
Old Man's Cold World of Insects(on wait)

Warning: SEVERAL typos and there may be later changes to chapters. (Edit: i won't be touching this for a while. My first idea when creating this changes as i wrote every chápter and had more/betternideas and am still trying to figure out better ways to write. Not expecting anyone to care but don't mind to read this all will be deleted in the future.) A old dying man goes to his grandparents house in the countryside to die in piece after working for his entire life. There full of regrets for the greedy life he lived he finds a life creation manual and creates a small world for himself. Sadly all thw lifeforms he manages to create are cold in their core and are creatures who simpky pretend to be human and immitate human emotion. Watch as this old man governs like a god over these beings who are no better than unempathetic insects as he develops a utopia for those who are born with feelings to reight over these inferior beings.

Nojaro_sann · ファンタジー
14 Chs

OMCW Chapter 2 - Delivery, Name, Star, Planet, old woman

He went to the front door and was greeted by two men.

One holding a small carboard packet and one very tall and muscular standing back with a backpack. Both wearing a deliverman uniform from Tamazon

"Hello sir i am Raga and my partner here is Ghia we are here to deliver your order? You just need to sign here and i will pass this to you."

'Already? This is weird. I also don't understand why such a big man-'

'Oh i get it now'

The man took the paper from Raga and stopped to think a little.

'I just really hope they didn't evsn think of doing anhthing to the original deliverymans. I might be ruthless but i'm also against killing innocents.'

'Hmmm... Let me think of a name. If before i was Mazerith Jonathan my new name will be...'

Mazerith thought for a while and then wrotte down.

He returned the paper and Raga the deliveryman read it inwardly.

"Manny Ju" Raga stared at Ju and was met back with a intense luck unfitting for the sickly old man.

Raga's face stared at the old man for a second before turning into a friendly smile.

"Oh well Mr. Ju! What a peculiar name! I wonder if it's a eastern name?"

Ju returned the friendly remark with a sarcastic laugh and a fdiendly smile.

"Well well well what a nosy brat we got here huh? You're only a delivery man yet trying to butt your nose on someone you just met? Wow! This generation is really amazing! Every single one of them are so shameless it's simply amazing!" Ju spoke all of these "nice" words with an even nicer smile plastered on his face.

Faced with such kind words Raga kept his friendly smile and replied in high spirits.

"Ahaha. My apologies we'll be delivering this small box first while my friends put the wooden planks you ordered" Raga pointed to the truck stopped a few meters down the street and the few workers on it.

"Is there where do you want us to deposit it all? Oh, also this is only half of what you ordered."

"Of couse it is do you think i'm stupid? Just place it in the back. I'll be on the shed working on a small project. Don't bother coming to notify me when it's done. Just close everything and be gone before the sun sets."

Raga replied "Aha." And left to continue his job. The tall man behind him put his backpack on his hands and threw it towards the inside of the house just a few melimeters of hitting the old man. When it landed it broke one of the rotting floor planks.

Ju went back to his shed and atarted to study the small armor piece he saw.

Ju didn't have to worry is those deliveryman would steal anything.

'It's easier for them to comit sepuku on my yard than to steal from me!"

He came back to his little project.

Taking a better look at the small chest plate and using several rulers he found Ju made a small work table and studied the small chestplate along with several other small items from the box.

Each piece was on average half a milimiter in size some seemed to not be made for humans. Some where shaped in such a way that it looked like it was made to fit on a bird's wings some were like a snake's tail.

'Did grandfather Jo make all of these? Wow i didn't know he was such a hand on the weel. Such a level of detail is...'

Ju could not have enough of the pieces. Almost all of them were unique and some even glew on the dark. He was taken aback with each one he studied. There were even some tremendously bigger than the rest. Even though most armors were no bigger than a centimeter. There were some over 10 centimeters!

And they where in no way rougher looking than the rest! They were in fact much more detailed.

Carved on each available surface was at the very least one strange letter and the most interesting about these letters was that he could not memorise them! He had seen the same one over 200 times but he would forget how it looked like after taking his eyes out of it!

