
Omniversal Gamer

Waking up in a fictional world is not as exciting as it seems. Especially when that fictional world is a mishmash of two crazy worlds. How will he survive a world of EVOs, aliens and random threats that pop up each day? ========= Warning: Crossover between Ben 10 and Generator Rex. More than a bit AU so don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Arokey · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 2



He spent his first day of his new life touring the streets of Bellwood and trying to think of a way to level up.

He hoped to be lucky and get jumped by some unlucky street thugs but he soon realized something.

Bellwood was not a fun city.

Everything was too normal. Even with the addition of EVOs in the world, Bellwood still managed to be the most boring city ever.

After wasting his first day, he came up with a possible solution which occurred to him long ago; to leave Bellwood.

"Absolutely not."

That would only work if he could convince them.

He sat in front of Natalie Tennyson, Kenneth's mother, as the woman instantly denied his request.

"But mo-" He attempted to speak but she cut him off.


Frank Tennyson, his father, sighed as he finally spoke. "What's with the sudden interest in leaving Bellwood? If you wanted to do that, you could have just followed your sister."

"It's not just about leaving Bellwood. I want to go out and get a different view on things in the world. Life in general." Kenneth argued his case.

Why was he confident that they would allow their 16 year old son to travel the world on his own? The answer was very simple. These were the same parents that allowed a 15 year old Gwen the freedom to do basically whatever she wanted, even if it was leaving the planet to learn from her grandmother.

Granted, they knew she had powers by then but that is neither here nor there.

"I won't allow it." Natalie said firmly.

"I know you're worried but I've got everything planned out. I've been saving for this since I turned 13. I can take care of myself." He tried but the woman didn't budge.

"I already said no. End of discussion." Natalie said, causing him to sigh in defeat.

He got to his feet, heading for his room to figure out a plan B. The part about him saving money was only partially true.

His predecessor had been saving all his money for a long time and it was all his now. Though he technically didn't deserve it, the money now belonged to him.


Back at the table where Kenneth just left, Frank sighed.

"What is that look for?" Natalie questioned.

"Nothing. I'm just saying that we could've handled that more gently."He answered, causing her to frown.

"I'm not letting our son travel the state on his own. You've seen what's out there." Natalie argued.

Frank nodded his head in partial agreement. "Yes I know what's out there but forcing him to stay when he wants to go that badly won't end well. I know you're not particularly fond of my side of the family."

"You think?" She responded rhetorically.

"But think about it. He starts college this year. Whether we like it or not, he's growing up and he'll have things he wants to do."

Natalie frowned. "So you want him to go?

"I think that this trip will be a good learning experience for him. He's a good kid. Besides, my dad's on the road with Gwen so if there's an emergency, he can get to him quickly or at least before us." His explanation only made her frown deepen before she let out a sigh.

Her family was much more formal in comparison to the Tennyson family she married into. This kind of thing had never happened so she was a bit lost on how to handle it.

She of course wanted Kenneth to be happy but she was also worried about his safety. 'The one time he asks for something and I tell him no.' She thought sadly.


'Well that was a bust.' He thought.

There was the option of just taking his things and leaving but he wasn't that cruel. That would have to be a last resort in this situation.

He was currently attempting to raise his stats once again through physical exercise. A frustrated look appeared on his face as he performed push ups with no increase in stats.

He was hoping that it was still possible to raise it but it seemed like he was just wasting his time.

Stopping for the moment, he fished out his phone to surf the web. He'd been trying as much as possible to stay updated on the world's current affairs and from what he could see, Providence's poster boy had just made his debut.

So far, nothing about any of the omnitrix's aliens yet.

'If I don't see any reports about one of its aliens soon, I'm going to be more than a bit worried. Knowing Ben, he'd take any opportunity to show off.'

Just as he was about to put the phone down, there was a knock at the door.


Outside the Tennyson household, a middle aged man looked at the father, mother and son talking in the living room.

The man had dark hair and wore a white lab coat over formal clothes. Pulling out a pocket watch from the lab coat, he hummed while watching the hands tick.

"Right on schedule." Closing the pocket watch, he disappeared in a flash of blue light.



At the moment, he couldn't be happier. Well that wasn't true. He'd be happier if he wasn't in this world but beggars couldn't be choosers.

Apparently while he was contemplating on how to get himself out of the house, his father had a talk with his mother.

It was clear between both of them who was more reluctant to allow him to do this but that barely mattered anymore.

"You have to stay in touch and call me every two days. I know you say you saved but no son of mine is sleeping in a car. We'll be sending you monthly allowances to take care of yourself. Your grandpa is on the road too so you should be able to see him once in a while." Natalie continued to badger him with the rules that had been put in place.

He looked to his father to see an understanding smile on his face. "Like I told your mother, this could be a good experience for you. You're growing up but that doesn't also mean you can't ask for help."

"I promise I'll be careful." Kenneth said confidently.

"I know you will. Now all that's left is transportation." Frank added, confusing the boy. "You didn't think you'd get around the country on foot, did you?"

"No…" he drew out.

He had more or less planned to stick to buses and the subway trains.

Seemingly sensing his thoughts, Frank smiled as he pulled out something from his pocket. "Since you already got your driver's license last year, I was saving this for your birthday."

Kenneth's eyes widened as he looked closely at what Frank dangled in front of him; car keys.

"But since this is a special circumstance, I guess it's okay for you to have it now." Frank said as he handed the key to him with a knowing smile.

The boy couldn't help the smile that grew on his face as he held the keys. Natalie smiled as well, seeing the joy in the boy's eyes.

"I have a car." He muttered in astonishment.