
Omnipotent system of the Otherworld's Judge

Due to some unfortunate circumstances, Aster found himself in the midst of a cosmic energy storm. He was supposed to be migrating from Earth to another place called Gaia along with millions of people. He was supposed to have a world of possibilities for his future, literally. But instead, he was going to die. 'No, I won't accept an ending like this!' With the massive amount of energy mixture overcharging his soul and destroying his body, he desperately searched for a way to live. And he found it. What is the most powerful thing in the entire world? A lot of people would say dragons, demon kings, humanity's heroes, shadow sovereign, gods, etc. Aster would say the system. What is the thing that can make an average weeb a world conqueror? What is the thing that can make the smallest of ants into the king of heaven? What is the thing that can turn ugly people beautiful, weak into strong and mortal a divine existence? It's the system He found his way to survive. He channeled all of his excess mana into his system, mutating it... evolving it to something unprecedented, something unforeseen, something that has endless potential. Armed with a new responsibility and a goal, he sets out to enjoy his new life in this new world. *** The cover is ai generated. Edited by me on Canva Some stuff -No romance -No harem -69 chaps in and no young masters so far -The mc might be a bit of a pushover in the first volume but bear with me, the overpowered and the weak to strong tags aren't there for nothing. 20 powerstones- extra chap for the week. 40 powerstones- extra chap for the week. Try out "Apocalyptic Ravager!" It is my other novel.

Billurigan · ファンタジー
102 Chs



4 slashes of wind howled as they flew through the air.

The attacks crossed the small distance on the platform in an instant, hitting the Titan and cutting some smaller flesh tentacles and two of its front legs but it couldn't pierce the dark red exoskeleton on its main body.

Aster saw this and immediately retreated to the edge of the platform.

The Titan fell down as its front legs were cut, and the separated legs came down as well.

However, something Aster didn't expect happened, the flesh legs lost its shape and became a blob. Then it took the shape of the main body but it didn't have the same dark red exoskeleton the original has. It was pure flesh without any skin and they grew 4 human legs and charged at him.

'It multiplied?' His eyes turned into slits.

[[True sight] activated]

[Analysis of the soul membrane is impossible]

'They are the same… Fine, 1 vs 3, let's not make any more mistakes'

After dodging the initial attack of two pitbull sized 'Titans', he counterattacked by punching both of them and sent them flying to the main one.


They made a disgusting noise as they were hit.


They hit the main body, which was reduced in size due to regrowing its front legs again, and merged back. The Titan grew back in size.

'So it's possible to merge them back. Alright, one big punching bag is better than smaller faster ones.'

[[Dash] activated]

[[Sprint] activated]

Within a blink, he was already in front of the Titan. Unfortunately, it wasn't slower than him either.


[-48 hp]

[-75 hp]

[-27 hp]


Aster's fist collided with the exoskeleton as a few thin tentacles whipped him in the face.

Blood trickled down and he jumped back to avoid a 3 meter long octopus tentacle from defiling his dignity.


A wide grin broke out on his face "Get your unholy tentacles away from me!"

'It's slow. It's certainly faster than when it was in the water but it's slower than I expected.'

[[Wind spear] activated]

Vortex of air appeared above Aster. The whirlwind gathered and created a 2 meter long wind spear. Aster waved his arm and the spear followed his lead and struck the Titan in the eye.

The Titan did not give a fuck and charged like a bull. Due to its 6 human legs, the way it moved was enough to scar a person for life.

Aster was no exception.

He did not know whether or not to cry, laugh or puke. Its legs almost looked boneless, no in fact, some of them WAS boneless.

It twisted every time it took a step, ripping its tissues and it was available to be seen thanks to the exposed flesh. What a nightmare.

The Titan stumbled and fell a lot but it kept charging at him relentlessly. It was not the behavior of a normal sentient being but rather a zombie's.

Aster dodged and dodged. He sometimes counterattacked with his fists which did absolutely nothing. While he was doing so, he realized the major disadvantage he was in.

'Exactly how high is this thing's endurance? How high is its vitality and defense? Did my attacks do anything?'

[Energy: 642/1,470]

[Mana: 41/1,000]

'Separation won't work so do I have to pierce it? Are there any weak points? Maybe a core I should destroy?

'I need more attacks. I need more mana.'

Aster activated [Parallel thought] and created another version of himself in his head. He only created one so his comprehension was only divided once.

[[Parallel thought Lv 3] has been activated]

[[Focus Lv 7] activated]

[Current amount of parallel thought: 1]

[Comprehension lowered to 3.86]

While Aster#1 was avoiding the Titan's vicious charges and vile tentacles, Aster#2 used [Mana recovery meditation].

