

Ivy refuses to marry. She then created a scandal by sleeping with her driver, Jayde Ulrich. Ivy forced Jayde to marry her only to derail her marriage to a man of her father's choice. After successfully marrying Jayde, Ivy hopes that love will slowly grow between the two of them. Even though the caste gap is huge between them and her father hates Jayde for working as a driver, Ivy tries to accept Jayde for who he is. But Jayde's dark secret is starting to come to light. He was once engaged to a supermodel and almost had a child before the model miscarried. One by one Jayde's secrets are revealed. The man was not as good as Ivy had suspected. Their marriage which was originally full of sweet romance in an instant turned into a terrible disaster. And while Ivy is facing complicated issues involving her marriage, Ivy discovers that her father is dying. Ivy is in a dilemma between having to fight for her marriage or standing by her father who is struggling with his illness.

chalista_saqila · 都市
116 Chs


"Please stop for a moment at the Seven Eleven. There is something I want to buy."

"What do you want to buy?"

"You don't need to know. This is an essential item for women."


"Jayde! Shut up."

I shouted angrily behind him as I fiddled with my phone full of business messages from my clients. Not a single message from Axel until now, which is good. I'll throw him out of my brain. This matchmaking will not work. I better start looking for a way to annul my wedding to Axel.

"We have arrived. Ivy, if you don't mind, I want some ramen."

"So?" I pretended to be stupid in front of him. Maybe Jayde is the only driver who dares to order his boss to buy him ramen noodles. But actually it doesn't matter to me, because Jayde is my friend.

"Buy me one. Rachel forgot to buy it while shopping this morning."

"Hmm, alright. I'll buy it. Do you want anything else too? Beer? Potato chips? Chocolate? Tonight I'm in a good mood."

"Do you want to have a beer tonight with me? We can have a little time out, hmm?"

"Hmm, that's a good idea. Alright, I'll buy a beer later."

I stepped out of the car and walked into the deserted convenience store. I prefer shopping when the store is quiet rather than very busy. It makes me dizzy and confused. Now I can grab all the items I need while looking at other things I might need. And it's actually a little embarrassing. Jayde really guessed right what exactly I wanted to buy here. My tampons are running low. And I need it because today my period just started. Good grief! Again, the man managed to understand me well. I don't think any other man knows me better than Jayde. Even though I never seemed to share my personal things with him, Jayde could always read my movements exactly.

Sorry. Don't you work for Star Corp?"

I was picking out a beer when someone greeted me and stood right beside me. And when I lifted my head, jeez Danise Parker! Isn't this a cute coincidence. Why is this man here?

"You're… the guy I ran into earlier right? Ah, I'm sorry."

I slightly lowered my head and looked at him guiltily. Even though it's a little embarrassing, but I'm also grateful for the incident this afternoon. Hahaha... if I hadn't bumped into him, maybe I would never have known this cute guy.

"It seems you still remember me huh. Are you having a party? You took beer quite a lot."

"Oh, I'm not having a party. My friend wants to have a beer tonight with me. Can you help me to choose some good beers? I honestly don't know of good quality beer at all."

"Everything you choose is good. You have good taste. Are you done? I'll help you take it to the cashier. This convenience store belongs to my uncle, and I sometimes help him here when I'm not busy."

"Is that true? Wow, thanks a lot. By the way, how was your interview today?"

Danise Parker's face blushed slightly as he stroked the nape awkwardly. My goodness, this guy is so adorable. Even his shy smile also managed to make my heart work crazier than usual.

"I guess everything went well. Mr. Milano will contact me soon to let me know the results."



He was clearly confused by my words. His forehead was deeply furrowed, and the expression on his face was simply adorable. Danise really didn't know that he had actually been accepted to work as HR. And I quite admire him because he is not ashamed to work as a shop assistant in his uncle's convenience store even though he has the capacity to work in a good company.

"Congratulations because maybe you will be accepted to work in Star Corp. Mr. Milano wouldn't ask you to come into his office and interview you if you didn't meet his criteria as an employee. So hopefully we can meet again as partners in Star Corp. Oh, and thanks for your help, bye."

After paying, I immediately came out with a large plastic bag filled with beer, ramen, and a few of my other things. I don't know why I suddenly want to eat ramen with Jayde. I'm tired of home-cooked food that always looks healthy on the dining table. Once in a while I have to feel how to be human with unhealthy foods.

"You took so long, what were you doing in there?"

Was I that long? But seeing the bored expression on Jayde's face now, maybe I really spent too long chatting with Danise. I was too fascinated by Danie's personality that I forgot about Jayde who was waiting for me in the car.

"None of your business whether I take too long or not. After all, I have bought all your orders. Ramen and bottles of beer." I held the plastic bag high in front of his face.

"Don't complain too much. You should know that there are a lot of these items."

Jayde snorted in exasperation and took the plastic bag from my hand as I was about to throw it in his face.

"Okay, hurry up and we'll be going home. I'm starving, and you're making my stomach worse."

