

After dying on earth, Ethan finds himself in an alternative world similar to earth, but there is a catch it was like going back in time for Ethan for this is a world similar to earth in 2000's. Follow Ethan on his journey to become rich and powerful and build his harem, for this world where male gender has dropped to 38% while female becoming 62%, polygamy has become quit normal but that privilege is only for rich and and people in power. If by know you haven't notice Ethane's cheat is the [OMNIPOTENT OMEGA SMART WATCH] and what it does you will have to find out by giving this story a try. English is not my first or for the matter second language so forgive me for some grammar mistakes.

Little_Omega · 都市
6 Chs


"So even you don't know huh" I said once again lost in thought and doubt.

"Yes master please trust me, I am really telling the truth I just regained consciousness after your soul sucked me into it, and the first thing I saw since I opened my eyes the first time was your tear filled face when you wear rolling on the floor while clutching your head " Omega said to me in pleading tone.

'Did you have to mention that painful memory just now' I thought to while thinking to myself that no matter what I can't admit to this claim heck even I don't remember I was crying before falling uncurious.

"What nonsense are you talking about who was crying I was just feeling unwell and fell unconscious! " I said to her hurriedly with a straight face.

"Yes master you just fell consciousness nothing else" she said to me with a teasing smile and winked in my direction.

I was really triggered by this action, It's like she was telling me that, this is 'our little secret' but on second thought, thought that this is also for the good, at least only one person will know about this humiliation, so I didn't peruse this matter any further as their lot more important things to deal with so I said.

"No, I wasn't doubting you I am doubting myself, because all this time I thought I was just some ordinary person you can find anywhere, and after regaining my previous life's memories that thought solidified even further. after all, in my previous world, I was just some ordinary person, on the bottom of the ladder at that. not mention in this world, where there is a chance for everyone to become someone extraordinary but I also failed in this world and now you are telling me that my soul is somehow special and, now I suddenly became the owner of this watch to be honest with you it still feels unreal to me. I said to her in self-doubt.

"No master you are wrong in thinking that. you were always someone special you just didn't know, after all, not even superior beings dare to venture into the cosmos unprotected not to mention someone ordinary, on top of that now your my master can someone ordinary become the master of this beautiful lady you tell me" she consoled me with a proud smile.

"Yes you are right, I shouldn't keep living in the past and moving forward after all this could be my life's turning point" I said to her with determination to move forward.

"That's the spirit master" she cheered me.

"So what other information you can give me ?" I asked her eagerly.

"I can tell you about anything you ask of me since I have omniscient eyes, well except one question, how you became my master since even I don't know the answer to this mystery and even my omniscient eyes can't unveil this mysterious veil" she said to me proudly blinking her eyes for a movement I thought her eyes turned fully golden.

"So if that's the case then tell me more about those higher-

I was just about to ask her more about those higher beings she was taking about when suddenly...

"No master wait don't ask anything yet" she interrupted me with a hurried voice while waving her hands around.

"W-What happened" I asked her startled.

"Well you see master you can ask me anything and I will have to answer it no matter what but its not free you will have to buy the answer from the shop and the price will depend on how important the question is for example if the question you're asking is really important then the price will be that much high and if the question is not that important then the price will be low" she explained to me seriously.

"Wait wait wait, what is this shop and what is this pay and price you are talking about are you saying this is some kind of pay-to-win game-like situation" I asked her with some anger in my voice.

My anger was not directed at Omega or someone in particular but at these simple three words because I have some very bad memories of these three words.

One thing to note about me that is, there are five things I absolutely hate the most in this world, and simps and pay-to-win players are two of them.

"Wait master I think you misunderstood something, sorry I didn't explain to you clearly before, let me explain to you how this all works" she said to me with wronged expiration.

"No I am sorry, I shouldn't have raised my voice on you. it's just that this pay-to-win term brings back some bad memories" I said to her with an apologetic smile.

"I know master I have also seen it, that was quite tragic, you have beam through a lot" she consoled me with a smile.

"W-Wait how do you know all thi- oh I get it now these omniscient eyes are quite useful ha" I said to her with a bit of forced smile, since I don't want anyone to know about my embarrassing past specially the beautiful women in front of me.

'Now that she knows all about me I am filling quite embarrassed right now hopefully she didn't look into my computer or I will not have a face to live anymore' I thought to myself while holding on to a glimmer of hope.

"No master you are wrong I can't use most of my important abilities without your permission since I belong to you, and even if I can I would never do that without your permission, and for me to use one of my most powerful abilities like omniscient eyes you will have to spend Omega Points in the omnistore that's in the omniwatch's interface" she explained to me patiently.

'Oh that's a relief it turned out I was just overthinking stuff and what is this Omega points and sho- on wait if she can't use omnieyes without my permission then how was she so confident just now just like she has seen it all' I thought to myself ominously.

"S-So how do you know" I finally gathered the courage to ask.

"Oh that it's nothing serious, it was just when your soul swallow me and we merged together I had to go through your memory myself, it was just like a 3D movie from the moment you gained conscious to the moment of your death but I have to say I was quite jealous with the last part of the movie when even in your death you were still thinking of that blue-eyed women" she said to me in a teasing tone.

'Shatter' I heard it clearly this was the sound of my glimmer of hope shattering

'Finished I am finished how can I show my face in front of her again should I just run away' I thought to myself in embarrassment.

"Calm down master no one's going to judge you every normal person is like that kind of stuff you should be more confident in yourself" she said encouraging me with her smiling.

'Yeah I should be more confident in myself after all everybody like this kind of stuff what's there to be embarrassed about and now I have Omega with me my rise in this world is not so far' "and soon I will even get rid of this V CARD that is with me for two lifetimes" I thought to myself smilingly and in my daydreaming blurt out something unthinkable.

"hehe if Master wants I can help you get rid of that CARD tonight after all, we are going to live the rest of our life together why not start by deepening our bond tonight" she said to me teasingly but even she could not help let out a blush.