
Omega In DXD

Darkseide dies In Hand of Superman. But the story Doesn't ends as He reincarnated into Highschool DXD World. He isn't bounded by his True Form Anymore. Now he is Gonna enjoy his New Life. {Harem and R-18 warning}

Power_King_4153 · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs


"AND THE WINNER IS UXAS KAIDOU!!!" The refere Declared as The Crowd cheered for him.

Under 15 Karate Competition and Uxas(Darkseide) was the Winner. Quite Ironic that His Name was Given Uxas by his Parents.

The writers doing? Cause he remembers that Japanese people don't name their kids Like that.

"THE WINNER IS ISSEI HYOUDO!" The Refere Declared as The Crowd cheered for him.

Issei Hyoudo Under 15 Kendo championship campion.

"Ux-san I told you! I will Win!" Issei said in joy.

"Yeah . . . Quite Impressive " Uxas said with a Slight sweat drop.

Darkseide didn't wanted to Join in such Childish championships. But His Father Insisted. Being a hardcore Police Officer. His Father taught him his Fighting Skills. Even though it's far fodder Compared to Torquasm which can Be learnt by Any Humanoid species. It gave him excuse to use those Unseen martial art technique to use on other kids to beat em quite easily. 

And this Kid named Issei from neighbourhood spawned Randomly one day when he was secretly training his K.I circuits.

And He is Clinging onto him calling him Friend since that day.

He was Training Kendo. Darkseide did knew some sword techniques which he taught him later wards. Issei had a Rather easier time beating his Opponent.

This Kid at young age of 9 or something wants to Become Harem King or something.

Quite Ironic Darkseide was Surrounded by finest women in Apocalypse 24/7

Even He doesn't knows why the Fuck this Dude is Clinging onto him.

But Since he has to maintain a image of Good kid in front of His Parents and His father also knew Issei's parents so it makes it more difficult for him.

Even Fox Suggestes him to be friends with The Kid.

He only got one life he has to experience it with all possibilities.

Since he isn't bounded by His True form anymore and has Free will of his Own it will be A Good experience.

"Hmmm Issei do You believe in Magic and Stuff?" Uxas said.

"Magic Like Superpowers and Such? The one I see on TV?" Issei asked.

"Better" Darkseide lights a Fire from his Finger to show a Example.

"W0W!" Issei exclaimed.

"You want It Or Not?"

"I want it! I NEEEEEDDDDD ITTTTTTT!" Issei screamed.

"Stop Screaming. Let's go to some place where There is No one To Disturb." Uxas said as.

They started to Walk.

After walking for a Kilometre or Something they reached near a Hill.

{Two star Barrier- Photon Barrier activate} Fox said as He casts spell.

It's a Barrier that Creates a Illusion that no one from the Outside see what Is happening Inside.

Issei is Very Excited to see what is gonna happen.

"Do You trust me?" Uxas Asked.


{The 'Every' part sounds Fishy} Fox said.

'Ignore it, he is a Kid' Uxas said.

"So What I will do Is I will channel magic inside your Body and You will get Magical Powers If My theory is Correct." Uxas said.

Issei Nodded as Uxas started Illegal magic Experiment.

A reddish Orange coloured Aura starts floating Around Uxas as his Signature Magic Circle appears and He formed a Ball of Magic.

"I-I am getting Chills" Issei claimed.

{My Lord this. . . .  . Kid . .. . He isn't normal} Fox Said.

'Yeah I know a 12 year old kid Dreaming about Boobs and Butt isn't normal'

{.  . . . . .}

"Here You Go Issei" Uxas said as He pushed the magic orb towards Issei.

It slowly starts to levitate and enters Issei's body through the chest.










{Uhhhh . . . . The Fuck?} Nothing happens.


'Why the Fuck Nothing happened?' Uxas asked Fox as He was having Dinner.

{Thats a very Good question My Lord}

'What did You meant by he isn't normal back then'

{I sensed a . . .  Strange energy from him . . It wasn't his of course}

'Some short of Sealing?'

{It's not new concidering our Past experience}

'Okay . . So my magic went their . I really meant giving him powers though since I can't do everything alone here . . . . Let the Kid Cook till then' Darkseide said.


The 12 year old boy with golden brown eyes and spiky brown hair stood in his bathroom crying out in pain. His entire body felt like it was on fire as an unbearable itching pain spread over him. He grimaced in agony as he hunched over the sink coughing up what felt like dirt.

From his throat several embers and clumps of ash erupted over the mirror and the counter as smoke began to come from his mouth. He coughed furiously as he looked back up in the mirror. His eyes then glowed green as he coughed up more embers.

The boy looked at himself painfully, "What's happening to me?!"

From his arm a crimson red gauntlet then manifested out of glowing red energy. From the back of his hand he could now see a green orb glowing within. It flashed as a voice filled his head,

{You have awakened me at last my new host.}

"W-what?! Who said that?! Where are you?!" Issei panicked as he looked around the room. The voice he heard sounded deep and echoic as if it were coming from inside his mind. Whatever created it was definitely not human.

