
Omniscience in Marvel

As GOD, the three Omnis, Omnipresence, Omnipotence and Omniscience were inherent Abilities ingrained into their Divine Existences. What would happen if one such being is reduced to a mere mortal while given access to only one of the Three Omnis. Follow Shun as he walks through the Earth and uncovers the secrets hidden by the One Above All. Read extra 10+ Chapters on my Patre@n patreon.com/JoshRichie2. buymeacoffee.com/JoshRichie

Josh_Richie · アニメ·コミックス
99 Chs

Omniscience in Marvel 57

Title - Banquet in Heaven 2

Narrator POV

The air was charged with an ethereal cosmic energy, a silent witness to the impending clash between two titans. In one corner stood Leucadius, the Eternal and God imbued with nigh-omniscience and unparalleled intelligence.

In the other corner, the Jade Emperor, the Sovereign of Heaven, master of fundamental forces, his presence exuding an aura of ancient and unyielding power.

Leucadius took a measured step forward, his mind already racing through countless scenarios, analyzing every possible outcome as he stealthily created a Domain around the two of them.

This way whatever he did would remain independent of the hall in Heaven.

As though noticing this, the Jade Emperor projected a bit of his energy towards Leucadius while twisting the area of Gravity around him.

Leucadius responded with lightning speed, his mind was already fast enough to allow him anticipate the manipulation of these forces. He erected a barrier of pure thought, a shimmering dome that refracted the energies directed at him.

The domain trembled as gravity distorted, attempting to crush him, but Leucadius deftly redirected the force, causing the floor beneath the Jade Emperor to buckle and crack.

The Jade Emperor floated above the collapsing ground, untouched. With a flick of his wrist, he altered the electromagnetic spectrum, conjuring blinding arcs of lightning that crackled through the air.

Leucadius countered by bending light and creating illusions, dazzling bursts of radiance that misdirected the Emperor's attacks.

Undeterred by this, the Jade Emperor smiled and intensified his assault, manipulating the strong nuclear force, he destabilized the atoms in Leucadius' vicinity.

The very air began to shimmer with a deadly energy. Leucadius adapted instantly, using his intelligence to calculate the precise frequency of the nuclear disturbance and generate a counter-wave, neutralizing the threat.

"You seem to have access to a weak force…I'm impressed." The Jade emperor said but Leucadius merely smiled and waved the complement.

"That's simply me creating a counter for your attacks. You're the one that's impressive." He said, and with a thought, Leucadius launched a mental assault, an onslaught of psychic energy aimed at overwhelming the Emperor's mind.

He knew that this was futile since like him, the Jade Emperor also had the Sage Wisdom, and considering his age, his level of psychic energy would be nothing to scoff at.

The Jade Emperor smiled as he fortified his psyche. Their minds clashed in a silent, invisible battle, each trying to outwit the other in a dance of intellectual illusions.

For what looked like seconds, the two had spent close to a decade trying to outsmart the other in a battle of Wills, then in a display of strategy, Leucadius created multiple illusory clones of himself, each one indistinguishable from the original as he attacked the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor smirked, manipulating the weak nuclear force to produce a wave of neutrinos that passed harmlessly through the illusions but disrupted the real Leucadius.

Momentarily stunned, Leucadius quickly recalibrated his defenses, dissipating the clones and focusing his efforts on a direct assault.

The room could barely contain their power. The walls of the domain quaked, and the air was thick with the hum of their respective unleashed energies.

Leucadius, sensing a brief opening in the Emperor's mentality, chose to compress time within the room, accelerating his own movements while slowing the Jade Emperor's reactions.

In that infinitesimal moment, he struck with a beam of concentrated mental energy.

But the Jade Emperor was not so easily caught off guard. Manipulating the very fabric of space, he warped the room's dimensions, causing Leucadius' attack to bend and spiral into nothingness.

With a surge of power, the Emperor unleashed a gravitational wave, intending to crush his foe under an unrelenting force.

Leucadius countered by manipulating the quantum foam, creating a temporary pocket of negative energy that repelled the gravitational wave. He then focused his energy into a single point, a spear of pure mental energy aimed directly at the Jade Emperor's heart.

That attack wasn't physical but mental, but should it hit, The Jade Emperor would be subjected to so much pain that he'll think he'd actually been stabbed through the heart.

Realizing the severity of the attack, the Jade Emperor summoned the fundamental forces to their peak, creating a shield of energy. The spear struck the shield with a blinding flash, and for a moment, the Domain was bathed in a light brighter than a thousand suns.

When the light faded, both combatants stood, their powers still at its peak, with their spirits at an all time high. The Domain, though battered and scarred, still held its shape. The battle had been fierce and unrelenting, but neither had gained a decisive upper hand.

The Jade Emperor nodded in respect. "You are formidable, Leucadius. As expected, Nezha and the Monkey didn't exaggerate."

Leucadius inclined his head, his eyes still burning with the light of a thousand possibilities. "And you, Jade Emperor, can't say you disappointed me too much."

"Gotta say, you truly are a master of the forces that shape reality. Let us consider this a draw, and perhaps our next meeting can be one of alliance rather than conflict."

With that unspoken truce, the two beings of immense power withdrew as Leucadius withdrew the Domain. To the Gods who weren't strong enough to observe, the two were merely staring at each other for a few seconds before smiling and complimenting each other.