'This is fun!' The house? Forget about it! Ju was old and he would die in less than 4 months! The important was that he was enjoying something after over 10 years of being isolated in a office signing papers!

Eventually Ju had taken from the original box over half. Inside it however he found something very different. As he dug deeper on the box the more interesting the pieces looked he was having a lot of fun piecing the sets together to make full armors.

Now however in the midde of a level filled with platina armors was a paper book. On it's cover was written with beautifull old dialect's letters with a caligraphy that he was very familiar with.

"Creator's hand book:

Compiled edition including

World Creation Manual

Life Creation Manual..."

'What? This is Grandfather's letter but it also has Grandmother's touch to it...'

Ju could not help but feel nostalgic and decided on reading this rediculous sounding book.

When he opened the "Creator's handbook he was taken aback and started to convulse in place."

The book suddenly released a small ammount of light that entered his head. Around him the several pieces of armor he had studied started to glow and flew into the air and in his direction.

Only a few pieces did that while the rest did not react at all. A total of 14 full armor sets flew and slowly became a blue dust and fused into him.

After this happened Ju woke up and opened his eyes wide open.

He quickly brough his hands to the front of his face and spoke in disbelief.


Ju was sweating cold and was deeply desceptioned with himself.

"Beetles... Are you serious this was the only fitting race for me?"

After opsning the Creator's handbook Ju had received a gift from his grandparents along with knowledge of their past.

His grandparents were not actually from earth. They were alien humans with a society that parasited on other worlds. Exept it was artificial worlds they created for their own pleasure. After years of world creating however they stopped breeding. Soon their numbers dwindled and they went on their own journeis around the universe looking for new footing. His grandparents were actually the last two fertile of their species.

Afraid of how their society they went out on the universe and eventually found earth by accident. Here they had his father.

And this "Creator's handbook" was something meant to his father but sadly he was born a "cripple" maybe DNA damage from travelling for years on the space under heavy radiation exposure. The same for his elder sister.

'I'm probably the last "Creator" in existance. The others couldn't have lived for too long out in space, there is also that earth is a absurdly rare healthy planet. Even the Creators's original planet is almost barren out of water puddles on it's poles. Earth is just brimming with life and energy that not even more than 200 planets like this must exist in this era.'

Ju glared back to his hands.

'Still. To think that i'm only capable of building beetle cels...'

"Huh. As it turns out the last of the creators is the god of insects huh?"


Ju pondered on his chair for a while and stared at the box full of armors.

"These are the remains of the worlds my grandparents had running util they died. These worlds were in war with one another."

"Well i could say it was sadistic of my parents to see these worlds destroy one another. But they wanted to wage war so i can't really blame them. They are actually to be praised for attending such stupid wishes."

Ju was quist for a minute before sighing.

"I guess even i who had the least danified DNA sequence still didn't have even enough sundust to unlock the beetle cell production. I gotta thank all of you" Ju thanked the armor setd who sacificed themselves. 'They where probably the last conscient ones of the bunch'

Ju smirked.

"Hah. However now i think it's time to try chapter 1" Ju had opened the Handbook on the middle and accidentally learned life creation before world creating."

Now opening the book however was different from the Life Making side. He was now supposed to manually control his Sundust to make the nescessary tools.

"Ehem "Firstly create a trigger. A trigger is meant to more easily start the Sundust manipulation state"... Thankfully i opened the middle section first otherwise i would have no idea what any of this was."

Ju stood up and meditated for a moment finally creating a very effective trigger. A big stomp on the ground. In the memories he received his grandparents both had this as their trigger. But as both of them were much stronger and experienced than Ju right now their trigger had changed into a simple light tap on the ground. Even simple steps suffice for them.

Holding the Handbook in hand and having a trigger set Ju came back to his house. It was completely focused he then suddenly made a big stomp. Almost breaking the plank bellow his feet.

The impact of his feet seemed to make a small ammount of dust fall from his leg.

The small ammount of dust floated in front of him in a vortex.

"I really don't have much at all... i'l take what you prepared for me."

While the Sundust floated in it's own vortex Ju went back to the shed and brought back two boxes. After opening both he took out one sphere from each. One was made of yellow glass the other was a gray rock with several massive crevisses and missing chunks. Over 70% of it's surface was missing.