{I am sealed within you boy. I am within the Longinus Boosted Gear that is bound to your soul. My name is Ddraig and I am the Red Dragon Emperor,} the voice answered powerfully.

"Longina what?! Boosted Gear?! Why does my body feel like it's on fire?!" Issei demanded as he felt his left arm's new red gauntlet.

{You are the reincarnation of my power, child. The sensations you are feeling are the result of being the host of a heavenly dragon,}Ddraig explained.

"Heavenly dragon?! You're a dragon?! Dragons aren't real! What the heck is this thing on my arm?!" Issei shot back as a crimson glow coated his arm.

{I will explain shortly, but first you must gain control of your power! Calm your emotions and still your breathing! Focus on returning to your normal self in your mind and your magic shall recede back within you}The dragon commanded.

Desperate to get rid of the horrible pain, Issei did his best to focus on returning to normal and attempted to calm down. Much to his surprise, imagining it in his mind actually worked. Before long, the red gauntlet over his arm finally dissipated and his eyes were now back to their natural color. Shortly afterward, the burning sensation finally stopped.

Now in a more stable condition, Issei glanced back into the mirror relieved. Despite his gauntlet being gone, a green circle still appeared on the back of his left hand.

The voice of Ddraig spoke to him in a calm tone, {Good, you managed that better than I expected. Most hosts end up destroying a lot more before they figure out how our power works. It is based on your will.}

Issei looked down at the glowing green circle on his hand incredulously, "I'm…your host? What does that mean? You're inside of me? Why did you pick me?! I'm just a kid! What's a dragon doing inside of me?"

{Calm yourself, boy. We dragons do not choose our vessels. I am bound to the sacred gear, and it manifests in a human host after the previous one dies. I have no control over where or who I end up with,} Ddraig elaborated.

"Okay…so you're a dragon then? Why's a dragon in a sacred gear? What the hell is a sacred gear supposed to be anyway?" Issei asked.

{Sacred Gears are the gifts of God. They are bestowed upon humans by God and enact miracles upon the world. There are thousands of them and they are highly sought after by angels and devils. Your sacred gear is a Longinus, which is a unique and godly type of sacred gear. Supposedly there are only 13 of them. Yours is the Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet…the Boosted Gear,} the dragon continued explaining.

Issei was dumbstruck with the explanation, "God? As in the guy floating around in the clouds? He's real?!"

{Yes…he is. Unfortunately, my battle with him is the reason why I am currently sealed within your sacred gear. As I explained, I am the Welsh Dragon Ddraig. To the rest of the world I am better known as one of the two heavenly dragons…the Red Dragon Emperor,} Ddraig patiently answered.

"You fought god?! Just how strong are you?" Issei gawked.

{No angel, demon, or god is a match for the heavenly dragons. Albion and I are greater than even the Five Great Dragon Kings. As my host, this power is yours to command as well,}Ddraig said proudly.

"Who is Albion?" Issei asked.

"He is the other heavenly dragon and my eternal rival…the White Dragon Emperor. He and his host will one day seek you out to battle. Such is the way of our eternal feud. You must master the Boosted Gear and be ready for that day," Ddraig commanded.

"I still don't know what's going on…" Issei said as he shook his head.

{I will explain everything in due time. For now, we should prioritize training you and focus on concealing your power for stealth} Ddraig said.

"And How do I train that with? It's already mid-Night!" Issei said.

Then The Door Bashed Open.

"What's Up Dude! Did you miss me?!" It was None other than Uxas.

"Ux? What are you doing?!" Issei asked.

"What are you talking about? You just awakened something cool didn't you?" Uxas said.

"Ummm yeah" Issei showed his hand which had his gauntlet equipped on.

Darkseide closely Inspected the Gear.

"Bio Teachnology . . . Hmm and magic" Uxas said.

{It's a Pleasure to meet you . . . Uxas} Ddraig said.

"It's also a Pleasure to meet you . . ."

{Ddraig} The dragon Said.

"So let me get this straight you were a Very strong Dragon who fought a God few Thousand years ago and Got himself sealed here" Uxas said.

{ . . . . Yes . . That's summary of it}

"U-umm aren't my parents awake?" Issei asked fearfully

"Nope, I casted a Sound barrier. It will be just fine" Uxas said.

{Thanks for the Magic supply Uxas, Thanks to that I was Awaken pre-maturely} Ddraig said.

"I guessed that, You were the reason why The Magic Amp didn't worked, well letting that Aside how Strong are you?" Uxas said.

{I am just a Weapon now, But If my new host manages to bring out my Full power there will be Hardly any Being to Match his Strength} Ddraig said full of Confidence.

{Hmm if what the dragon says is True then it will be worth making him our ally} Fox said inside Darkseide's brain.

'Yeah, Unlike my Past I just need a Few Powerful Ally' Uxas said.

{Don't . . . You want to conquer this world}

'Noo. . . Let's just enjoy things . . It's my past either way.' Uxas said.

{You scared?}

'Quite the Opposite'




