
CHAPTER 43 Blurry Figure

  Eden's POV

  After sending Rose to the dungeon, I heard the fierce resident criminals discussing loudly inside.

  "I heard that the drunk woman who was locked up last night is Jacob's Luna."

  "No wonder, he can even lock up his own Luna when he goes crazy!"

  I reached through the thick and hard iron bars and grabbed the collar of the nearest criminal to me, pulling him over.

  "Who did you say was locked up?"

  The criminal's face was instantly pressed against the bars and was marked with several of iron bar imprints.

  "Your Luna! The beautiful woman with blue eyes and brown straight hair!"

  It really was Luna!

  What happened?

  Ellie would definitely be worried if she found out about our Luna's imprisonment.

  I had to find out what happened.

  After finding out where Luna was being held, I immediately rushed over there.


  As soon as I arrived at her cell, I saw a scene that left me jaw-dropped.