
Omni-Harem God: Conquering Worlds and Beauties From All Over Reality.

There are multiple ways to live one's life and still enjoy it the same way. That was something that Kymani Njeri Marvion believed in and his ideal way of life was to master everything and see the all of the world and what it had to offer. Unfortunately, that could not be achieved as Kymani perished before he could even start. Having been unable to fulfill his dream of seeing all the world had to show as well as master it all, Kymani was disappointed but not surprised, after all, there was only so much one could see and experience before their time on earth was over. It was then, while his soul was in the infinite darkness of the Void that he was met with a multidimensional cubic structure that once in contact with him asked. [What is it that you desire?] "Desire? Huh?... If I could I would like to see it all, not just the world... I want to see what all of reality has to offer and maybe meet a beauty or two along the way, wouldn't it be nice?... Even better would be if I had one of those super loyal maids you see in anime... Hahaha! I guess that's all I want. Man, I kind of have trash desires, don't I? Hahaha! Whatever I'm already dead anyway." Kymani could help but laugh at his own desires as he let his thoughts out into the void. [Your desires, have been made achievable.] [Welcome to the Omni-Harem God System] Truck-Kun? Check Typical way to get to another world? Check Harem? Check Meeting Gods before reincarnation? Check Getting overpowered abilities? Check Throwing a bunch of other stuff in just for good measure? Check Yeah, the ingredients are here. Follow Kymani as he visits different worlds with different systems and sees what they have to offer while trying to discover more about his standing and source of powering this crazy Omni-verse filled with all kinds of beings from magicians to monsters to cultivators? And so much more! Read as he builds his legend and expands it to every cover of reality or maybe dies trying.

Ky_Scriptio · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Chapter 39: Spark and Veil

-Grydol Kingdom; Silver City; Silverheart Territory-

Somewhere in the vast County Silverheart territory's forest, Feylit and his partner the Veiled Mistress were camping, but Feylit himself was more focused on a magic circle he's drawn on the ground, glowing blue as he chanted some words in a constant rhythm before repeating it over and over again.

At the center of the magic circle, was his spatial bag, from where a large amount of water was flowing and getting taken in by the circle.

To the side Feylit danced in a precise manner with calculated moments, as he continued to do chant.

"May the clouds in the sky condensate further than they ever would have, to pour the precipitation called rain upon us. Letting the world experience if even for a while the terror of the Hydropia Flood! As I chant, Rain Dance!"

"Urrrrgghh!! You've been doing this for days! How long do you need to set this ritualist spell?! This is why ritual magic sucks! Barely anyone can use it, and even when someone can, it takes forever to get it done. It's trash!" Veiled Mistress complained as she sat on a big boulder, dressed in only a bikini and her mask, using this moment to sunbathe.

Having her curvy body out for the world, however, Feylit couldn't be more disinterested in her or her complaints.

"May the clouds in the sky condensate further than they ever would have..." He continued to chant without paying any attention to her whatsoever.

"... You're such a bore in person. Here, I thought I would finally have a cool partner. All my other partners were either closet perverts, fawning over me, bitches, annoying, actual children, or idiots... Though I heard that a lot of the members of the cause were cold, though you do have a temper problem, you're the first actual cold person, I'm partnered with...

"And, it's honestly a bit boring, at least the other ones gave me something... You... You're no fun, and you don't even allow me to have fun at all! No brothels, no alcohol, even though you were drinking when we first met, no parties, and no killing outside the mission! Like, what am I supposed to do? Eat my pain away? Oh, sorry can't do that either, since I can't even go get my own food!" She continued to complain about him, while he tried to focus on his ritual.

PThis went on for a while until it was much later in the day and the Veiled Mistress had stopped sunbathing.

Finally, at that time, Feylit stopped chanting, and the magic circle glow a brighter blue, before shooting into the sky and dispersing there, leaving his spatial bag behind.

*Sigh* "It's over... " He sighed before flashing into lightning and appearing right in front of the Veiled Mistress.

"Thank Yovit! You're done! So, let's move on, I think my mirages found something interesting." She expressed seeing him.

"You said quite a lot while I couldn't move." Feylit commented.

"Hum... It was just my stress talking, you shouldn't take it too seriously. Plus, you have to give it to me, I did say mostly the truth." She replied in an apologetic manner.

