
Lesson Three - Part 4

It's been two hours and we've been in five different shops already. I can tell that Lyonel is definitely enjoying this day far more than I am. The smile on his face alone is a clear indication of that.

He's like a puppy happily serving its owner. The only difference is that a real puppy can't carry ten shopping bags filled with clothes and accessories.

"Do you want something to eat? I'd be happy to treat you." He suddenly said as we walked along the small shopping district.

His eyes were bright as if unconsciously begging me to say yes. So I did.

"Sure. Where do you recommend?" I smiled at him and his eyes went brighter, if that was even possible.

"There's a small café nearby and their coffees and teas are the best." He said and led the way.

We arrived in front of a cozy-looking establishment named Amore. It's practically leaking with class and comfort compared to the rowdy and careless atmosphere of the Wilde Tavern.

We entered the café and I saw some desserts displayed behind a glass counter. There are cupcakes, cakes, muffins, and even parfaits and pastas. I could practically feel myself drool over it.

I absolutely love sweet things. Eating them is my favorite thing to do to pass the time. It looks like Lyonel has found another reason for me to keep him.

We sat on a small table only for two people. He carefully dropped my shopping bags on the floor beside me before turning towards me.

"Do you want me to order for you? Or do you want to look at their menu yourself?" He asks and I was slightly touched by the question.

He really does have very gentlemanly manners. I want to say that I want to have a taste of every single thing on their menu, but that will ruin the mood.

"You can choose for me, please." I said and he nodded.

He went to the counter and I was left by myself. I looked outside of the window and I was surprised by the sight of a gigantic creature happily talking to a man.

I realized that he was Walric, the Minotaur, when I recognized his head to be of a bull's. The rest of his body is covered in fur, but everything else is definitely human-like. His hands consist of five fingers and his feet, seen through his straw slippers, are also like a human's. He has a gold earing on his left ear and he's wearing a simple white shirt and black leather pants.

He's way bigger than I'd imagined him to be, in more ways than one. Even his muscles are almost tearing through his shirt. I bet he's getting all the ladies just from his body alone.

"Oh, it's Walric." I turned my head back to Lyonel who's carrying a metal tray.

"Cecilia told me about him." I said as he placed a a slice of chocolate cake, a muffin and a cup of tea in front of me. He ordered the same set for himself.

"We should go greet him in his shop later. Everything's a little bit expensive, but the things he sell are definitely high quality." He grinned and sat down in front of me.

"I like that idea." I smiled at him.

We began eating and engaging in small talk every once in a while. The food was certainly great and I liked the tea. I would prefer eating this alone, but Lyonel's company isn't really that bad.

Apparently, the owner of this shop, Lulu Amore, is a close friend of his. But from the way Lyonel recounts their past to me, it seems like Lulu has a crush on him. Either he just doesn't know it or he denies it because he doesn't have any feelings for her. I'm leaning more on the latter.

I don't like drama, so I need to deal with her immediately if she acts like an antagonist in a romance novel towards me. I can't let her foil my plans with Lyonel. But it wouldn't hurt to toy with her for a bit.

"Did you like it?" Lyonel asks after I sip my tea.

"Very much. I think this is now my favorite place to go during my free time. Thank you for bringing me here." I answered and he lightly blushed.

We proceeded with our "date" after that. He brought me to different stores and introduced me to every person that he knows who comes across our way. I think the entire kingdom knows me by now.

"Are you tired?" He asks after we just came out of the 20th shop that we've gone into.

He's carrying more than fifteen different bags and he doesn't look like he's having a hard time at all. I'm impressed.

"I feel great. I'm enjoying this day, so I don't feel tired at all." I replied, thinking about the words that would make him fall for me even more.

"Really? I'm enjoying today, too." He grinned at me and I giggled lightly.

Our last stop is Walric's shop. At first glance, you could already tell that he has the biggest establishment out of all the shopkeepers here.

We entered and a small bell rung as we opened the glass double doors. The inside smells like the pleasant odor of a new book. It's relaxing and homely.

The shop is filled with all sorts of things; clothes, accessories, antiques, furniture, shoes, weapons, and basically everything that you'd ever think of. There are even books about various topics ranging from this world's history, how to use magic and even fictional ones.

"Welcome!" I hear a large booming voice from the back of the shop.

Walric stood behind the counter in all of his 10 feet of glory. He and Lyonel greeted each other and I almost pitied the smaller man as Walric almost crushed him with his hug.

"It's been a while since you visited the shop, my friend." Walric let out a hearty laugh as he lets go of Lyonel.

"Well, I haven't had the opportunity to. Oh, by the way, this is Anaia. She's new in town." They both turned to me and I waved to Walric.

He bent down, took my hand and put the back of my hand to his forehead. I was impressed by his fast change in attitude.

"I've finally met you. You're lovelier than what I've expected. Cecilia speaks highly of you, especially considering that you've become the star of her tavern." Walric chuckled.

"I've also heard so much about you from her. I'm glad to finally meet you, too." I say and slightly bow my head at him.

"So, what can I do for you two?" He took a step back as Lyonel went back beside me.

"It's fine. We're just here so Anaia could get a look around your shop. Who knows, maybe she'll buy something that she'll like." Lyonel gestures towards me and Walric huffed in amusement.

"Well, then! Feel free to look around!" He grinned and crossed his arms.