
Omega rebirth

Su Ha-eun is a girl that wants to find love and as she's reading a novel she starts feeling sorry for a boy whose name is Sang Tae-won. without thinking she think about wanting to be him and then as she falls asleep she feels different, as a girl she was dying of an illness and now she's the boy she felt sorry for out of nowhere, will she find happiness in this new world?

Dinaliya · ファンタジー
6 Chs

4. Chapter 2: His twin sister (more like half-sister) is trying to destroy him but fails.


Tae-hyun is not a cold person, he's just protecting himself from getting hurt again as he has been hurt alot for years before he left his family.

"hopefully I will never see them again..."



Tae-hyun sighs and rubs his forehead as he slowly closes his eyes to rest a little, but wakes up to sounds coming from outside his office. his 'dear sister' showed up, wanting to meet him.

"I don't have a sister, take her away" *cold*

when Tang Sa-rang heard what he said, she got pissed off and started screaming.

"Tang Tae-won!! you bastard get out from your office and help your family!!"

Su Tae-hyun scoffs and slowly walks out of his own office, looks at his twin sister that got their parents love right from birth and says coldly as he stares at her, his eyes showing no sign of life at all.

"when I were sick with high fever, did you help me? when my heat first came, did you help me? when I got beated and bullied at school, did you help me? After all the hell I went thru, you never helped me, none of you... my so called family helped me ever!! I will not help you, even if I die... nothing will change, no money or anything will ever come to you so go back to the shit hole called home which you came from!!"

Tae-hyun shouts as tears runs down his cheeks, showing his employees his true feelings of all that he's been thru that broke him and that no matter how fine he tries to be, he's not ok which awakens the feelings of wanting to protect him.

"Tae-won, Omegas are filthy... you are dirt under everyone's feet"

Tae-hyun looks at his sister and says.

if I were dirty, why am I still a virgin when you aren't one, hmm?"

what he said made his employee's clap their hands and glare at Sa-rang. Tae-hyun sighs and says in a cold voice.

"you kicked me out without even checking if I'm truly guilty of anything, was it you my 'dear sister' that framed me"

Sa-rang looks at her brother and says as she stands there trying to pretend being hurt.

"how could you say that, your ex fiance were horrified when he knew about what you had done"

(Tae-hyun) "what I had done? I haven't done anything, all that happened was me being framed and blamed for shit I never did so go back to 'dad' and tell him to not contact me ever again"

Tae-hyun is hurt so bad that he wants to cry but can't since he has to look strong and not weak before his bitch for a sister. his sister walks away and he sighs as he tells his employee's that he's off from work, also that they can get off too if they did like then as soon as he's home thirty minutes later, he falls asleep on his bed after changing and brushing his teeth.


and cut, hope chu like it

stay tuned 🥰🥰