

Seven years. It took me seven good years to achieve what I have now.

Since I dropped out of school, I had learnt skills to help someone like me survive.

I didn't want to rely on my family because they had their own problems to worry about and I had to take responsibility.

I owned a shop which was a café by day and a bar by night.

I needed all the money I could earn and to be honest I was earning pretty much since I was very popular among the local males.

I opened a door as I tiptoed into a room where I saw Takato sleeping in.

I laid by his side as I nozzled my nose into his neck making him to hug me as he smiled.

"Tokata, wake up." I whispered calling him the silly nickname that he enjoyed answering.

"Mama tired." He responded as he played with my hair, his eyes not opening as he cooed softly.

"Then it means no dessert for you." I whispered before he opened his eyes and then sat up.

"Mama you're so mean." He pouted before he got down from the bed making me to laugh really hard.

Takato was already six years old and he was such a sweet kid.

Everyone said that he looked so much like me but it got hard when they asked about his father.

Something I've never failed to avoid talking about even if the whole females in the neighborhood judged or pitied me about it.

Today Takato's school was going to be having the second gender test to determine their second gender and every part of me kept on screaming that he was going to be an omega.

I just hoped not because I didn't want him to suffer everything I went when I was younger after all I was fifteen when I got pregnant.

We lived at the top of the café so I didn't bother stressing myself about going to work.

All I had to do was wait for the bus to come pick up Takato before I opened the café.

After breakfast and packing Takato a full lunch so he could share with his friends who were always excited to know what new snacks he brought to school.

The bus finally came before he kissed my cheeks and then hopped on, sitting beside his very shy and awkward friend.

I walked back up to the house as I took a shower before I packed my hair which had grown below my shoulders.

I slightly got taller and my colour got paler because of the stress but I was okay.

I also didn't do much exercise so it affected my shape making the omega qualities to be very visible on me, I was far more feminine and curvy for an omega.

I opened the café and then my three employees, Kana, Kaede and Momo stepped in and greeted good morning.

Momo was a college student who worked part-time since most of her classes were at night.

Kana used to be housewife but decided she wanted to work here after tasting my chocolate Swiss roll.

Kaede was single and worked here because this job paid her well and it was close to where she lived.

Among all of them only Kaede was a beta while we were omegas but she never minded and seemed comfortable with us.

Morning was always a rush hour because we had one of the best coffees and most foreigners who loved coffee or latte always came rushing here.

It was fun seeing the satisfied faces of my customers but because of my phobia, I couldn't talk or face my customers.

I hated strangers, I hated crowd and I avoided drunk people at all cost that was why I never ran the bar at night.

"Uhm, chief were out of some ingredients for the bread. I called our suppliers but they said that they are unable to make an impromptu appointment so I was wondering if you could go pick the order up since your less busy." Kana informed me before I looked at Kaede and Momo who were serving the customers.

"I'll go pick it up." I said before Kana sighed in relief and thanked me.

"At least now we know everyone likes the new cinnamon bread." I added before Kana nodded in agreement.

I got a bus to the closest location before walking to the company and picking up the box which was heavy.

I sighed as I walked out of the company hoping to find a taxi when I stepped on my foot and dropped the box, pouring all the onions and a few stuffs inside.

I cursed as I bent down to start picking them before I saw a hand stretching to pick one making me to retract my hand as quickly as possible to prevent contact before I secured my hand in my chest.

"Sorry if I scared you." I heard a very familiar voice before I slowly looked up making my slow pounding heart to beat fast in panic.

"Tomoki?" Haru said unsure that I was the one before he stretched the onion to me.

I continued to stare at him feeling my body trembling as flashes of what happened came back to me.

I gathered everything I could get, ignoring Haru who gave me a confused look before I ran past him ignoring the security and the eyes that were watching me.

I had to leave.

I had to move if he knew then he would take Takato from me.

If he knew maybe he might force me again.

I was having a panic attack even when I arrived back at the café.

I dropped the box drowning the girls voices before I climbed upstairs.

I locked the door behind me before I started scattering my drawers. I had to find it, I had to find my suppressants because my body was feeling the heat.

Just like last time, every time I got near him, it was like my heat was starting.

I finally found it before I took two pills inside my mouth before I drank a whole glass of water.

I started coughing loudly before I entered the shower, letting the water soak my clothes and myself.

I don't know how long I have been soaking under the shower because I must have fallen asleep but I suddenly felt cold before my eyes opened and then I saw Rin.

"Let's get you changed." Rin said as she helped me up before she dropped me on the bed.

"Rin." I said exhaustedly because of the heat as she helped me out of my clothes and dried me up.

"You're sister came but she couldn't enter because of your heat so I drove all the way from medical school and got here as soon as I could." She explained as she helped me put on the new loose clothes.

She covered me with blankets before she lighted scented candles to reduce the scent of my heat.

"Hinata is going to take care of Takato till you're better." She informed me before she brought some pills and dropped by my side.

"Take this, it'll help you feel better. I'll also get you stronger suppressants because the one your taking isn't helping you much." She said as I panted heavily trying to keep my body under control.

"I saw him. I saw him today." I said as I hugged myself tighter before Rin gave a confused expression.

"Haru? Did he do anything to you?" She asked with a face full of worry as she checked my body but I shook my head before she sighed in relief.

"I don't want him to take Tokata away from me. I don't want to be alone." I said as my eyes watered but I didn't let the tears fall.

"I promise you Yuki, no one is taking Takato away from you." Rin said before she held my hand.


"I promise you." She said before I slowly closed my eyes to sleep after relaxing.