

To say our main character was bored would be a gross understatement, he was mind-numbingly bored. He laid in his bed, in a broken-down room, and only stared at the ceiling.

"I'm bored!" He shouted, his voice echoed throughout the room.

"When will someone else attack? I'm bored of just sitting in here doing nothing!" He complained to himself but made no movements to leave his confinements.

He took out his phone and loaded up reddit, his post, "Who wants unlimited power?"

The man then switched over to a word document which had a word total of 5 million words, how his phone could handle the extensive file is unknown. The title of the document, "How to be the perfect System."

"So many rules!

I mean really what does it mean by 'Someone worthy?' I'm not going to search extensively for this 'Chosen One' that is way above my pay grade." Thankfully for him, the document was well organized. The first section was all about choosing who to give your power to.

He closed out of the document and reopened the reddit post. To his surprise his karma on the site was now negative. He had never posted before but now after one post and less than 15 minutes it was negative.

The comments were calling the OP an idiot, delusional, mentally challenged, and or simply an asshole. Where this all came from, he didn't know. He was pissed but didn't break his phone, he wouldn't be getting another if he did. He took a deep breath and calmed himself. "I'm better than them. I'm calm. I don't want to break things. I'm calm…I'm calm." He repeated this mantra to himself before he read further into the replies.

"This OP is a delusional piece of shit, he doesn't deserve to continue to breathe the same air that I breathe. Unlimited power? HA! Doesn't he know such a thing can never exist! Fucking Idiot!" Stated OP slamming his arm down and broke the bed underneath him. In effect, the bed was turned to complete dust. While the OP continued to hover in the same position.

The OP read further using his most fortifying mental powers to not break anything else. There had been nothing else to break in this room besides himself and his phone, two things he couldn't be without.

It wasn't till the 157th reply that someone answered, "Yes. I don't understand the hate towards the OP. There was no opinion stated or even actions offered. He simply asked, 'Who wants unlimited power?' I would argue that you all are the delusional ones. You're all too scared to admit that you as well dream of such a truth, a time where you hold unlimited power. I'm not afraid to admit to such shortcomings, I do wish for unlimited power. I do want it."

The OP was pleased with #157 response but he was one of few. Much like his post, this response was heavily voted down, being him as well into negative karma. This troll wouldn't matter much longer though.

The OP reopened the word document and read how to create the system link. It was much simpler than he expected.

"First, the 'System' needs to be dead. Okay got that covered.

Next, the user needs to accept the system. Okay covered.

Finally, the System must connect via the soul connection spell. It is also suggested to add a conceal spell for convenience towards the user. Once you fulfill these requirements you are now a true System. Please refer to later chapters for questions asked by the user, as to not get punished by Lord."

The man first did a person finder spell then did a mind connection to start communication with #157.

"Hello, you have been chosen."

Another story!

Bronzeapollocreators' thoughts