
Omega Queen

Kidnapped, Bitten, forced to fight and abandoned. 1,000 Years from when she was turned can the Omega Queen free her people from the oppression of the Alphas or will the King end them all. Will the tables turn and Omegas become the top, will she topple the Alphas.

Annhillann · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Chapter 12

"HOW DARE YOU CALL HIM THAT YOU DISRESPECTFUL LITTLE MUTT !!" Alpha Daniel screams, the kings wolfs start growling except the king and his brother Alexander who are smiling at me, not sure why.

"Wow you guys sure are easily offended" Lestat chuckles at them, I laugh at the Alpha.

"If you think I'm going to react to a little name calling you are sorely mistaken, are you really an Alpha I thought you guys were the best amount the wolfs, you're acting like a childish pup" I look directly at him as I tell him that. Suddenly Alpha Zander lunges towards me, he hits our magic barrier and is repelled back into a tree. Everyone looks at us in shock.

"It seems you have a witch/warlock working with you as well, maybe you are more than I give you credit for" the king smirks at me, he does seem to have a brain however disgusting his personality.

"Alright Max this is how its going to work, you can bring in 6 of your people and we will go to my office and start negations, or you can pointlessly try and force your way in and we will watch as you fail and ultimately give in" I look at him questioning him.

"You are not in charge here, if you think ....." The king raises his hand and stops Alpha Daniel.

"Fine I agree to these terms" he turns around and addresses his people.

"Alexander, Daniel, Zander, Carlos, Gregory and Henry you will all be coming with me the rest will wait for our return, make camp nearby" with that the mentioned wolf come forward, Max turns around to face me.

"Lead the way" he smiles at me again, what change his tune he seemed ready to attack us in the letter.

"Madock allow them access" I shout out to him he suddenly appears beside me.

"Patitur homines accedere hanc terram" Madock looks at each of them.

"Alright wolfs you can enter now, but I have you under my watch so don't do anything silly" he smiles at them and bows his head to me.

"Follow me" I tell them we all start making our way back to the base. We enter our conference room an oval shaped table with 7 chairs on each side is in the centre I walk over to 7 of the chairs on one side and sit in the middle one, everyone follow suit. My deputies sit on my side while the king sits opposite me and his men on his side.

"Okay I believe it would be polite to first introduce our-selfs to each other" I state to the room.

"I'll start then I'm Carlos Sight Alpha of the Full Moon pack" the wolf to the furthest left of the king states.

"I'm Daniel Knight Alpha of the Blue Moon pack" he looks straight at me with contempt.

"Zander Moon Alpha of the Blood Moon pack" Looking angry, does this guy ever calm down.

"Maximus Sharp King of all shifters" he smiles at me again, what's up with him.

"Alexander Sharp Prince and Beta to the Kings Pack, truly excited to be here" he smiles at all of us, weirdo.

"Gregory Finn Gamma of the Kings Pack and this is my twin brother Henry Finn also Gamma" I get no reading of these two.

"Alright now its our, turn I'm Flora deputy for the fey community in the zero community, also I'm a fey" She flutters her wings at them, they look a little shocked, but Madock interrupts before they can say anything.

"Madock I'm a warlock and the deputy for the witch/warlock community in the zero community" he looks at them analysing their reactions.

"Now i'm sure you wolfs have scented who I am, Lestat i'm a vampire and the deputy for the vampire community in the zero community" he smirks at them trying to rile them up.

"I'm 5 bitten wolf Queen of the zero community" The king looks at me and narrows his eyes, thinking I assume.

"201 bitten wolf deputy for the shifters in the zero community"

"Finally my turn I'm Delphyne a snake demon I represent the demons community in the zero community"

"Guess I'm last, I'm David a simple human and I represent the humans in the zero community" he waves at them.

"Okay now thats over let's get to business" before I can continue Zander interrupts me.

"You can't be serious, your leaders are two bitten wolfs, a warlock, a filthy vampire, a fey, a bloody demon and a weak human. Also what do you mean you represent each of these creatures is this a pack or not" he asks me angrily. All my deputies start to get angry at him I raise my hand to them and look directly at Zander.

"First of Zander ..."

"Alpha to you" he interrupts agin

"First of Zander do not interrupt people while they are speaking if you do it again I will have you thrown off my land, second my deputies are not weak or creatures they are individuals with strengths your to blind to see and each one could take you out whenever they want, yes that includes David. Third this is not and will never be a pack, we are a community a family and we do not want to be compared to your stunted packs" He looks at me stunned, that will teach the little pup to mind his manners.

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