
Old Man's Cold World of Insects(on wait)

Warning: SEVERAL typos and there may be later changes to chapters. (Edit: i won't be touching this for a while. My first idea when creating this changes as i wrote every chápter and had more/betternideas and am still trying to figure out better ways to write. Not expecting anyone to care but don't mind to read this all will be deleted in the future.) A old dying man goes to his grandparents house in the countryside to die in piece after working for his entire life. There full of regrets for the greedy life he lived he finds a life creation manual and creates a small world for himself. Sadly all thw lifeforms he manages to create are cold in their core and are creatures who simpky pretend to be human and immitate human emotion. Watch as this old man governs like a god over these beings who are no better than unempathetic insects as he develops a utopia for those who are born with feelings to reight over these inferior beings.

Nojaro_sann · ファンタジー
14 Chs

OMCW Chapter 8 - Inferior

'It has no smell. Now that i think about it i don't even know if i have olfactory glands. Most likely not. Everything on this world is toxic and poisonous anyway smell won't help you in any considerable degree."

Ju studied and apreciated this vessel he made. He also slowly became more used to it.

Ju looked forward and saw a single man standing while three crawled looking at him in awe.

'H-He brethed in all that reminiscing toxic gas!' Smear and company besides Adam were taken by surprise. The gas surrounding Ju was in fact the reason dark element was considered useless. It's toxins were so dense that even if you managed to consude the rich Essence inside you would die because of the dark cloud of sickness and disaster it produced as a by-product.

Unknown to them the poison gas were dead bacteria from his body back when he created this world. They wouldn't affect his real body. About the reason why it didn't affect this body that was from this world was because in fact these dead bacteria were needed for it by design.

Adam below asked.

"Oh lord. What is your first order in the mortal plane?" Adam was extatic to obey god directly.

Ju stood quiet for a second before lifting his hand to his chin.

'Firstly i need to study their souls'

"Bring me a hundred individuals from your species."

The instant the words came out of ju's lips every Lord on the room stood up and walked out of the temple.

'Thankfully this body is superior in strenght and on biologically highet in the hierarchy." Ju made a body that is able to be above the insects inside Black Rock in all aspects to make sure he wouldn't be faced with danger while inside.

Meanwhile the Lords were out Ju decided to use this place for his experiments. He opened his mouth and from inside a calm river flowed out. This was Essence unporified Sundust that was toxic to his human body.

'It takes years for the essence to expurge it's toxic parts. I can't afford to waste so much time so i will use the essence directly with my avatar.' Ju's essence units were on the 4000s he didn't need to fear running low on it for a long time.

He used the Essence to directly shape the earth. On one of the walls he directly carved a square and dug deeper inside the mountain creating several rooms and foors.

When he was done he created a small facility 2 floors up above the entrance and 4 below.

The entrance floor had 8 rooms made in pairs of 2 with a looking glass between.

The first floor had 18 jailcels and the second had a observation station with 4 glass boxes.

Negative one was a greenhouse.

Negative two was a giant hall filled with chairs. Ju planned to use some of the insects brought here as staff and this would be their lunch area.

Negative three would be used as archive. Ju's avatar had clear memory and could even name and remember the names of each hair in a person's head, but if he wanted his workers to work well he had to offer them a way to effectvely store catalogue and search for information.

'I might even give them a computer if they behave well.' Ju smiled.

Negative three was the deepest level yet and it was taking him a really long while to complete it. The third level was many many meters below the surface and would be many kilometers in size.

The negative third level would be a Worldbox!

'Creating another planet is too costly. I don't currently have the materials or Sundust to even begin the process.'

'The current planet will also be extremely hard to turn into hospitable land, too many resoucess would be needed. It's much more razoable to create a smaller world and work from there.'

Black rock had been simply a experiment. And Ju came to realise soon that this experiment is very expensive.

"What i need to do right now are two things. First, discover the secret behind if the evolved bugs have human levels of cognition and what is up with their souls. Second, find a way to make these worlds as cheeply as possible."

Ju was, after all, a normal man now. If he started to spend hundreds of tgousands of dolars out of nowere there might be a investigation on him.

"The first month is crucial."

Ju went silent and quickly rushed the creation of the Worldbox.

At the end of the day ju had finished the contruction and brough all the insects into the facility. The lods were very surprised to see such a massive structure being carved in less than a day. He gave each of them a role and sdnt the lords away.

Firstly, ju wanted to test these beings cognitive functions. In the entrance level he brought a Homis woman with a face full of compound eyes and made several experimenta trying to measure her sou's response. At first he brough her food and measured the pleasure her brain.

'It seems their are very sensitive. Even a spoon of slightly sweetened food is equal to a human's sensation of Orgasm. Eating a full plate plus a cup of water is equal o much more than some unfortunate few have in their lifetime.

'Curiously enough their reaction isn't so good.'

