support me.

—patre*on.com/GodOfDepravity (remove the *)

—also give me your stones!! I crave em to increase my mana reserves!]