
Omnific Tesseract

Please support my second book. I decided to participate on this year WSA contest. So, please support it. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ In the enigmatic realm of Alvard, the age-old art of Daemon summoning has always held a sacred and formidable allure. Daemons, mystical beings of diverse forms - humanoids, beasts, and even objects - are called upon to serve as guardians, defending cities and forming unbreakable bonds with their chosen hosts known as Ewers. Each battle strengthens this connection, forging them into an unyielding force. Amidst this mystical tapestry, a young and gifted Ewer named Cain harbors an insatiable ambition. His dreams reach for the pinnacle of Daemon mastery, the title of "The Dunatos," reserved for Alvard's mightiest summoners. One fateful night, destiny leads him down a shadowy alley where he encounters an enigmatic and injured woman. She entrusts him with a cryptic artifact: the Omnific Tesseract. As its ethereal glow bathes him, a newfound surge of power courses through his veins. The cube's secrets unveil a hitherto unknown realm of Daemon summoning - one that empowers him to command a legion of Daemons, melding them into unholy unions, and granting birth to formidable hybrid Daemons in their ultimate forms. Guided by Eve, an enigmatic A.I. entity dwelling within the Omnific Tesseract, Cain embarks on a journey to claim the coveted mantle of the mightiest Ewer in all of Alvard. Together, they assemble an awe-inspiring army of Daemons, each more awe-inspiring and terrifying than the last. With flames that scorch the heavens and ice that freezes souls, with shadows that conceal the darkest of secrets and light that unveils the truth, they heed his beck and call, bound by the mystical power of the Tesseract. Yet, as Cain treads this uncharted path, a haunting question lingers in the depths of his soul: What other enigmatic secrets lie dormant within this mystical artifact, waiting to be unearthed in the shadowy corners of his impending adventure? ----------------------------------------- My very first book. If you are interested in summoning beings to fight battle and are not limited to any form in which they appear then you have met the right book. And if you like my book please add them to your collection and vote with power stones ...

KingBomblaze · ファンタジー
198 Chs

Alvard Empires

In the realm of Alvard, an air of mystique envelops the land. Six enigmatic entities exist, known as empires, provinces, or countries, with numerous villages scattered throughout their dominions. Among them are the renowned Dawn Dynasty, Blucold Empire, Theortldz Kingdom, Royal Bluiet Empire, and the fabled realms that lie beyond mortal reach.

Whispers permeate the corridors of this mysterious realm, hinting at unexplored territories where no living being dared to tread. These desolate lands, expansive and teeming with untold riches, possess the power to sustain empires for countless centuries. Yet, an unspoken agreement lingers in the air, dissuading even the boldest of creatures from staking a claim. It is as if an unseen force, an ancient curse perhaps, holds sway over these forsaken domains, rendering them off-limits to all who covet their boundless wealth.

Legends, tales, and rumors intertwine, creating a tapestry of wonder and fear around these untouched realms. They are whispered of as "no man's land," a name that sends shivers down the spine of those who hear it. What lies within those vast expanses remains a tantalizing enigma, an invitation to venture into the unknown, yet a foreboding warning of the perils that await.

Amidst this mystical backdrop, four empires stand as testaments to human ingenuity and ambition. The Dawn Dynasty, blessed by its proximity to the boundless seas, entices palates with its succulent seafood delicacies. Other empires, envious of its culinary prowess, grudgingly acknowledge the unparalleled taste that emanates from this coastal dominion. Shielded by the ocean to the west and south, and cradled by imposing mountains to the east, the Dawn Dynasty reigns supreme within its secluded realm. Its lush greenery, vibrant with life, is caressed by gentle breezes, and its fauna teems with vitality, earning it the name Dawn Dynasty.

The other empires, yearning to possess the Dawn Dynasty's bountiful offerings, find themselves helpless in the face of daunting losses accompanying any attempt at conquest. Thus, they resort to trade, seeking favorable alliances and profitable transactions, all the while maintaining an amicable facade. Standing as a neutral force, the Dawn Dynasty becomes the bridge between these covetous realms, a meeting point where business thrives while political intrigue simmers beneath the surface.

Yet, not all empires revel in neutrality. The Blucold Empire and the Royal Bluiet Empire, entangled in a timeless struggle, embody the epitome of conflict. For centuries, these once-united nations have clashed, their quarrel rooted in territorial disputes, scarce resources, and an insatiable hunger for power. Bound by a shared history, their desire to reunite drives them ever closer to the precipice of destruction. Neither empire is willing to yield, determined to reign supreme, and forever etch its name in the annals of history.

Beyond the territorial feud, a realm of darkness and mystery awaits. Nestled in the northeast, the boundaries of the Blucold Empire and the Royal Bluiet Empire converge upon a landscape that embodies ancient secrets. Whispers of forbidden knowledge, arcane rituals, and elusive treasures echo through the shadows. It is a place where forbidden powers lurk, ready to be harnessed by those brave or foolish enough to seek them.

Far removed from the conflicts and intrigues of their rivals lies the enigmatic Theortldz Empire. Veiled in secrecy, this distant domain exists as an enigma within the tapestry of Alvard. Shrouded in rumors and half-truths, the truth about the

Theortldz Empire has become obscured over time. Its strength and weakness coexist as whispers, painting an ambiguous portrait of an empire that defies easy categorization. Some speak of their fault, vulnerable and fragile, while others tell of their unyielding might, unmatched by any other. Tales of flesh and blood feasts permeate the conversations, weaving a tapestry of chilling possibilities.

Yet, amid the uncertainties surrounding the Theortldz Empire, one fact remains indisputable—a solemn oath sworn in secrecy. The Theortldz Empire, forever entwined with the elusive Weeping Void Empire, pledged to cleanse the land of corruption, to bring forth its hidden light. The full extent of their determination and the depths to which they will descend to fulfill their vow remains a haunting mystery, whispered only in hushed tones by those daring enough to contemplate their existence.

Since the proclamation of this oath, the Theortldz Empire has retreated into the shadows, disappearing from the public eye. Their withdrawal has spawned countless monikers, each conveying a different facet of their enigmatic nature. They are known as the Weeping Void Demise, the Cleric Judgement, or even the Janitor—their true purpose is obscured by layers of cryptic titles.

Within the realm of Alvard, a tapestry of mystery and intrigue unfolds. The empires, with their unique specialties and bitter rivalries, dance on the precipice of destiny. Uncharted lands beckon, cloaked in darkness and ripe with untold treasures. The unseen machinations of the Theortldz Empire and the whispered legends of the Weeping Void Empire cast a veil of uncertainty, leaving all who inhabit this realm to ponder the enigmatic future that lies ahead.

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