

After transmigrating into a dying body of a DC resident, the MC realizes the body had a meta-gene capable of changing his form into anything! He could control his entire body to a point where he can change even into elements or unanimated objects. So, rises a new menace of society.

Druid_Doyin · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs


Fate had a lot of things planned for every living and non living thing in the entire universe. Everything had a purpose for existing and one rock would be the cause of making a legend. Of course, the rock was neither alive nor aware of itself. It was one inch in diameter, flat little bugger found inside a river bed.

A boy ran past the river, panicky. His clothes were disheveled, his hair a mess and at the corner of his lips, a trail of blood. He was running as fast as he could but after years of eating mom's cupcakes everyday, his body had become pudgy. His stamina was shit, his muscles lathered in body fat and his jeans too tight for his plump body to run in.

"What's the matter, fatso? Too jiggly?" a shout came from behind him, making him tense even more. He tried to run even faster but even if his body pumped even more adrenaline, he could not go faster. Behind him were three boys, wearing their school's football team blazers. They had glee shining on their faces, clearly enjoying the hunt, as they called it.

When they were crossing the river, shallow reaching only their below their knees, one of them spotted the lonely smooth surfaced one inch rock. He stopped running before picking it up. Running his fingers on the surface, he could feel just how smooth the rock was. Humans were funny that way, finding beauty in simple things.

"Hey, Matty, what's wrong?" one of his friends asked, bringing him out of his fascination. He looked at his two friends before spotting their prey still running.

"Nothing," he answered before grinning. "Watch this!" He was a baseball little league star before this so he took a throwing stance before sending the little rock towards his target. The rock whistled in the air, alerting the plump boy but his reflexes were shit! The rock his him behind his skull, making a cracking sound before the boy fell down, blood oozing out of his head in gallons.

"Fuuuck! Matty, what the fuck!" the stunned jocks turned to look at the culprit who was eyeing this scene with wide eyes.

"Matty, you just killed him! Do you know what would happen to us if they find out it was us?" his other friend questioned.

"It's alright, the police won't know it was us," Matty tried to reassure his friends.

"Everyone in school heard us say we were going to beat the shit out of him after school. They even saw us chase him off! If he goes missing, we will be the first targets to be questioned and don't even get me started if Superman gets involved!"

"Listen, we...we...uhm..." Matty could just stammer. He was a fan of Superman and he had always admired the hero. To suddenly be on his cross hair was actually quite terrifying. He wondered what the hero would do to him for killing another kid!

"We need to get out of here," one of his friends urged and they fled the scene without a second to think it through.


Billy tried to fight the encroaching darkness in his mind but he knew he would fail. He always failed in everything he did. He was sure his parents knew it too but they were too good a parents to admit it. He had failed himself, his teachers, his siblings and mostly, his parents. His laziness had made him become the most dull boy in his class. Everyone stayed away from him, except his bullies who took extra special care to him.

He would be swirled, wedgied, wet willied, beaten up and much more but he did not do a thing. In fact, he started to kinda like it, the attention they give to him. It reached a point where when they beat up another kid in front of him, he actually grew jealous! It was the most bizarre thing in his entire life. However, this day was different because he had asked Sofie Rodriguez out to prom. The whole school laughed at him with her boyfriend, Captain of the football team, sending his mad dogs after him.

Now here he lay, dying in his own blood.

Inside his body, however, something was changing. Genes passed down from the first Metahuman, Vandal Savage, genes that would turn someone into a god or a joke, were slowly being triggered. Billy's fight for his life, no matter how weak, was the external stimuli they needed. Finally, when the metagenes awoke, Billy breathed his last, making the whole process futile.

Half a minute passed as his body started cooking when he took a deep breath in. He opened his eyes, which shone in different colors for a second. His heart started beating, fastening up as the subconscious part of his brain made sure it would not stop anytime soon. The bleeding wound behind his head just closed up, showing not a scar!

"That was the most terrifying experience of my life," Billy said as he got up. His body shuddered, a reflex to getting back from the dead. He looked at his hands, his eyes widening in surprise.

"Grandma, what meaty fingers I have!" he joked. He then saw his potbelly and felt even worse. "What a fatty! Was I ever like this? No, No! This is not my body. Mine was crushed by steamroller after I tried to skate passed it only to get stuck in wet tar! I can still remember how my heart beat as the rolling mass of metal slowly crept towards me." He shuddered once again before looking down on his belly. "Man, this has to go!"

As if heeding his command, the fat slowly resided into his body, leaving his stomach hanging out of his belt. But then, it shrunk till it was flat! He kept looking on, awed but a little disturbed! He touched the stomach in disbelief, poking it over and over but it did not feel unreal.

"I wonder if I can have abs?" he asked himself while picturing an eight pack on his body. His imaginations became true as his stomach gained eight foaming cutting abdominal muscles. "This...No teenager should have this power!" He looked around and spotted a river so he ran to it. He stripped to nothing and looked at his reflection.

"Okay, the man tits have to go," he said, looking at his fatty chest that had turned into sagging breasts. His chest shrank, his muscles burnt away before the muscles in flated to become two mounds that complimented his abs nicely. Next to be pruned were his arms, now becoming shredded, every muscles under the skin showing. His legs were worked on next and finally his back. When he was done, he looked completely different from before. His entire body had transformed into this muscles teenager that looked like he took MMA quite frequently.

He then turned to his face where he shaped it to lose the baby fat, increasing his hairline for it had receded too far back, turned his brown eyes to his former colour, steely blue, rearranged his teeth so that they were not crooked white whitening them and finally, his hair's length increased, tying it into a bun behind him while it turned from black to his former colour, red.

"So, I have the power to shape shift?" he concluded when he was finally done. To confirm this theory, he pictured Mia Khalifa and his body transformed in just a second into hers. He looked down on her naked body and couldn't help but get slightly aroused.

"Oh, shit!" he exclaimed. He then thought of Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime, his body transformed into that too! "Holy fuck! This might be amazing!. But, can I transform into anything else except humans?" He thought of becoming a lion and in a second, no bones broken or pain, he had become a male lion. He changed his form to become a bear, african buffalo, african elephant, a wasp, ant (nearly drowning himself) and an eagle before turning back. He then looked at his hands and remembered Alex Mercer and his ability to transform his limbs into weapons.

"I wonder?" he chuckled. His left hand suddenly turned into a giant scythe blade, white in colour but it look sharp and dangerous enough to make anyone halt. "So, I am not limited to just living things! This might be an overwhelming power!" His right hand transformed into another scythe before he criss crossed them around his body. With a grunt, he slashed, extending his arms outwards. The blades cut through everything in their way, trees and boulders, clearing a whole section in front of him.

"This...This is simply amazing!" he said in excitement.