Ju saw that all these emotion were all happdning on their core. The core itself was a soul so it was understandable their emotions would affect that area. But he also paid attention to the Net that covered the Core. The net seemed to be doing the knowledge Sea's job of carrying the emotions from the soul to the body.

But what was special about the Thought Nea was that it wasn't sending to the body the same reaction Ju expected from that ammount of pleasure. It was like lifting a heavy rock. The insects needed a lot more than a Human to show an equal ammount of phisical reaction but at the same time a lot more.

Example, the feeling of drinking water after being thirsty for a day. If one of the insects did the same they would feel like they hadn't drank anything for one year but the Knowledge Net would make their body react like it had been a day.

Another strange thing is that the brain registers the feeling equaly! But the phisical reaction would be like it had been a day! It's amazing!

Ju pondered for a second after being shocked. He then ordered the helper who was feeding her to leave the room and he himself entered.

After he entered the room the Homis woman stood up with a lot of surprise. She had been told he would check the experimsnts but she didn't know Ju was already here. For her she was only been fed some food, she didn't know that was already part of the experiment.

She was quiet and some sweat scrolled down her face but ahe didn't speak. Looming at her Ju sat on the reasearcher's chair and spoke to the woman.

"Please don't be worried. Have a sit."

'H-How nice.' She thought someone who was directly related to god would be extremely cruel and arrogant like her superiors. She is a high ranking soldier so she had also spoken with one of the lords Smear once before and he was also extemely arrogant and seemed to hold some level of contempt towards her.

She sit back and The God asked for her hand.

Ju grabbed her hand and muttered something very quietly.

"I'm sorry." The Homin could see a bit of empathy in the god's eyes.

Ju assumed that if pleasure was multiplied so much, pain would be much more. In nature pain is a essential ecolutional trait.

Ju didn't know why but their body seemed to show much less than their brain and soul were feeling. He theorised the same sould be true for suffering.

Without waiting any longer he pumped Essence into the Homin. Just enough to fracture the bone while he stared at her soul.

And he waited. And waited.

Ju felt something was strange so he kept pumping. Eventually he started to see some more signs of pain covering the soul shen it suddenly cut off. He snapped back to reality and realised shat he had done.

The pure white wall was completely covered in blood, on the ground a pool of black blood formed. Ju could see some signs of cuts on the walls and ceiling. But when he looked at the girl's body he was instantly shocked on the ground the perfectly humanoid looking girl was now a mix and mash of insect parts.

Ju was shoked before he recollected his thoughts and realised what happened.

Right after Ju inserted the first wave of essence she reacted with a bit of pain but as she was a great warrior who fough many battles against multiple beasts and several thiefs and enemies in many tournaments this was but trivial.

However her reaction slowly worsened. From a trivial pain that would heal in a day she could feel her arms being crushed she was scared at this point.

Evsntually the pain covered her whole body. At this moment she realised. He was going to kill her. She instantly tried to releasd herself but she was no match for god. She tried to ask gently but god didn't hear, she tried to attack him but god didn't move, she tried to beg him but god ignored. She eventually wan on the ground bleeding to her death she slowly spoke full of dread, fear, and regret for every action that brough her to that place.

"God, how have i failed you?" And her head ploped against the somehow still standing table.

Ju was taken aback.

'What the hell?!?' Ju was surprised. He was sure it didn't hurt at all! At most this was just about the same as a big pinch!

"Hmph! "How have i failed you" my ass stop over reacting you bitch!"

That was the end of the first day of ju's experiments.

For the following week Ju continued with his experiments. And they all followed the same.

First Ju would feed the subject bad food, the normal food, them extr.elly good food and kill them. The result was the sane everytime.

At some point Ju did the same with all the staff in the facility to make sure they souldn't go around spreading rumors about him. And the result was the same everytime.

'The insects feel very little pain. But their bodies simply overreact way too much!'

'If i cut their arms and legs it barely affects their soul and brain! Yet still the Knowledge Net and the brain work together to make thsir bodies over react! There is even a provlem aith proportion! Because they feel so little pain they also consciously force their reaction.'

'Looking at them begging for their lives is like seeing a baby slapping a wall and dying of so much crying!'

Ju felt a headache.

'This is so ridiculous... No that is not right. This is good if they don't suffer i don't need to worry about then nearly as much.'

Ju also learned that the stronger the Insect the bigger the Insect's Soul's core is.

'The diminishing in pain is caused by the existance of the Knowledge Net. As a Insect grows in strenght the core, which works as an actual soul, grows a little bit and they are capable of feeling more pain. Though for them the ammount you need to strenghten yourself for just a bit of growth is a lot. Ju guessed that even if he tortured adam who is the strongest being on the planet for hundreds of years it would still be at most the level of a strong headache.

Standing on a chair covered in blood in a room filled with monstruous corpses. Ju's mind was but filled with one single word.


In every aspect.
