
Old Man's Cold World of Insects(on wait)

Warning: SEVERAL typos and there may be later changes to chapters. (Edit: i won't be touching this for a while. My first idea when creating this changes as i wrote every chápter and had more/betternideas and am still trying to figure out better ways to write. Not expecting anyone to care but don't mind to read this all will be deleted in the future.) A old dying man goes to his grandparents house in the countryside to die in piece after working for his entire life. There full of regrets for the greedy life he lived he finds a life creation manual and creates a small world for himself. Sadly all thw lifeforms he manages to create are cold in their core and are creatures who simpky pretend to be human and immitate human emotion. Watch as this old man governs like a god over these beings who are no better than unempathetic insects as he develops a utopia for those who are born with feelings to reight over these inferior beings.

Nojaro_sann · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Side Chapter - S1

Smear had always been the only insect he had ever known that worried about appearance. Even back into the Anscient times he always went out of his way to purposely evolue into astetically pleasing forms by instinct. His strenght was to him only natural given his beautiful appearance.

That was how he viewed life.

However as time went on he quickly realised he had gravely missunderstood things.

First it was Scorpio's predescessor Gutan, he had a gross demeanor and repulsive appearance. His body was disproportional, gruesome filled with fighting scars all over his body, fluids oozing out of some and crawling in from some.

Even with that gruesome body he was yet still stronger than Smear in every aspect.

For a while Smear was confused for many years. If beauty was not what brought strenght then what did? He questioned his very existance and eventually went into seclusion for a long while util he eventually found the strenght he needed and made breakthrough.

Doing so he succeeded in defeating Gutan.

After him he met Ultima, back then she was already extremely big with long legs, the shortest wich of was easily over 2km in lengt. His fights againstbher were arduous. Her body could produce a strong yet maleable gray string from her body besides a multitude of poisons. Smear and Ultima fough many many times and everytime it was a draw. In the end they became close friends and saven each other's lifes with frequence.

Then it was Bisma, the horrendous creature measured kilometers in lenght. It's power came exclusively from it's physical strenght and she didn't have any special powers like Smear and Gutan himself but her strenght was impressive. So impressive she managed to knock out Guten, Smear and 400 others 200 of which were killed on first impact.

The centipede ate almost everything on that emisphere of the continent and they were short on everything.

It was at that time they met Adam. The massivd bettle was pitch black with hardly anything to distinguish him from darkness itself besides the white light of the sun reflecting from his body. The first move was from Bisma who used the same swing that killed over 200 insects before yet it was caught by him.

Adam proceded to teat ans shred her body in pieces using his limbs and mouth in ingenuous wais no other creature could imagine. At the end he won a one-sided battle.

Smear, Ultima, Bisma and Gutan tried to defeat him more than once since that time but in the end became his subjects.

Eventually Adam fed them God's Gift and killed Guten.

Adam was the revolutionary who brought them to a new era of prosperity, evsn though he did such things as banning the unlucky sould below them he was still a great leader up util he officialised the Church of Darkness.

All of the lords piously heard Adam's ramblings back then.

But he became a fanatic who asked too much of them. Constant sacrifices, offerings and he constantly pondered the current population not enough and entertained the idea of banning them too.

With all of this the lords separated themselves from him and he was eventually the last member of the Church of Darkness.

Eventually the lords slowly gained their human forms. Adam was still the strongest but he seemed to always be something short and was never able of becoming god's image.

Util he did.

And now Smear understood why Adam had gone crazy.

'God is too great. God is too superior.'

That was what had been on his mind since God's Spawn came to this world.

'Even only being here for a few seconds only a single sentence from him was enough to move me. I, Scorpio, Bisma, Ultima. We have no chance against that.'

Smear sent 25 of his strongest knights to God's Spawn. They had never returned, and Smear thought he knew the reason.

Smear could still see in the distance where the Temple of God's Descent was located a structure stood tall made of cubic shapes.