
Omnipotent Genius

Alexander Smith, a former special forces soldier, finds himself mysteriously regressed back to his 17-year-old self after a tragic accident. With a newfound ability to quickly master skills at an almost instantaneous level, Alexander sets out to make the most of his second chance at life. As he navigates the challenges of high school and university, he discovers love and friendship along the way. But with great power comes great responsibility, and Alexander must learn to balance his genius-level intellect and physical abilities with his desire for a normal life. Will he be able to keep his abilities a secret and find true happiness, or will the weight of his past and present catch up with him? Find out in "Omnipotent Genius," a thrilling tale of second chances and self-discovery.

WaffleOCE · 都市
5 Chs


Over the next few days, Alexander couldn't shake the feeling that he had a new power since regressing. He couldn't quite explain it, but he knew it was something special. He tried to test it out in different scenarios, but nothing seemed to trigger it.

One day, Alexander was walking home from school when he saw a group of people playing chess in the park. He had never played before, but he decided to join in. At first, he was confused by the rules and felt out of his depth. But as he continued to play, he felt his new power kick in. Suddenly, he had a deep understanding of the game and could anticipate his opponents' moves.

The other players were amazed by his skill. They asked him how long he had been playing chess.

"I don't know," Alexander replied honestly. "I just...picked it up."

The players shrugged, not understanding what he meant. But Alexander knew. He had a new ability that would help him excel in anything he tried.

As he walked back home, Alexander was deep in thought. He was beginning to realize the potential of his new ability. He could quickly master any skill he set his mind to, regardless of whether he had prior experience with it. He was going to make the most of his second chance at life.