"I see... Is that all?" Feylit got even closer and the distance between them was minimal at best.

"... And, what will you do about it? Punch me?.... Why not, let your anger out in a more interesting way?" She touched his chest, then slowly moved her finger up, all the way to his chin as she spoke.

"I would rather not, you're not really my type, especially with that attitude." Feylit turned around and just walked away.

"Hmm, how sad? Is this-" Before she could finish speaking.

*Rumble* *Shock*

She was hit by a lightning wave throughout her body, but it was not something that could have been considered dangerous besides the initial scare.

"Two things, one, I'm on a a very important mission, and distractions like you are annoying. Two, if I had to be seduced by anyone, it wouldn't be you." Feylit expressed to the currently floored, Veiled Mistress, who was twitching from the shock.

A while after that interaction, she was back up.

"So, you said your mirages found something." Feylit brought up.

"Yes... They found the source of the otherworld soul, and it's actually pretty crazy..." She replied.

"Why is that?" He asked.

"You won't like it." She said in a hesitant tone.

"Huh? Yeah... I'm known for hunting otherwolders, I'm not particularly fond of them, now tell me!" Feylit insisted.

"Fine, just don't get mad... But it's apparently a Slime... A pink Slime nonetheless." She responded before sitting on the ground and covering her head, then a 5-layer dome made of earth came out of the ground and covered the shivering woman.

Some would call it cowardice others would call it self-preservation, whatever the case, the truth was that.

The rumbles in the area increased exponentially as soon as three bouts of lightning just came down around them and a wave of lightning was sent off deforesting the area, by about a 10m(32.8ft) radius.

Veins were visible on Feylit's body as he stressed his muscles, and they matched his current state of mind. The thunderstorm that took place in his mind was obvious from the outside, and the previously covered Veiled Mistress, got once again exposed to the world, as her thick 5-layer earth dome was obliterated and her clothes nearly carbonized.

"Where is this thing?!?!" Feylit looked at her serious, mad, furious even as occasional strikes of lightning would come down on the area from the skies.

"You see... This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you... You really need to work on that temper." The Veiled Mistress expressed.

Not up for her replies, Feylit simply frowned and then.

"Ok! Ok! It's in the northern area, closer to Silverheart Manor, so... Could we not go after it until like... We're at least 100,000 tim... No, 1 million times stronger than now! Please!" She pleaded.

"Guide the way." Feylit ordered.

"... You want to kill us both... I'm such a beautiful young woman... and I'm going to die here... Deprived of worldly pleasures... Unless Count Silverheart takes a liking to me... I've heard he was quite the gigolo when he was younger, and habits like that die hard." She began contemplating the possibilities of survival.

"And you think his wife, one of the most powerful magic users in the continent, if not the number 1, will just let you?" Feylit chuckled at what to him sounded like her delusions.

"She doesn't have to, I've heard many times that Count Silverheart still very much wears the pants in their relationship even with her status. Apparently, he's a total and absolute monster in his own right. I mean, did you ever hear about the Grand Berserk Incident?" She questioned.

"Not that I know of actually." Feylit raised his eyebrow showing mild curiosity.

"My grandmother told me about this and from what she told me, I don't have any real details on the incident, but what's important is the result of it. Which is that, Count Silverheart, caused destruction of such magnitude, that they had to redraw the continental maps! Him alone! Insane, right?!" The Veiled Mistress had a voice tone that showed how amazing this was for her.

"Hm? Really? If that's true, then it is quite possibly a whole new level. Fairly insane, indeed." Feylit's eyes widened for a bit, then he clenched his fists and sighed before replying to her in the most monotone way.

"... You don't sound the slightest bit impressed... You're all big a mighty now, I want to see if you can keep that posturing when push comes to shove. I won't even save you when Count Silverheart makes me his mistress, but I'll think about it if you beg." She said with confidence overflowing in her tone.

"I won't even burst your bubble, reality will do that for me." Feylit shook his head slowly at her words.

They moved on, and traversed the place, occasionally being attacked by wild beasts found in the area, which they defeat with ease, most never getting close enough to actually try and attack them.

The closer they got to the Silverheart manor, the fewer wild beasts there were around, even though they took the forest path which was much more likely to have them, than if they went through the road, but they weren't exactly in a position where using the road was a viable option.

