
of the king

Anya kobrin was only sixteen when she first came to Del-Rey Delgado_the genetically altered rebel known as the coyote Ghost. For six years they plotted to free a group of coyote women kept in Anya's father's lab. As Anya matured into a woman, she and Del grew close...... but on the day of the ambush, he broke his promise and shot her father. Filled with rage over the betrayal, Anya discovers an even stronger emotion is consuming her mind and body-the animalistic desire known as mating heat. Though Del feels it with the same intensity, Anya questions whether she can forgive him or trust him again. As they stealthily maneuver to bring the freed Breeds to safety, one question remains supreme:Can Anya and Del survive their heart. Find out in this heat-filled thrilling and steamy romance

Precious_Genevieve_0455 · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 3

She was threatening him? He wanted to laugh in surprise at her sheer daring. Instead, he merely chuckled, rapped the  wall and waited for Brim to step Inside . 

         "Get her out of here quickly, " he ordered the other man."Return her to the station. She's going back to her, safe little home. "

          Brim gave the girl a hard look before nodding and standing back to allow her to leave the room. She moved past him, then turned and stare at Del-Rey. 

           "You should smile, " she told him softly, surprising him yet again. "I bet you're really cute when you smile. "

          He held the smile back until she left, then Shook his head as a grin shaped  his lip . The little imp. He was going to have a bit of trouble on his hand with this one, he could see. And a bit of a challenge. 

                                      Two Years Later

"This is insanity. " Anya jumped from the  chair in the back off yet another dirty room and faced the man that entered the room. "You have to move faster than this. " 

        Del_Rey. Dark blond hair grew on his shoulders, black eyes so deep that at times they reflected the faintest hint of Blue. 

           A darker blonde brows arched at her outburst as he watched her coolly.  He watched her the same as he had two years before, when she had met him the first time. The half-dozen times she had seen him since hhd changed nothing in how he treated her. 

            But something in her had changed.  She dreamed of him too often. Thought of him too often. 

            " I told you this doesn't happen quickly, "he warned her. " Those Labs are not exactly easily accessible, darling. We are doing our best. And if your  coyote friend is as smart as I suspect she is, then she knew the wait would be a long one."

               "Breeds are being rescued all over the world, "she argued fiercely." Labs just as secure have been penetrated"

              "And many, many lives have been lost, "he warned her. " For the moment, your Labs are safe from the killings that are everyday business with the other breeds. They don't kill Coyotes unless they begin to show mercy. So far, those in your group are too young to be in much danger. "

            "They already starting to transfer the older othi. " Her fist clenched at her side at the memory of the group that had gone out over a month ago. "We can't continue to wait like this. "

               " Six were transferred, and once they cleared Russia borders they were extracted. Three died for warning their guards that they were being rescued as we made the attempt." He lifted the camcorder from the desk and switched it on before setting it in front of her. "I believe you knew them. "

           Shock, betrayal. Anya's eyes widened as she stared at the recording. Three of the coyotes that she and Sharone had protected  countless times had betrayed the others as the rescue group moved in. They had turned weapons on their fellow breeds. Their eyes hard, they spouted  councul Bullshit in cold voices. 

Stay tuned lovelies 🥰