'Last time I checked, there was no rule about staying stationary while using this, hehehe'

[Mana has been recovered by 123 points]

[Mana has been recovered by 27 points]

[Mana has been recovered by 4 points]

'Come to think of it, mana recovery meditation is about absorbing the mana my cells produce. It was a necessity to learn it back on earth because it was the only way we could speed up the mana recovery speed. But I'm on Gaia now, the planet is literally pulsating with mana every second. Can't I just absorb those?'

He spread his magic aura all over the platform and caught mana particles in it similar to how fishnets catch fish. Thanks to this, he saw another ability of the Titan.

The particles of his magic aura that had touched the flesh had been absorbed by it and he felt slightly nauseous. Upon closer inspection, the Titan was absorbing the mana in the environment too.

As soon as it absorbed a bit of Aster's aura, it stopped for a while and Aster had to crouch in order to not to fall.

The exposed muscles twitched uncontrollably and then expanded. It went from 7 meters to 8 and then 9. Another octopus tentacle grew on its sides while the legs changed forms from human legs to spider legs. Because of its increased size, its exoskeleton cracked and fell off, its flesh exposed. The transparent eye opened up, revealing a sharp set of teeth within.

Aster exhaled sharply "Did I just… buff… the titan?"

Fortunately, the rest of the aura came back bearing gifts.

[Mana has been recovered by 671 points]

[Learned [Magic Aura net(Beginner)]

He saw the messages and calmed down.

He inhaled and exhaled, inhaled and exhaled.

[The technique [Basic breathing technique has advanced to the Intermediate stage]

[Basic breathing technique(Intermediate)0/100]

[Description: Decreases energy usage by 15% and boosts energy regeneration by 15%]

He used [Magic aura net] to create a space where he can freely keep gathering mana without getting the rest of it snatched away, then he expanded the platform.

Now it had a radius of 35 meters.

[The skill [Earth platform] has been acquired]

[[Wind spear] activated]

A dozen spears made out of vortexes of wind appeared and all of them were sent flying.

The titan finished powering up and charged with even more voracity.

They charged straight at each other, Aster threw more and more wind spears at it now that he had a reliable way to recover mp quickly.

[The skill [Wind spear] leveled up]

[The skill [Wind spear] leveled up]

[The skill [Wind spear] leveled up]

The spears were doing damage but it was quickly outhealed. The charge of the Titan could not touch Aster thanks to the bigger fighting ground. They were now in a stalemate and it wasn't looking good.

[Energy: 127/1,470]

"Huff, puff, I need something better than wind spears."

He glanced at the ground and the scorching sun and got an idea.

He stopped jumping around and stood still, making the Titan run at him in a straight line.

[[Parallel thought Lv 3] has been activated]

[Current amount of parallel thought: 3]

[Comprehension lowered to 1.93]

Sparks started to go off in the air.

Once it got considerably close to him, an earth spike suddenly rose from the ground and impaled it from below. The bloody tip burst through the monster and stood tall.

The spike held the Titan in place, albeit momentarily. Aster did not waste a single millisecond and created multiple wind disks. [Gale cutter] was for slashing but those are for sawing.

He threw them at the spike, separating its pointy tip. Then he leaped at it, grabbed the tip and leaped into the sky again.

[[Strengthen] activated]

[Strength: 105 >>> 157]

With a grunt, he threw the spike straight towards the drooling eye of the Titan, impaling it and locking it in place.

He created another earth pillar right next to the titan and landed on it. He expelled every bit of Aura he had and spread it upwards, then pulled it back.

[Mana has been fully recovered]

At this point, the sparks turned into a basketball sized fireball in his palm. Using wind current manipulation, he turned the fireball into a fearsome fire torrent ready to burn anything.

Struggling through the intense heat, he faced his right hand towards the immobile monster and blasted it with fire.

A disgusting burnt smell spread instantly. The fire was kept alive by the wind so it kept going. Aster went a step further and circled the wind, thereby creating a flame tornado.

The fire tornado existed for a considerable amount of time. It only disappeared when the surroundings within a 100 meter radius became devoid of mana.

Aster's head drooped 'Uhh, feeling dizzy.'

He barely kept himself from falling but managed due to his paranoia. He needed to guarantee if the Titan was really dead.

He didn't receive exp so it could still be alive but he believed it was dead as titans defied common sense. It would make sense if titans didn't give exp.

He jumped off the pillar and saw a black stain along with a pile of charcoal.

He nodded in satisfaction. Anything would die if they were cooked for two whole hours.

Now, he was extremely thirsty and hungry. His right eye became blind midway through the charcoaling process, his skin was cracked and bleeding and his breath was ragged.

[Hp: 49/1120]

[Energy: 12/1470]

He called upon his status as he couldn't help but feel a weakening of this degree was unnatural. He gained heat resistance along with a couple of skills along the way and they leveled up quite a bit too.


[Status: Exhausted, hunger, thirst, half cooked, bleeding, parasite]




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