
Devant le monstre

Wow and I thought you said you were a loving guy said Joie. What do you mean I told you countless times all ready I volunteer at a animal shelter every weekend from open to close play with the dogs and cats that need playing and I spend after hours caring for my many pets that had I not adopted they would've never been adopted or cared for ok Joie I said. Yea man I just don't get why besides me you have no friends we both know you are the most famous person in this place oh yeah you mean the fact that I'm a only liked at that no good school is because I'm rich I said . Okay okay sorry Gentillesse oops I said your last name it's okay I'm used to it you should know that after all well man I am going head back home see you tomorrow… I never saw him after that day but turns out that a thug from a rival gang of the one that killed my parents I was tried that day so went to bed without doing my workout for that day and had I been there I could have maybe try to save him unlike what I could've done for my parents the next day had sealed the fact that no human is truly safe from crime Joies parents past and him hanging out with me had sent him to the grave and all I did was sleep. That day a parent had lost their oldest child and the day lelantos was rose up to take his place . A month after his death I had graduated from high school I started to spiral down a path of vengeance and besides working on my suit and it's gadgets I had worked out half of the night after taking care of my many pets I started learning about those savages that took the only people that loved and cared about I had watched every movie and comic I had on other anti heroes and decided that I was quite impressed by one as known as Rorschach he had a crew that he cared about called the watchman but they only knew him as well Rorschach he hid himself from everyone those who were closest to him and even himself.