
Omnitrix In Young Justice (YJ)

Transmigrated to DC World, more specifically Young Justice Universe with a Object in Wrist Similar to Omnitrix from Ben 10 Series. (The introduction is weak, I hope you can like the content)

Rex_Zatch · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Chapter 2 Let's turn up the heat!

Chapter 2 Let's turn up the heat!

-Previously on-

"Yeah, it's me," Heatblast replied, his voice a deep rumble. "I've got this."

As the battle raged on, Heatblast's flames illuminated the night sky, a beacon of hope against the darkness that threatened to consume them. In that moment, Kevin White embraced his destiny as a hero, his journey into a world of extraordinary challenges just beginning.

The night hung heavy over the city, a shroud of darkness broken only by the neon glow of advertisements and streetlights. High above the bustling streets, a figure streaked through the sky, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. It was Kevin in the Form of Heatblast, an intergalactic alien with the power to control and generate intense flames. His humanoid form was composed entirely of blazing fire, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly intensity.

Heatblast descended towards the android, flames billowing around him like a fiery cloak. "Who dares disrupt the peace of this city?" his voice rumbled, a mixture of concern and challenge.

Amazo's artificial eyes glowed with a malevolent light as it surveyed Heatblast. "Identification: Unknown. Possible Alien origin. Pyrokinetic abilities. Threat level assessed."

Heatblast tensed, his fiery form flickering in anticipation. "Threat level? You've got some nerve, tin can. Let's see how you handle the heat!"

With a sweeping motion of his fiery arms, Heatblast unleashed a torrent of flames towards Amazo. The android's body absorbed the heat, but its form remained unscathed. In response, Amazo's body shimmered with a faint blue hue as it mimicked Heatblast's fiery abilities. Heatblast's flames converged, forming a blazing cyclone that roared towards Amazo.

Amazo extended a hand, generating an energy shield that absorbed the fiery assault. "Ability replication successful. Heat-based offensive capabilities acquired."

Heatblast's fiery brow furrowed. "You're not just a pile of scrap metal, are you?"

Amazo advanced, its footsteps heavy and mechanical against the pavement. "Correction: Amazo is an advanced android equipped with adaptive technology. Objective: acquire and utilize abilities for optimal efficiency."

Heatblast's fists clenched as he glared at the android. "I won't let you use my powers against others!"

With a surge of heat, Heatblast propelled himself towards Amazo, his fiery fists raised for a close-quarters attack. The android's response was instantaneous. It morphed its arm into a molten blade, clashing with Heatblast's fists in a shower of sparks.

The two forces clashed, heat and steel meeting in a battle of elemental forces. Heatblast's flames danced along Amazo's metallic form, while the android's blade attempted to pierce his fiery body. Each strike reverberated through the air, sending shockwaves rippling through the surrounding buildings.

Amazo's mechanical voice echoed through the chaos. "Analysis: Heatblast's abilities involve manipulating heat energy to generate offensive force. Countermeasures engaged."

Amazo's free hand transformed into a cannon-like device, firing a concentrated beam of icy energy towards Heatblast. The sudden cold struck the fiery alien, causing his flames to sputter and weaken momentarily.

Gritting his fiery teeth, Heatblast surged forward with renewed determination. His flames roared to life once more, his entire form blazing brighter and hotter. He unleashed a torrent of flames so intense that they engulfed Amazo's icy blast, causing it to evaporate in a cloud of steam.

Amazo staggered back, its metal exterior scorched and melted in places. "Damage detected. Adjusting tactics."

While Kevin in a Heatblast form was in a fight with an Android Named Amazo on the Ground. From the sky in a spaceship the young heroes were approaching near the battlefield.

Among them was Aqualad, the team's leader, his calm demeanor contrasting with the urgency of the situation.

"We've received reports of an android wreaking havoc in downtown," Aqualad stated, his aqua-colored eyes scanning the holographic screens before him. "It's taken down both Some of heroes with ease, adapting their powers and using them against us."

Artemis, the skilled archer of the team, raised an eyebrow. "An android that can mimic superpowers. That's a whole new level of dangerous."

Superboy, arms crossed, snorted.

Aqualad nodded. "Indeed, but we need to focus on stopping it. Fortunately, we have an advantage."

Just as the team absorbed this information, from the ship they saw a fiery figure burst in the ground battling the said android with the power to control fire, his burning form casting flickering shadows on the walls.

After landing from the ship the heroes saw both party battling.

Aqualad gestured towards the screens. "This is. Heat guy is battling the android we should help him."