Eventually, they got to a place where two red foxes with flame trails coming out of their mouths and three eyes were observing, that down below there was a pink slime sitting on some sort of giant green-furred boar with green tusks. As the boar slept and the slime stood there on the top of its head.

Petting the two foxes watching the pink slime, Veiled Mistress said. "Awww, my perfect little spies did great work! You're my best beasts clearly superior! Foxes rule!"

"Don't you think, you spoil your summons a bit too much?" Feylit asked.

"Don't even start! They aren't even summons! They are an extension of me! They are my precious little babies! Don't compare them to those over-glorified magical slaves!" She seemed to be actually pissed from her voice alone.

"Sumons aren't slaves, they consume large amounts of the user's mana, and some even require specific materials to be summoned." Feylit corrected her.

"This is exactly why you don't have a girlfriend and why I won't save you, when Count Silverheart takes me in, even if you beg." She complained


While they were talking, Feylit was gathering a massive lightning attack, that just then fell on the pink slime and the green boar.

As if at least 10 strikes of his lightning had fused into one, an explosion occurred, and in an instant for a 100m(109 yards) radius, there was nothing but a carbonized land.

Then the rain called upon by him, began pouring like a sign that the mission had actually started.

However, at the center of the attack, where the pink slime and green boar were found, there was an earth dome similar to the ones the Veiled Mistress made, whenever Feylit got mad. Then he turned to her not looking happy, though before he could speak.

"It wasn't me! You know I would never jeopardize the mission!" She shook her head and hands with panic in her voice.

"I know it wasn't you, you're not good enough to perform something like this. I was just going to say that you should stay alert because Kon is somewhere around here." Feylit nonchalantly warned her.

"Hey! I'm stronger than you think! I just don't have insane mana reserves like you! I can't go out just using my abilities or magic however I feel like it!" The Veiled Mistress retorted.

"Ok, just take care of the pink slime, I have to kill this fucker." Feylit warned her before he had lightning coating him and then yelled. "Kon! You little bitch! Come out before I come and drag you out!!"

"Relax! I always told you that, your temper will be the ruin of your being. Remember, your pain of today, is less than that of yesterday and-" Kon came out of the ground then replied to Feylit.

"And more than that of tomorrow! Yes, I heard you the other thousand times, I just don't believe in that." Feylit appeared in front of Kon instant as if he just teleported himself, at pure lightning speed.

"No one sentence can be applied to every situation, but for your situation, my words ring true, yet you choose to cling to the pain." Kon expressed.

"Choose?! I have no choice! I'm here trying to stop everything from going to the shitter as much as you! And yet, you decided that I'm evil for being more resolved than you!" Feylit retorted.

"Your goal is noble, but your means... They mirror that you wish to end." Kon said.

"No! They don't! You can't possibly be comparing anything I've ever done to that?!" Feylit yelled as various strikes of thunder fell down around them.

"No, I would never try to stop you from doing what you're trying to do, but in the end, it's the same evil at different scales." Kon expressed.

"No, it's not... Why? Why do you refuse to see the grey in the world? Why does it always have to be black or white with you?" Feylit inquired.

"I see the grey perfectly... I just choose not to indulge in it." Kon answered.

"And that's why we could never stay friends... I don't know why I expected anything else, at the end of the day, you're bound to die by my hand... How unfortunate." Feylit shook his head slowly with a frown.

"Don't forget that on the day I told you that, I also told you... Fate isn't immutable, just hard to turn." Kon smiled.

"You optimistic fool... Don't die too easily." Feylit smiled back.

"Of course not. Seal: Slow! Earth spike: Rise!" Kon said instantly activating a magic circle under them, and then a bunch of earth spikes began to rise and attack Feylit.

Contrary to before, Feylit barely managed to dodge all the spikes, showing a much slower speed.

"You bastard!... You're making not enjoying your death, hard!" Feylit complained.

"Says the monster who can still move like that after being hit with a slow... It took me days to set that ritual up... Oh well, fate is not so easily trampled. So, let us battle now that I've evened the playfield?" Kon grinned with his golden eyes open.

"Damned baldy! I'm washing the floor with you either way." Feylit also grinned with his lightning coat as sparkly as it had ever been.