Leucadius clapped his hands loud enough to draw everyone's attention to himself. "I believe we've all gotten the opportunity to get acquainted with each other. Now, onto formal matters."

As he said that, the hall trembled for a bit as the environment began changing. Using Axis Manipulation, Leucadius reconfigured the hall creating an elevated podium where a couple large thrones were also created.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to invite the various God-Kings to join me up here." Leucadius said while gesturing to the thrones beside him.

"From the Realm of Asgard, Odin Borson." He called out and the occupants of the room turned to Odin who squinted his one good eye before snorting and walking over to the podium with a regal posture.

Leucadius smiled and continued. "From Mount Olympus, Zeus Panethelos."

Zeus, although annoyed by being placed second to Odin still walked up to he podium and took his place on a throne just beside Odin who took the middle one.

The thrones were all of the same size so it didn't really matter where one say. They all had the same position whilst in Heaven.

"From Ta-Lo, The Jade Emperor, Yu Huang."

The red haired Jade Emperor smiled and walked up to the podium and Leucadius continued with calling Amaterasu after You Huang, then Zuras from Olimpia, then the Triumvirate of Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma.

The Ennead soon followed with Horus being called up. Leucadius had taken notice of the fact that Osiris wasn't in attendance. Of course, he was aware of the fact that he was now their God of the underworld but didn't comment on it.

After them, he called out the other God-King. Ahura Mazda, Anansi, Dagda, Anu, Huitzilopochtli, Inti and many others that really didn't attract any attention.

"Well then, with these prestigious beings present, we can now commence our deliberations." Leucadius gestured towards the assembly of deities, his voice resonating with authority and anticipation.

Each God-King settled into their respective thrones, the atmosphere thick with the presence of divine power. Leucadius stood before them, his posture exuding confidence and command.

"This council has been called to address the growing disturbances across the realms," Leucadius began, his gaze sweeping across the room. "I am quite aware that many of you had your kins killed and chained to earth by yours truly a few decades back…" Leucadius tookna dramatic pause as he scanned the room.

"So I have called you all here for one purpose."

"And what purpose would that be?" Zeus asked.

"A hierarchy." Leucadius said and stretched his hands. "Earth is a massive land that will produce creatures of unimaginable traits. I would like the Realm to be shared amongst each and every one of us here. Of course, maintaining your territory will still depend on your individual strength as a pantheon."

The room fell into a tense silence, the weight of Leucadius' proposal settling over the gathered deities. The gods exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of curiosity, skepticism, and contemplation.

Odin was the first to speak, his voice measured. "A hierarchy, you say. How exactly do you propose we divide the realms, Leucadius?"

Leucadius nodded, anticipating the question. "Each pantheon will be given dominion over a specific region of Earth. These territories will serve as your sacred domains, where your influence and power will be concentrated."

"However, the balance of power must be maintained. Any attempt to expand beyond your assigned territory without consent will be met with resistance from the collective."

Zeus leaned forward, a spark of interest in his eyes. "And who will enforce these boundaries? You?"

Leucadius smiled. "No, not just me. This council will act as the governing body, ensuring that the agreements we set forth are upheld. Any disputes will be resolved here, through dialogue and mutual consent."

Amaterasu, her expression serene but thoughtful, asked, "And what of the humans? How will they fit into this new order?"

Leucadius met her gaze. "Humans will continue to live their lives, free to worship and follow whichever gods they choose. Our influence will be subtle, guiding rather than dominating. This should foster a sense of respect and reverence, rather than fear."

The Jade Emperor nodded in approval. "A wise approach. It will allow us to maintain our strength without inciting rebellion."

Shiva, representing the Hindu Triumvirate, spoke next. "And what of those beings who do not belong to any pantheon? The rogue entities, the monsters that lurk in the shadows?"

Leucadius' expression grew serious. "They can do whatever it is they want. That is precisely why we need this hierarchy. By working together, we can better manage and contain these threats. Each pantheon will have the responsibility to protect their territory and, by extension, the entire realm."

"Your influence on Earth will affect your Divine Domain. That is to be expected. However, I for one would strike at anyone who treats humanity unfairly. That is my pact with our collective Mother - Gaea."

There was a murmur of agreement among the gods, though some still seemed hesitant. Anansi, the African trickster god, chuckled. "It sounds like you've thought this through, Leucadius. But what if one of us decides to break the rules?"

Leucadius' eyes flashed with determination. "Then they will face the combined wrath of this council. We are strong individually as God-kings, but stronger together, and any who threaten our unity will be dealt with swiftly and decisively."

"Of course, as Kings, we can also decide not to interfere with another pantheon's misdeeds considering that it doesn't affect us negatively."

"So in the end, it is still a matter of choice." Anansi said and nodded understandingly to which Leucadius smiled.

The assembly of gods fell silent again, each deity weighing the proposal in their minds. Finally, Odin stood, his presence commanding attention. "I, for one, see the wisdom in this plan. It is time we set aside our rivalries and work together for the greater good. Asgard supports this hierarchy."

Zeus, after a moment of contemplation, also stood. "Olympus will join this council. Let us forge a new era of cooperation and strength."

One by one, the other god-kings rose, voicing their agreement while some chose to remain silent, not entirely rejecting the idea nor accepting it.