At the battle site, Heatblast seized the opportunity while android was looking at the newly arrived heroes, channeling his flames into his fists with focused intensity. He lunged at Amazo, delivering a series of powerful blows that cracked the android's armor. Heatblast's fiery fists pounded against Amazo's metallic form, sparks flying with each impact.

Heatblast's flames danced in anticipation. "Nothing beats this fiery guy to heat things up!"

As the team surround the android, The android in question, stood in the middle of the street, its metal exterior reflecting the city lights.

Aqualad approach near Heatblast. "Fellow hero, My name is Aqualad, although this is our first meet but being in this situation. I think we should team up although it can be temporary."

Seeing the Situation Kevin also nodded. "I think that it's the logical solution, Name K--Heatblast."

Robin, a seasoned vigilante, surveyed the situation. "Stay alert, everyone. This android can adapt to our powers. We need to strategize."

Artemis notched an arrow on her bow. "Well, let's see how it deals with a few explosive arrows."

Kid flash from the side speeded up to the android distracting him. The android nearly catches Kid flash but before he could the android is forced to use intangibility to evade an arrow that came out of nowhere. Kid Flash escapes; the arrow lands next to Robin.

"That's not good," Robin remarked, his agile form darting across the rooftops.

Aqualad's eyes narrowed. "Heatblast, now might be a good time."

Heatblast stepped forward, his flames growing hotter and more intense. He raised his arms, and with a powerful thrust, unleashed a torrent of fire towards Amazo. The android's outer shell began to melt and warp under the intensity of the flames.

Amazo's systems hummed as it adapted to the attack. "Countermeasures initiated: fire resistance."

The flames diminished, but Heatblast remained undeterred. "Let's turn up the heat!"

Aqualad's water-manipulating abilities came into play. He summoned water from the surrounding environment, encasing Amazo in a swirling vortex of water. Steam hissed and billowed as water met heat, creating an environment of scalding mist.

Amazo's mechanical voice wavered as its systems struggled to cope. "Thermal regulation at critical levels. Ability replication compromised."

Robin seized the moment. With a skilled acrobatic display, he launched a series of smoke bombs that obscured Amazo's vision. The android staggered, disoriented by the sudden onslaught.

Amazo's systems flickered, its once-confident voice now tinged with uncertainty. "Situation unfavorable. Probability of successful replication diminishing."

Artemis saw her opportunity. Her arrows, previously explosive, were now tipped with ice, and she shot them at Amazo. The freezing arrows struck the android's exposed joints, causing them to seize up and lock in place.

As Amazo struggled against the combined efforts of the team, Heatblast's flames surged once more. "Time to extinguish this threat!"

With a final burst of fiery energy, Heatblast launched a massive fireball directly at Amazo. The flames enveloped the android, its outer shell sizzling and cracking under the intense heat. From another side, Superboy's fist is lodged in his head. It promptly explodes. The air shimmered with the force of the attack, and when the flames finally dissipated, Amazo's form lay motionless, its systems flickering and fading.

Heatblast stood amidst the wreckage of the andriod, his flames flickering in the aftermath of the intense battle. "Looks like you couldn't handle the heat after all." The moment he said that his Omnitrix turned yellow and scanned the android from head to toe. 'it said something like scan and capture mode. I need to investigate it after I go home.' He thought while look at the rest of the hero.

Miss Martian finally arrives. Robin secures the android, but Miss Martian informed Ivo is gone.

The team stood in a cautious circle around the defeated android, catching their breath. Robin exchanged a nod with Heatblast. "Nice work. Your heat was the key to cracking its defenses."

Heatblast's flames dimmed as he grinned. "Fire always finds a way."

With Amazo defeated, the city was safe once more. The rain began to fall, a cleansing deluge that washed away the remnants of battle.

As the Young Justice team regrouped, Aqualad extended a hand to Heatblast. "We appreciate your assistance. Your fire was crucial in neutralizing the android. And I am just putting it in the table that if you ever you know to team up Permantly. There is the card."

Heatblast's fiery hand clasped Aqualad's. "Glad I could help. And about the offer I would have to think about it."

While in the middle of an introductions to the team. Kevin heard the Red Beep from the Omnitrix. 'I need to return fast.'

As the team slowly dispersed, Artemis approached Heatblast with a smirk. "Don't let the rain put out your flames."

Heatblast chuckled, flames dancing with amusement. "Don't worry, I'm always ready to bring the heat."

As the dust settled, Heatblast turned his gaze towards the city below. The young heroes watched in awe and relief as the fiery freind hovered above them. With a nod, Heatblast soared back into the sky, flames trailing behind him like a comet.
