
CHAPTER 11 Unexpected Gains

  Margaret's POV

  I searched around and found the sign that said "Cleaning in Progress" that had been stashed in a cleaners cupboard in the corner, and quickly hung it on the door.

  People didn't just disappear suddenly, there must be a hidden entrance here somewhere that I don't know about!

  The restroom wasn't too big, aside from the washbasin, there were only three stalls on each side, for a total of six stalls. The outside wall of the washbasins followed the line of the perimeter of the amusement park and could not hide anything. Besides, if they had set up the entrance here, the conditions for entering it would be much harder to ensure. Therefore, the entrance had to be hidden in one of the stalls.

  I carefully checked each stall repeatedly. After nearly an hour of searching, I finally found the hidden mechanism in the last left stall. There was a slight friction mark to the right of the hook on the left wall, which was barely noticeable if you didn't look carefully.