
CHAPTER 50 No Desire to Live

  Jacob's POV

  "After a thorough examination, the Luna's body can last for about a month," Howson presented the results of the examination to me.

  Even so, it didn't make me any happier, but it gave me some hope. One month, if I can get a sample of the toxin...

  When I expressed my hopes, Howard's response that the toxicity of the poison in her body was as strong as wolfsbane just slower made my heart slow in shock.

  Howson's words completely shattered my hope. I couldn't accept the fact that I would lose her just after I found out she was my Mary. After Howson gave some instructions, I silently left with Margaret and the medicine.

  Panic and fear quickly fermented in this silence, forcing me to stop the car and release these unfamiliar emotions.

  She secretly took some strong painkillers half a month ago. She must be in such unbearable pain and I couldn't help...