"Don't ever get mad at me. Remember that I am your young lady. Be polite to me."

"You suck, Ivy. I swear you will regret it for treating me like this."

I stuck my tongue out at him and pointed my middle finger at his frowning face. Jayde slammed the car door next to me, then got into the car violently until the car shook violently.


Hmm.. this ramen broth is really fragrant and thick. The aroma is savory with beef broth which makes my stomach scream more and more with hunger. It's all because of Jayde, he's the one who makes me want to eat this unhealthy food. Usually I eat healthy food cooked by the maids in this house or buy healthy food at the restaurant I frequent. But this time I broke the health rules I had strictly laid down. By the way where is that guy now, why is he taking so long? Even though I just told him to take a bowl and prepare the beer I bought earlier.

"Jayde... why are you taking so long? Good grief! Why did you drop the beer bottle?" I shouted annoyed.

Jayde grinned and lifted the beer bottle that was only half full. He dumped the beer all over the floor. God damn this guy. Luckily I bought three bottles of beer. Tsk, he has an alarming level of recklessness.

"Sorry I did not mean it."

"Quickly clean up and bring the rest to the table, I've cooked some ramen for you."

"You can cook? Didn't you say you couldn't?"

"Oh my god, it's just ramen. Of course I can. Damn you sucks. Why did Rachel accept you as her boyfriend? I think if I were your lover I would not be patient with you. Rachel really is a very patient woman."

"Hey, be careful what you say. I'm a nice guy. Rachel knows that for sure."

"I guess she's just forced to accept you since there's no other suitable boyfriend in this house. You're the only young man here. Rachel couldn't be dating Mr. Albert the old gardener or Arnold the newsboy."

Jayde narrowed his eyes at me in disgust. He was crouching on the floor trying to wipe up a spilled beer. Tsk, I'll keep an eye on him while he cleans the floors. Don't let my kitchen floor get dirty because of Jayde.

"Clean everything until it's really clean."

"Did you know that you are sickening today, Ivy."

"What? You dare to challenge me, huh?"

I glared at him and put my hands on my hips. Jayde suddenly stood up and cornered me until my back hit the kitchen wall.

"Jayde! Get away from me," I shouted angrily.

I tried to push his hard body away from me while turning my face away in panic because Jayde pushed my body until our bodies almost pressed against each other. Even Jyde leaned his face against mine and stared at me intensely.

"Jayde what are you doing! This is not funny at all! Kyaaa....mmpphffff..."

"Ssshh... lower your voice. You want to wake up the people in this house, huh? Why are you screaming like that? I just want to take a cloth behind you."


Shit. Why am I getting so hysterical around Jayde now. pounding so hard it felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest cavity. In fact, I can still smell Jayde's very masculine scent and the movement of his Adam's apple that goes up and down sexy when leaning towards me. Oh God, this is terrible. My heart Why would I have thought that Jayde would do something to me like that damn Alscot Silas did. Ah, what a shame!

"Why are you just silent and make me think badly of you? You scared me."

I walked away from him and stupid me for forgetting to turn off the stove. I was really afraid that Jyde would detect a blush on my cheeks.

"How can I tell you if you keep screaming like that. What were you thinking that made you scream like that?"

"Nothing. Please turn off the stove."

This is bad. Jayde mustn't have known that I thought he was going to kiss me. Even I thought things that were inappropriate for an innocent woman like me to think about. Arghh... it's all because of that bastard Alscot Silas. Now my brain has been tainted by something that is not good and looks disgusting like that. Watch out you Alscot Silas, if I ever see him again, I will take revenge on him.

"Have you finished cooking? I finished cleaning up the spilled beer, and this is what's left of the bottle."

"I'm done cooking. Just pour the beer here, and let's eat."

"Finally. I am very hungry."

Jayde took a fork and looked very impatient to eat his noodles. I even just poured it into our respective bowls, but Jayde looked like he was going to eat the noodles straight from the pot.

"Careful, the noodles are still very hot."

"Ahh... I'm starving." Jayde was blowing on his noodles and was desperate to eat them when even the noodles were still emitting thick smoke. Jayde suddenly screamed and threw his fork on the table as his lips were burning.

"I told you that it's still hot."

"Asshh... my lips are burning."

I grabbed his shoulder and saw his lips were very red. He wasn't lying that his lips were burning.

"I'll get some water."

Jayde fanned his lips with one hand while I fetched water from the fridge.

"Hurry up. It's starting to hurt."

"Wait. You're so fussy."

I handed the water to him and he immediately drank it greedily.

"How about now?"

"Much better."

I grabbed his chin, intending to look at his lips. But we were both staring at each other. My fingers pressed against his lips, and the air around us suddenly turned very hot. Jayde stared at me very intensely with his charming blue eyes. All my breath was sucked by his gaze until I felt shortness of breath. I clumsily pulled my hand away from his lips and walked to my table to eat my ramen which were getting cold. We both ate in silence and tried to forget about the stupid incident that just happened.