"A Planet!" Ju's grandparents left the most essential tools for Creators behing already in case some of their descendants do not have enough Sundust.

Ju input ecxactly 40% of the sundust into the planet and the rest into the sun. After using the trigger again both spheres started to float and the 'earth' orbited the star. He did all of this according to the Handbook.

Afterward he went to sleep.

The next dat ge woke up to see both spheres still floating.

Ju moved his eyes to the glowing glass sphere.

"Surprisingly enough this glass sphere also works to produce sundust for me. It cultivates sundust and absorbs abergy around it to make more. When it reaches the end of it's lifespan it breaks and returns double the sundust input on it."

Ju looked back to the box the Sphere was in. Inside it there were 4 other spheres.

"Humm. I will use the remaining Sundust on this and set it's lifespan to a few days. Heh. Luckly earth has a very healthy energy source!"

Ju brough the floating glass sphere outside and activated it with the remaining Sundust he had."

Then he waited 3 days.

On the first day the sphere was dim and identical to glass. The second day it's form started to melt and change. The cold transparent surface was emiting warm yellow light and was slowly melting into a glowing paste.

The third day it's light was so strong it surprised Ju.

"Why is it so bright!?"

This kind of light is not supposed to come from this level of Star. A few hours later the light faded and the star slowly floated down to the ground. When Ju piced it up it broke and released twice the ammount of Sundust he put inside.

"..." Ju stood thoughtful.

I really have no idea why this think made such a commotion.



Ju was suddenly surprised by another doorbell ring.

He rushed for the door with a small bead of sweat on his forehead. His action were the polar opposite of how he acted with the assassins last time.

The reason was that he retired less than a day before that. His influence was still something those guys should fear.

But now over 3 days later his i fluence was eroding exponencially. He knew that when a big shot such as himself decided to retire so suddenly the first month was cricial. He has to hide as well as he could so his guys could erase his existance. Thankfully for him when all traces of him disappear he will already be dead and won't need to hide anything.

Ju peaked through a crack in the window of his home and saw a small commotion outside. Out there was a old woman accompanied by two young man. She pressed the doorbell a couple more times impatiently.

'Haah. It's just some granny.'

"Hey!! You still alive grandpa!?"

The woman screamed from outside seeming more pissed than preocupied with the security of the owner of the house.

'Grandpa? I will let you know i'm just a bit past my 40s!'

Ju spoke inwardly before poking his head out.

"Ya? What do you want?"

The old woman stared at him with a vexed and stressed look lingering on her face.

"Ohh? So you are still alive?"

A vein popped on ju's forehead.

'This granny's tone... I hate it!'

"Hump! Can i ask why i wouldn't be-!?" *cough* *cough* *cough*

The granny smiled.

"I wonder why?" She held a arrogant demeanor and a malice smile.

'What is wrong with this woman!? I jjst met you and you are wishing my death!?' Ju recomposed himself.

"Aaa. What are you here for?" 'Just be gone.'

"Nothing too serious. The neighboors just found strange the light coming from your backyard. This plus the many planks you ordered a few days ago people were starting to think you comitted suicide in a bonfire!"

Ju just stood there annoyed and dismissed the displeasing woman.

"Hah even if i did this is none of your business. I see from your demeanor you'd love to see me burn for some reason."

"Ohhh? I wonder where you got that from?" She puffed her cheeks crossed her arms with enough sarcasm to fill the ocean.

Shd then turned to leave. Ju stood there staring daggers at the woman's back.

One of the young mans stayed behind and spoke to Ju.

"Umm. Look dude i'm sorry for Mrs Mistia's demeanor. She was gonna buy the house if you didn't come to live in it. She is just bitter please be patient with her."

"...Hah... Is that so? Heh then i just got more reason to keep it!"

"Thanks for the headsup kid!" Ju gave the young man a thumbs up.

He went back inside and massaged between his eyes for a while before eying the floating crevisse filled chunk missing sphere he had in his living room and smiled.

"If i can't use the stars to make more Sundust so i'll need to use the more interesting and time consuming method."

'Heh. This is where the fun starts!'